Flash / Flex / ActionScript/Data Type/Variable scope

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ActionScript available scopes:

   <source lang="java">

package {

 // Code here is in the global scope
 public class SomeClass {
   // Code here is in the SomeClass scope
   public static function staticMeth (  ):void {
     // Code here is in the staticMeth scope
   public function instanceMeth (  ):void {
     // Code here is in the instanceMeth scope
     function nestedFunc (  ):void {
       // Code here is in the nestedFunc scope

} // Code here is in the global scope


Class Level (Static) Variables and Methods are accessed by using the class name followed by the object name

   <source lang="java">


 import flash.display.Sprite;
 public class Main extends Sprite{
   public function Main(){
       trace(ScopeTest.foo); // Displays: bar


class ScopeTest {
     public static var foo:String = "bar";

Function-Level Variables and Functions

   <source lang="java">


 import flash.display.Sprite;
 public class Main extends Sprite{
   public function Main(){
       var myTest:ScopeTest = new ScopeTest();
       myTest.showGreeting(); // Displays: Hello, world!
    //   trace(myTest.message); // undefined

} class ScopeTest {

     public static var foo:String = "bar";
     public var answer:Number = 42;
     public function showGreeting():void {
        var message:String = "Hello, world!";



Instance Level Variables and Methods are independent for each instance of the class

   <source lang="java">


 import flash.display.Sprite;
 public class Main extends Sprite{
   public function Main(){
       var myTest:ScopeTest = new ScopeTest();
       trace(myTest.answer) //Displays: 42

} class ScopeTest {

     public static var foo:String = "bar";
     public var answer:Number = 42;



Instance Method Scope

   <source lang="java">

package {

 public class SomeClass {
   public function instanceMeth (  ) {
     // Code here is in the instanceMeth scope



Static Method Scope

   <source lang="java">

package {

 public class SomeClass {
   public static function staticMeth (  ) {

} package {

 public class SomeClass extends SomeParentClass {
   public static function staticMeth (  ) {
     // Local variables, nested functions, and namespaces defined here
     // are accessible throughout staticMeth

