JavaScript Reference/Javascript Properties/srcUrn

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"srcUrn" Example

Example revised from 
The Web Programmer"s Desk Reference
by Lazaro Issi Cohen and Joseph Issi Cohen 
ISBN: 1593270119
Publisher: No Starch Press 2004
@media all {IE\:homePage {behavior:url(#default#homepage)}} 
<script language="JavaScript">
function goHomePage(){
<script language="JavaScript" for="myA" event="onmouseout">
var m = event.srcUrn;
alert("The value of property srcUrn is: "+m);
<yourNs:homepage id="HP"/>
<a id="myA" href="" onClick="goHomePage();">Navigate to your home page</a>

"srcUrn" is applied to

| Applied_To     |event                                                         |

"srcUrn" Syntax and Note

Read-only property. 
Returns the URN (Uniform Resource Name) of the behavior triggering the event. 
A URN specifies the identity of a resource rather than its location.