JavaScript Reference/Javascript Objects/currentStyle — различия между версиями

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Текущая версия на 08:22, 26 мая 2010

"currentStyle" CSS Attributes and JavaScript Style Properties

Names noted with an asterisk (*) are JavaScript properties only.
| CSS            |accelerator                     background                    |
| Attributes     |background-attachment           background-color              |
| and            |background-image                background-position           |
| JavaScript     |background-position-x           background-position-y         |
| Style          |background-repeat               behavior                      |
| Properties     |border                          border-bottom                 |
|                |border-bottom-color             border-bottom-style           |
|                |border-bottom-width             border-color                  |
|                |border-left                     border-left-color             |
|                |border-left-style               border-left-width             |
|                |border-right                    border-right-color            |
|                |border-right-style              border-right-width            |
|                |border-style                    border-top                    |
|                |border-top-color                border-top-style              |
|                |border-top-width                border-width                  |
|                |color                           cursor                        |
|                |direction                       display                       |
|                |filter                          font                          |
|                |font-family                     font-size                     |
|                |font-style                      font-variant                  |
|                |font-weight                     hasLayout(*)                  |
|                |layout-grid                     layout-grid-char              |
|                |layout-grid-line                layout-grid-mode              |
|                |layout-grid-type                letter-spacing                |
|                |line-break                      line-height                   |
|                |margin                          margin-bottom                 |
|                |margin-left                     margin-right                  |
|                |margin-top                      overflow                      |
|                |overflow-x                      overflow-y                    |
|                |padding                         padding-bottom                |
|                |padding-left                    padding-right                 |
|                |padding-top                     page-break-after              |
|                |page-break-before               pixelBottom(*)                |
|                |pixelHeight(*)                  pixelLeft(*)                  |
|                |pixelRight(*)                   pixelTop(*)                   |
|                |pixelWidth(*)                   posBottom(*)                  |
|                |posHeight(*)                    posLeft(*)                    |
|                |posRight(*)                     posTop(*)                     |
|                |posWidth(*)                     scrollbar-3dlight-color       |
|                |scrollbar-arrow-color           scrollbar-base-color          |
|                |scrollbar-darkshadow-color      scrollbar-face-color          |
|                |scrollbar-highlight-color       scrollbar-shadow-color        |
|                |scrollbar-track-color           text-align                    |
|                |text-align-last                 text-autospace                |
|                |text-decoration                 text-indent                   |
|                |text-justify                    text-kashida-space            |
|                |text-overflow                   text-transform                |
|                |text-underline-position         textDecorationBlink(*)        |
|                |textDecorationLineThrough(*)    textDecorationNone(*)         |
|                |textDecorationOverline(*)       textDecorationUnderline(*)    |
|                |unicode-bidi                    visibility                    |
|                |white-space                     word-break                    |
|                |word-spacing                    word-wrap                     |
|                |zoom                                                          |

"currentStyle" Example

td {background-color:red; 
        <td width="1100" id="myCell">content</td>
<button onclick="alert(myCell.currentStyle.width);">Width of the table</button>

"currentStyle" is applied to

| Applied_To     |<a>                             <acronym>                     |
|                |<address>                       <applet>                      |
|                |<b>                             <bdo>                         |
|                |<big>                           <blockquote>                  |
|                |<body>                          <br>                          |
|                |<button>                        <caption>                     |
|                |<center>                        <cite>                        |
|                |<code>                          <col>                         |
|                |<colgroup>                      <custom>                      |
|                |<dd>                            <del>                         |
|                |<dfn>                           <dir>                         |
|                |<div>                           <dl>                          |
|                |<dt>                            <em>                          |
|                |<embed>                         <fieldset>                    |
|                |<font>                          <form>                        |
|                |<hn>                            <hr>                          |
|                |<html>                          <i>                           |
|                |<img>                           <input type="button">         |
|                |<input type="checkbox">         <input type="file">           |
|                |<input type="image">            <input type="password">       |
|                |<input type="radio">            <input type="reset">          |
|                |<input type="submit">           <input type="text">           |
|                |<ins>                           <isindex>                     |
|                |<kbd>                           <label>                       |
|                |<legend>                        <li>                          |
|                |<listing>                       <marquee>                     |
|                |<menu>                          <nobr>                        |
|                |<object>                        <ol>                          |
|                |<option>                        <p>                           |
|                |<pre>                           <q>                           |
|                |<s>                             <samp>                        |
|                |<select>                        <small>                       |
|                |<span>                          <strike>                      |
|                |<strong>                        <sub>                         |
|                |<sup>                           <table>                       |
|                |<tbody>                         <td>                          |
|                |<textarea>                      <tfoot>                       |
|                |<th>                            <thead>                       |
|                |<tr>                            <tt>                          |
|                |<u>                             <ul>                          |
|                |<var>                           <wbr>                         |
|                |<xmp>                                                         |

"currentStyle" JavaScript Methods

| JavaScript     |getAttribute                    getExpression                 |
| Methods        |setAttribute                    setExpression                 |

"currentStyle" JavaScript Properties

| JavaScript     |blockDirection                  clipBottom                    |
| Properties     |clipLeft                        clipRight                     |
|                |clipTop                         hasLayout                     |
|                |onOffBehavior                                                 |

"currentStyle" Syntax and Note

Returns all the styles applied to an element. 
It differs from the style object in that the style object only returns the styles 
that have been applied to the element inline.