PHP/MySQL Database/DBM — различия между версиями

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Текущая версия на 10:06, 26 мая 2010

Calculating password length with DBM

   <source lang="html4strict">

<?php $data_file = "/tmp/users.db"; $total_length = 0; if (! ($dbh = dba_open($data_file,"r","gdbm"))) {

   die("Can"t open database $data_file");

} $k = dba_firstkey($dbh); while ($k) {

   $total_length += strlen(dba_fetch($k,$dbh));
   $k = dba_nextkey($dbh);

} print "Total length of all passwords is $total_length characters."; dba_close($dbh); ?>


Storing structured data in a DBM database

   <source lang="html4strict">

<?php $dbh = dba_open("users.db","c","gdbm") or die($php_errormsg); if ($exists = dba_exists($_POST["username"], $dbh)) {

   $serialized_data = dba_fetch($_POST["username"], $dbh) or die($php_errormsg);
   $data = unserialize($serialized_data);

} else {

   $data = array();

} if ($_POST["new_password"]) {

   $data["password"] = $_POST["new_password"];

} $data["last_access"] = time(); if ($exists) {

   dba_replace($_POST["username"],serialize($data), $dbh);

} else {

   dba_insert($_POST["username"],serialize($data), $dbh);

} dba_close($dbh); ?>


Tracking users and passwords with a DBM database

   <source lang="html4strict">

<?php $user = $_SERVER["argv"][1]; $password = $_SERVER["argv"][2]; $data_file = "/tmp/users.db"; $dbh = dba_open($data_file,"c","gdbm") or die("Can"t open db $data_file"); if (dba_exists($user,$dbh)) {

   print "User $user exists. Changing password.";

} else {

   print "Adding user $user.";

} dba_replace($user,$password,$dbh) or die("Can"t write to database $data_file"); dba_close($dbh); ?>
