HTML CSS Reference/HTML Attributes Reference/end — различия между версиями

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Версия 09:21, 26 мая 2010

"end" Example

    .time{ behavior: url(#default#time2);}
<BODY BGCOLOR="white">
<SPAN CLASS=time STYLE="COLOR:Red;" BEGIN="0" end="3"
    <H3>Paragraph #1</H3>
    <P>This is paragraph number one. 
       It appears for three seconds immediately 
       after the page is loaded.</P>

end is applied to

| Applied_To     |<a>                             <acronym>                     |
|                |<address>                       <area>                        |
|                |<b>                             <big>                         |
|                |<blockquote>                    <button>                      |
|                |<caption>                       <center>                      |
|                |<cite>                          <code>                        |
|                |<dd>                            <del>                         |
|                |<dir>                           <div>                         |
|                |<dl>                            <dt>                          |
|                |<em>                            <fieldset>                    |
|                |<font>                          <form>                        |
|                |<hn>                            <hr>                          |
|                |<i>                             <iframe>                      |
|                |<img>                           <input type="button">         |
|                |<inputtype="checkbox">          <input type="file">           |
|                |<input type="hidden">           <input type="image">          |
|                |<input type="password">         <input type="radio">          |
|                |<input type="reset">            <inputtype="submit">          |
|                |<input type="text">             <ins>                         |
|                |<kbd>                           <legend>                      |
|                |<li>                            <listing>                     |
|                |<marquee>                       <menu>                        |
|                |<ol>                            <option>                      |
|                |<p>                             <pre>                         |
|                |<q>                             <s>                           |
|                |<samp>                          <small>                       |
|                |<span>                          <strike>                      |
|                |<strong>                        <sub>                         |
|                |<sup>                           <table>                       |
|                |<tbody>                         <td>                          |
|                |<textarea>                      <tfoot>                       |
|                |<th>                            <thead>                       |
|                |<tr>                            <tt>                          |
|                |<u>                             <ul>                          |
|                |<var>                           <xmp>                         |

"end" Syntax and Note

This attribute belongs to the HTML+TIME technology introduced by Microsoft. 