PHP/String/preg replace — различия между версиями
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Версия 10:37, 26 мая 2010
- 1 $0 is set to the whole match, then $1, $2
- 2 Converting Line Breaks
- 3 e modifier treats the replacement string in preg_replace() as if it were PHP.
- 4 Entity encoding matched text
- 5 Escape a > character in HTML
- 6 Escaping Special Characters
- 7 Formatting a Phone Number
- 8 Pass a fourth parameter to preg_replace( ) to specify the maximum number of replacements you want to make.
- 9 pass arrays as parameter one and parameter two, and preg_replace() performs multiple replaces
- 10 Pass arrays of regular expressions and replacement strings to preg_replace().
- 11 preg_replace
- 12 preg_replace with index
- 13 Quote escaping in backreference replacements
- 14 Regular Expression Replacements
- 15 Remove any doubled-up whitespace
- 16 Replace any non-space whitespace, with a space
- 17 Replace with regular expression
- 18 Replacing URLs with Links
- 19 Replacing using backreferences
- 20 Replacing with preg_replace()
- 21 Using Back References with preg_replace()
- 22 Using preg_replace() to Replace Patterns
$0 is set to the whole match, then $1, $2
$match = "/the (car|cat) sat on the (drive|mat)/";
$input = "the cat sat on the mat";
print preg_replace($match, "Matched $0, $1, and $2\n", $input);
Converting Line Breaks
function line_break_set($subject, $type) {
switch ($type) {
case "mac":
$ending = "\r";
case "pc":
$ending = "\r\n";
$ending = "\n";
return preg_replace("/\r\n|\n\r|\n|\r/", $ending, $subject);
$str = "Multiple\rtypes of\n\rline breaks\r\nhave been placed
within this string\n\nSee?";
$mac = line_break_set($str, "mac");
$unix = line_break_set($str, "unix");
$pc = line_break_set($str, "pc");
echo "<pre>mac = ", addcslashes($mac, "\n\r"), "\npc = ",
addcslashes($pc, "\n\r"), "\nunix = ",
addcslashes($unix, "\n\r"), "</pre>";
e modifier treats the replacement string in preg_replace() as if it were PHP.
function convDate( $month, $day, $year ) {
$year = ($year < 70 )?$year+2000:$year;
$time = ( mktime( 0,0,0,$month,$day,$year) );
return date("l d F Y", $time);
$dates = "3/18/03<br />\n7/22/04";
$dates = preg_replace( "/([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)/e","convDate($1,$2,$3)", $dates);
print $dates;
Entity encoding matched text
$html = "The <b> tag makes text bold: <code><b>bold</b></code>";
print preg_replace("@<code>(.*?)</code>@e","html_entity_decode("$1")", $html);
Escape a > character in HTML
$html = "<p> replace > and >> and >>> </p>";
print "<b>Original text was: "" . $html . ""\n";
$html = strrev( $html );
$newhtml = preg_replace( "/>(?![^><]+?\/?<)/", ";tl&", $html );
$newhtml = strrev( $newhtml );
print "<b>New text is: "" . $newhtml . ""\n";
Escaping Special Characters
$html = "<p> replace > and >> and >>> </p>";
print "<b>Original text was: "" . $html . ""\n";
$html = strrev( $html );
$newhtml = preg_replace( "/>(?![^><]+?\/?<)/", ";tl&", $html );
$newhtml = strrev( $newhtml );
print "<b>New text is: "" . $newhtml . ""\n";
Formatting a Phone Number
$regex = "/^(\(?\d{3}\)?)?[- .]?(\d{3})[- .]?(\d{4})$/";
$values = array("1235551234","800.555.1234", "123-555-1234" );
foreach ($values as $value) {
$formattedValue = preg_replace($regex, "(\\1) \\2-\\3", $value);
echo $formattedValue . "\n";
Pass a fourth parameter to preg_replace( ) to specify the maximum number of replacements you want to make.
$a = "Foo moo boo tool foo";
$b = preg_replace("/[A-Za-z]oo\b/e", "strtoupper("$0")", $a, 2);
print $b;
pass arrays as parameter one and parameter two, and preg_replace() performs multiple replaces
$a = "Foo moo boo tool foo";
$b = preg_replace("/[A-Za-z]oo\b/e", "strtoupper("$0")", $a);
print $b;
Pass arrays of regular expressions and replacement strings to preg_replace().
$text = "25/12/2009, 14/5/0210. Copyright 2003";
$regs = array( "|\b(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)\b|", "/([Cc]opyright) 2003/" );
$reps = array( "$2/$1/$3", "$1 2004" );
$text = preg_replace( $regs, $reps, $text );
print "$text<br />";
$text = "This is a link to";
echo preg_replace("/http:\/\/(.*)\//", "<a href=\"\${0}\">\${0}</a>", $text);
preg_replace with index
$s = "";
echo preg_replace ("/^(\w+)@(\w+)\.(\w{2,4})/", "\1 at \2 dot \3", $s);
Quote escaping in backreference replacements
$html = "<code><b> It"s bold </b></code>";
print preg_replace("@<code>(.*?)</code>@e","html_entity_decode("$1")", $html);
print "\n";
$html = "<code><i> "This" is italic. </i></code>";
print preg_replace("@<code>(.*?)</code>@e","html_entity_decode("$1")", $html);
print "\n";
Regular Expression Replacements
$a = "Foo moo boo tool foo";
$b = preg_replace("/[A-Za-z]oo\b/", "Got word: $0\n", $a);
print $b;
Remove any doubled-up whitespace
$str = " This line contains\tliberal \r\n use of whitespace.\n\n";
$str = preg_replace("/\s(?=\s)/", "", $str);
// Echo out: "This line contains liberal use of whitespace."
echo "<pre>{$str}</pre>";
Replace any non-space whitespace, with a space
$str = " This line contains\tliberal \r\n use of whitespace.\n\n";
$str = preg_replace("/[\n\r\t]/", " ", $str);
// Echo out: "This line contains liberal use of whitespace."
echo "<pre>{$str}</pre>";
Replace with regular expression
$teststring = ""Hello" and "Goodbye."";
$greedyresult = preg_replace("/".*"/", ""***"", $teststring);
$nongreedyresult = preg_replace("/".*?"/", ""***"", $teststring);
echo "Original: $teststring\n";
echo "Greedy Replace: $greedyresult\n";
echo "Non-Greedy Replace: $nongreedyresult\n";
Replacing URLs with Links
$hostRegex = "([a-z\d][-a-z\d]*[a-z\d]\.)*[a-z][-a-z\d]*[a-z]";
$portRegex = "(:\d{1,})?";
$pathRegex = "(\/[^?<>#\"\s]+)?";
$queryRegex = "(\?[^<>#\"\s]+)?";
$urlRegex = "/(?:(?<=^)|(?<=\s))((ht|f)tps?:\/\/" . $hostRegex . $portRegex . $pathRegex . $queryRegex . ")/";
$str = "";
$str2 = "";
echo $urlRegex . "\n";
$sample1 = preg_replace($urlRegex, "<a href=\"\\1\">\\1</a>", $str);
$sample2 = preg_replace($urlRegex, "<a href=\"\\1\">\\1</a>", $str2);
echo $sample1 . "\n";
echo $sample2 . "\n";
Replacing using backreferences
Name E-Mail Address
print preg_replace("/([^@\s]+)@(([-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})/",
"\\1 at \\2", $members);
Replacing with preg_replace()
Name E-Mail Address
print preg_replace("/[^@\s]+@([-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,}/",
"[ address removed ]", $members);
Using Back References with preg_replace()
//converts dates in dd/mm/yy format to mm/dd/yy format:
$test = "25/12/2000";
print preg_replace("|(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)|", "$2/$1/$3", $test);
Using preg_replace() to Replace Patterns
$test = "this is a test.";
print preg_replace("/a test/", "another test", $test);