PHP/Statement/foreach — различия между версиями

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Версия 10:37, 26 мая 2010

Array element order and foreach()

$letters[0] = "A";
$letters[1] = "B";
$letters[3] = "D";
$letters[2] = "C";
foreach ($letters as $letter) {
    print $letter;

Displaying the contents of an array using a loop

$shapes = array("S" => "Cylinder",
                "N" => "Rectangle",
                "A" => "Sphere",
                "O" => "Sphere",
                "P" => "Rectangle");
foreach ($shapes as $key => $value) {
    print "The $key is a $value.<br />";

Foreach Demo

<title>Foreach Demo</title>
$list = array("A", "B", "C", "D", "E");
print "<ul>\n";
foreach ($list as $value){
  print " <li>$value</li>\n";
} // end foreach
print "</ul>\n";

Implementing the traversable Iterator

    class IterateExample {
        public $var_one = 1;
        public $var_two = 2;
        private $var_three = 3;
        public $var_four = 4;
    $inst = new IterateExample();
    foreach($inst as $key => $value) {
        echo "$key = $value\n";

Iterating through a multidimensional array with foreach()

$flavors = array("Japanese" => array("hot" => "A",
                                     "salty" => "B"),
                 "Chinese"  => array("hot" => "D",
                                     "pepper-salty" => "C"));
foreach ($flavors as $culture => $culture_flavors) {
    foreach ($culture_flavors as $flavor => $example) {
        print "A $culture $flavor flavor is $example.\n";

Iterating Through Object Properties

    class Person {
            public $FirstName = "B";
            public $MiddleName = "T";
            public $LastName = "M";
            private $Password = "asdfasdf";
            public $Age = 29;
            public $HomeTown = "Edinburgh";
            public $FavouriteColor = "Purple";
    $bill = new Person( );
    foreach($bill as $var => $value) {
            echo "$var is $value\n";

Looping through an Enumerated Array

  $emp_det []= "A";
  $emp_det []= "B";
  $emp_det []= "C";
  $emp_det []= "D";
  $emp_det []= "E";
  $emp_det []= "F";
  foreach ($emp_det as $temp) {
    echo "$temp", "\n";

Modifying an array with foreach()

$meals = array("A" => 1,
               "B" => 4.95,
               "C" => 3.00,
               "D" => 6.50);
foreach ($meals as $dish => $price) {
    $meals[$dish] = $meals[$dish] * 2;
foreach ($meals as $dish => $price) {
    printf("The new price of %s is \$%.2f.\n",$dish,$price);

Using foreach() to Iterate Through an Array

    $myarray = array("php", "is", "cool");
    foreach($myarray as $key => $val) {
      echo "The value of index $key is: $val<BR>";
    foreach($myarray as $val) {
       echo "Value: $val<BR>";

Using foreach() with numeric arrays

$dinner = array("A",
foreach ($dinner as $dish) {
    print "You can eat: $dish\n";