HTML CSS Reference/HTML Attributes Reference/dir — различия между версиями
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Текущая версия на 08:20, 26 мая 2010
"dir" Example
<head><Title>Example For dir</Title></head>
<a dir="rtl"
target="_blank">rtl ltr</a>
dir is applied to
| Applied_To |<a> <acronym> |
| |<address> <area> |
| |<b> <bdo> |
| |<big> <blockquote> |
| |<body> <button> |
| |<caption> <center> |
| |<cite> <code> |
| |<col> <colgroup> |
| |<custom> <dd> |
| |<del> <dfn> |
| |<dir> <div> |
| |<dl> <dt> |
| |<em> <embed> |
| |<fieldset> <font> |
| |<form> <head> |
| |<hn> <hr> |
| |<html> <i> |
| |<img> <input type="button"> |
| |<inputtype="checkbox"> <input type="file"> |
| |<input type="image"> <inputtype="password"> |
| |<input type="radio"> <input type="reset"> |
| |<inputtype="submit"> <input type="text"> |
| |<ins> <isindex> |
| |<kbd> <label> |
| |<legend> <li> |
| |<link> <listing> |
| |<map> <marquee> |
| |<menu> <nobr> |
| |<noframes> <object> |
| |<ol> <option> |
| |<p> <pre> |
| |<q> <rt> |
| |<ruby> <s> |
| |<samp> <select> |
| |<small> <span> |
| |<strike> <strong> |
| |<style> <sub> |
| |<sup> <table> |
| |<tbody> <td> |
| |<textarea> <tfoot> |
| |<th> <thead> |
| |<title> <tr> |
| |<tt> <u> |
| |<ul> <var> |
| |<xmp> |
"dir" Syntax and Note
This attribute sets the read direction.
ltr causes content to be read from left to right.
rtl causes content to be read from right to left.
The default value is ltr.
<element dir="value" > . . . </element>