JavaScript Reference/Javascript Properties/nodeValue — различия между версиями

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Текущая версия на 08:21, 26 мая 2010

"nodeValue" Example

<script language="JavaScript">
function function4() {
<p>This PARAGRAPH has two nodes, 
    <b id="myNodeOne">Node One</b>, and 
    <b id="myNodeTwo">Node Two</b>.
<button onclick="function4();">Node One Value</button>

"nodeValue" is applied to

| Applied_To     |<a>                             <acronym>                     |
|                |<address>                       <applet>                      |
|                |<area>                          attribute                     |
|                |<b>                             <base>                        |
|                |<basefont>                      <bdo>                         |
|                |<bgsound>                       <big>                         |
|                |<blockquote>                    <body>                        |
|                |<br>                            <button>                      |
|                |<caption>                       <center>                      |
|                |<cite>                          <code>                        |
|                |<col>                           <colgroup>                    |
|                |<comment>                       <dd>                          |
|                |<del>                           <dfn>                         |
|                |<dir>                           <div>                         |
|                |<dl>                            <dt>                          |
|                |<em>                            <embed>                       |
|                |<fieldset>                      <font>                        |
|                |<form>                          <frame>                       |
|                |<frameset>                      <head>                        |
|                |<hn>                            <hr>                          |
|                |<html>                          <i>                           |
|                |<iframe>                        <img>                         |
|                |<input type="button">           <input type="checkbox">       |
|                |<input type="file">             <input type="hidden">         |
|                |<input type="image">            <input type="password">       |
|                |<input type="radio">            <input type="reset">          |
|                |<input type="submit">           <input type="text">           |
|                |<ins>                           <isindex>                     |
|                |<kbd>                           <label>                       |
|                |<legend>                        <li>                          |
|                |<link>                          <listing>                     |
|                |<map>                           <marquee>                     |
|                |<menu>                          <meta>                        |
|                |<noframes>                      <noscript>                    |
|                |<object>                        <ol>                          |
|                |<optgroup>                      <option>                      |
|                |<p>                             <param>                       |
|                |<plaintext>                     <pre>                         |
|                |<q>                             <s>                           |
|                |<samp>                          <script>                      |
|                |<select>                        <small>                       |
|                |<span>                          <strike>                      |
|                |<strong>                        <style>                       |
|                |<sub>                           <sup>                         |
|                |<table>                         <tbody>                       |
|                |<td>                            <textarea>                    |
|                |textNode                        <tfoot>                       |
|                |<th>                            <thead>                       |
|                |<title>                         <tr>                          |
|                |<tt>                            <u>                           |
|                |<ul>                            <var>                         |
|                |<xmp>                                                         |

"nodeValue" Possible Values

Possible Values
For a text node, the value is the text string. 
For an attribute node, the value is the attribute"s value. 
For an element node, the value is null.

"nodeValue" Syntax and Note

Read-only property. 
Returns the node value. 
document.all.elementID.nodeValue // IE only