JavaScript Reference/Javascript Properties/firstChild — различия между версиями

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"firstChild" Example

Example revised from 
The Web Programmer"s Desk Reference
by Lazaro Issi Cohen and Joseph Issi Cohen 
ISBN: 1593270119
Publisher: No Starch Press 2004
<script language="JavaScript">
function newElem(myT) {
    var newI = document.createElement("LI")
    newI.innerHTML = myT
    return newI
function function1(form) {
    var newI = newElem(form.enter.value);
    var fLi = document.getElementById("myL").firstChild;
    document.getElementById("myL").replaceChild(newI, fLi);
function function2(form) {
    var newI = newElem(form.enter.value);
    var fLi = document.getElementById("myL").lastChild;
    document.getElementById("myL").replaceChild(newI, fLi);}
<input type="text" name="enter" size="50">
<button onClick="function1(this.form);"> Replace first item</button>
<button onClick="function2(this.form);"> Replace last item</button>
<ul id="myL"><li>First List Item</li><li>Second List Item</li></ul>

"firstChild" is applied to

| Applied_To     |<a>                             <acronym>                     |
|                |<address>                       <applet>                      |
|                |<area>                          attribute                     |
|                |<b>                             <base>                        |
|                |<basefont>                      <bdo>                         |
|                |<big>                           <blockquote>                  |
|                |<body>                          <br>                          |
|                |<button>                        <caption>                     |
|                |<center>                        <cite>                        |
|                |<code>                          <col>                         |
|                |<colgroup>                      <comment>                     |
|                |<dd>                            <del>                         |
|                |<dfn>                           <dir>                         |
|                |<div>                           <dl>                          |
|                |<dt>                            <em>                          |
|                |<embed>                         <fieldset>                    |
|                |<font>                          <form>                        |
|                |<frame>                         <frameset>                    |
|                |<head>                          <hn>                          |
|                |<hr>                            <html>                        |
|                |<i>                             <iframe>                      |
|                |<img>                           <input type="button">         |
|                |<input type="checkbox">         <input type="file">           |
|                |<input type="image">            <input type="password">       |
|                |<input type="radio">            <input type="reset">          |
|                |<input type="submit">           <input type="text">           |
|                |<ins>                           <isindex>                     |
|                |<kbd>                           <label>                       |
|                |<legend>                        <li>                          |
|                |<link>                          <listing>                     |
|                |<map>                           <marquee>                     |
|                |<menu>                          <meta>                        |
|                |<noframes>                      <noscript>                    |
|                |<object>                        <ol>                          |
|                |<optgroup>                      <option>                      |
|                |<p>                             <param>                       |
|                |<plaintext>                     <pre>                         |
|                |<q>                             <s>                           |
|                |<samp>                          <script>                      |
|                |<select>                        <small>                       |
|                |<span>                          <strike>                      |
|                |<strong>                        <style>                       |
|                |<sub>                           <sup>                         |
|                |<table>                         <tbody>                       |
|                |<td>                            <textarea>                    |
|                |<tfoot>                         <th>                          |
|                |<thead>                         <title>                       |
|                |<tr>                            <tt>                          |
|                |<u>                             <ul>                          |
|                |<var>                           <xmp>                         |

"firstChild" Syntax and Note

Read-only property. 
Returns the first child.
document.all.elementID.firstChild // IE only