PHP/Data Structure/in array
Версия от 10:37, 26 мая 2010; (обсуждение)
Checking for an element with a particular value
$meals = array("A" => 1,
"B" => 4.95,
"C" => 3.00,
"D" => 6.50,
"E" => 0);
$books = array("F","G");
if (in_array(3, $meals)) {
print "There is a $3 item.";
if (in_array("F", $books)) {
print "We have F";
// in_array() is case-sensitive
if (in_array("f", $books)) {
print "We have the f.";
Determining Whether an Element Is in an Array
$countries = array("Germany" => "German", "France" => "French", "Spain" => "Spanish");
$language = "Spanish";
printf("<p>%s of our visitors speak %s.</p>\n", in_array($language, $countries) ? "Some" : "None", $language);
$language = "asdfasd";
printf("<p>%s of our visitors speak %s.</p>\n", in_array($language, $countries) ? "Some" : "None", $language);
in_array() function is a control statement.
$language = "French";
$languages = array ("English", "Gaelic", "Spanish");
if (in_array($language, $languages)) :
print "$language edition.";
else :
print "We don"t yet offer a $language edition";
in_array( ) function return true if an array contains a specific value
//bool in_array ( mixed needle, array haystack [, bool strict] )
$needle = "Sam";
$haystack = array("Johnny", "Timmy", "Bobby", "Sam", "Tammy", "Joe");
if (in_array($needle, $haystack)) {
print "$needle is in the array!\n";
} else {
print "$needle is not in the array\n";
Locating Array Elements
//in_array() function determines whether or not an element exists in an array, returning true if it does,
//and false otherwise.
//Its syntax is: bool in_array(mixed element, array array)
$languages = array ("English", "Gaelic", "Spanish");
$exists = in_array("Russian", $languages);
print $exists;
print "<BR>";
$exists = in_array("English", $languages);
print $exists;