XML Tutorial/XML Schema/anyAttribute — различия между версиями
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Текущая версия на 08:26, 26 мая 2010
Attribute Wildcards
To declare an attribute wildcard, use the <anyAttribute>declaration:
<anyAttribute namespace="allowable namespaces"
processContents="lax or skip or strict">
The <anyAttribute>declaration can appear only within a <complexType> or <attributeGroup> declaration.
You are not allowed to create global <anyAttribute> declarations.
The namespace attribute allows several values:
##any allows attributes from all namespaces to be included as part of the wildcard
##other allows attributes from namespaces other than the targetNamespace to be included as part of the wildcard
##targetNamespace allows attributes from only the targetNamespace to be included as part of the wildcard
##local allows attributes that are not qualified by a namespace to be included as part of the wildcard
Whitespace-separated list of allowable namespace URIs allows attributes from any listed namespaces to be included
as part of the wildcard. Possible list values also include ##targetNamespaceand ##local.