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Dynamic Form interacting with an embedded Grid
* Ext JS Library 3.0.0
* Copyright(c) 2006-2009 Ext JS, LLC
<title>Hello World Window</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ext-3.0.0/resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="ext-3.0.0/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
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* Ext JS Library 3.0.0
* Copyright(c) 2006-2009 Ext JS, LLC
// turn on validation errors beside the field globally
Ext.form.Field.prototype.msgTarget = "side";
var bd = Ext.getBody();
// Define the Grid data and create the Grid
var myData = [
["3m Co",71.72,0.02,0.03,"9/1 12:00am"],
["Alcoa Inc",29.01,0.42,1.47,"9/1 12:00am"],
["Altria Group Inc",83.81,0.28,0.34,"9/1 12:00am"],
["American Express Company",52.55,0.01,0.02,"9/1 12:00am"],
["American International Group, Inc.",64.13,0.31,0.49,"9/1 12:00am"],
["AT&T Inc.",31.61,-0.48,-1.54,"9/1 12:00am"],
["Boeing Co.",75.43,0.53,0.71,"9/1 12:00am"],
["Caterpillar Inc.",67.27,0.92,1.39,"9/1 12:00am"],
["Citigroup, Inc.",49.37,0.02,0.04,"9/1 12:00am"],
["E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company",40.48,0.51,1.28,"9/1 12:00am"],
["Exxon Mobil Corp",68.1,-0.43,-0.64,"9/1 12:00am"],
["General Electric Company",34.14,-0.08,-0.23,"9/1 12:00am"],
["General Motors Corporation",30.27,1.09,3.74,"9/1 12:00am"],
["Hewlett-Packard Co.",36.53,-0.03,-0.08,"9/1 12:00am"],
["Honeywell Intl Inc",38.77,0.05,0.13,"9/1 12:00am"],
["Intel Corporation",19.88,0.31,1.58,"9/1 12:00am"],
["International Business Machines",81.41,0.44,0.54,"9/1 12:00am"],
["Johnson & Johnson",64.72,0.06,0.09,"9/1 12:00am"],
["JP Morgan & Chase & Co",45.73,0.07,0.15,"9/1 12:00am"],
["McDonald\"s Corporation",36.76,0.86,2.40,"9/1 12:00am"],
["Merck & Co., Inc.",40.96,0.41,1.01,"9/1 12:00am"],
["Microsoft Corporation",25.84,0.14,0.54,"9/1 12:00am"],
["Pfizer Inc",27.96,0.4,1.45,"9/1 12:00am"],
["The Coca-Cola Company",45.07,0.26,0.58,"9/1 12:00am"],
["The Home Depot, Inc.",34.64,0.35,1.02,"9/1 12:00am"],
["The Procter & Gamble Company",61.91,0.01,0.02,"9/1 12:00am"],
["United Technologies Corporation",63.26,0.55,0.88,"9/1 12:00am"],
["Verizon Communications",35.57,0.39,1.11,"9/1 12:00am"],
["Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.",45.45,0.73,1.63,"9/1 12:00am"]
var ds = new{
reader: new{}, [
{name: "company"},
{name: "price", type: "float"},
{name: "change", type: "float"},
{name: "pctChange", type: "float"},
{name: "lastChange", type: "date", dateFormat: "n/j h:ia"},
// Rating dependent upon performance 0 = best, 2 = worst
{name: "rating", type: "int", convert: function(v, rec) {
if (rec[3] < 0) return 2;
if (rec[3] < 1) return 1;
return 0;
// example of custom renderer function
function italic(value){
return "<i>" + value + "</i>";
// example of custom renderer function
function change(val){
if(val > 0){
return "<span style="color:green;">" + val + "</span>";
}else if(val < 0){
return "<span style="color:red;">" + val + "</span>";
return val;
// example of custom renderer function
function pctChange(val){
if(val > 0){
return "<span style="color:green;">" + val + "%</span>";
}else if(val < 0){
return "<span style="color:red;">" + val + "%</span>";
return val;
// render rating as "A", "B" or "C" depending upon numeric value.
function rating(v) {
if (v == 0) return "A"
if (v == 1) return "B"
if (v == 2) return "C"
// the DefaultColumnModel expects this blob to define columns. It can be extended to provide
// custom or reusable ColumnModels
var colModel = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([
{id:"company",header: "Company", width: 160, sortable: true, locked:false, dataIndex: "company"},
{header: "Price", width: 55, sortable: true, renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney, dataIndex: "price"},
{header: "Change", width: 55, sortable: true, renderer: change, dataIndex: "change"},
{header: "% Change", width: 65, sortable: true, renderer: pctChange, dataIndex: "pctChange"},
{header: "Last Updated", width: 80, sortable: true, renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer("m/d/Y"), dataIndex: "lastChange"},
{header: "Rating", width: 40, sortable: true, renderer: rating, dataIndex: "rating"}
bd.createChild({tag: "h2", html: "Using a Grid with a Form"});
* Here is where we create the Form
var gridForm = new Ext.FormPanel({
id: "company-form",
frame: true,
labelAlign: "left",
title: "Company data",
width: 750,
layout: "column", // Specifies that the items will now be arranged in columns
items: [{
columnWidth: 0.60,
layout: "fit",
items: {
xtype: "grid",
ds: ds,
cm: colModel,
sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({
singleSelect: true,
listeners: {
rowselect: function(sm, row, rec) {
autoExpandColumn: "company",
height: 350,
title:"Company Data",
border: true,
listeners: {
render: function(g) {
delay: 10 // Allow rows to be rendered.
columnWidth: 0.4,
xtype: "fieldset",
labelWidth: 90,
title:"Company details",
defaults: {width: 140, border:false}, // Default config options for child items
defaultType: "textfield",
autoHeight: true,
bodyStyle: Ext.isIE ? "padding:0 0 5px 15px;" : "padding:10px 15px;",
border: false,
style: {
"margin-left": "10px", // when you add custom margin in IE 6...
"margin-right": Ext.isIE6 ? (Ext.isStrict ? "-10px" : "-13px") : "0" // you have to adjust for it somewhere else
items: [{
fieldLabel: "Name",
name: "company"
fieldLabel: "Price",
name: "price"
fieldLabel: "% Change",
name: "pctChange"
xtype: "datefield",
fieldLabel: "Last Updated",
name: "lastChange"
}, {
xtype: "panel",
layout: "table",
layoutConfig: {
columns: 4
anchor: "100%",
defaults: {
border: false,
layout: "form",
labelWidth: 15,
style: {
paddingRight: "10px"
// A radio group: A setValue on any of the following "radio" inputs using the numeric
// "rating" field checks the radio instance which has the matching inputValue.
items: [{
cellCls: "x-form-item",
xtype: "label",
text: "Rating",
width: 98
}, {
items: {
xtype: "radio",
name: "rating",
inputValue: "0",
fieldLabel: "A"
}, {
items: {
xtype: "radio",
name: "rating",
inputValue: "1",
fieldLabel: "B"
}, {
items: {
xtype: "radio",
name: "rating",
inputValue: "2",
fieldLabel: "C"
renderTo: bd
// Create Panel view code. Ignore.
createCodePanel("form-grid.js", "View code to create this Form");