PHP/Data Structure/explode
- 1 Breaking Strings into Arrays with explode()
- 2 Display year an individual was born
- 3 explode( ) function converts a string into an array using a separator value
- 4 explode() function divides string into various elements, returning these elements in an array.
- 5 explode.php
- 6 Generating an ID with microtime()
- 7 Processing variable-length text fields
- 8 Reading and Writing Comma-Separated Data
- 9 Using explode() with date()
- 10 Using the explode() Function
Breaking Strings into Arrays with explode()
$start_date = "2000-01-12";
$date_array = explode ("-",$start_date);
Display year an individual was born
$expdate = explode ("-","1979-06-23");
echo $expdate[0] . ",";
echo $expdate[0];
explode( ) function converts a string into an array using a separator value
//array explode ( string separator, string input [, int limit] )
$oz = "Lions and Tigers and Bears";
$oz_array = explode(" and ", $oz);
explode() function divides string into various elements, returning these elements in an array.
The syntax is: array explode (string separator, string string [, int limit])
$info = "A|b|i";
$user = explode("|", $info);
print $user;
$summary = <<< summary
line 1
line 2
<a href="">PHP 5</a>
$words = sizeof(explode(" ",strip_tags($summary)));
echo "Total words in summary: $words";
Generating an ID with microtime()
list($microseconds,$seconds) = explode(" ",microtime());
$id = $seconds.$microseconds.getmypid();
Processing variable-length text fields
$delim = "|";
$fh = fopen("books.txt","r") or die("can"t open: $php_errormsg");
while (! feof($fh)) {
$s = rtrim(fgets($fh));
$fields = explode($delim,$s);
fclose($fh) or die("can"t close: $php_errormsg");
Reading and Writing Comma-Separated Data
$commafile = "data.txt";
if (file_exists ($commafile)){
$rows = file ($commafile);
for ($i = 0; $i < count ($rows); $i++){
$exprow = explode (",", $rows[$i]);
echo "ID: " . $exprow[0] . "<br />";
echo "Name: " . $exprow[1] . "<br />";
echo "Author: " . $exprow[2] . "<br />";
echo "<hr />";
} else {
echo "File does not exist.";
$idarray = array ("1","2","3");
$namearray = array ("Book 1","Book 2","Book 3");
$authorarray = array ("Author","Author","Author");
$newfile = "data.txt";
try {
if ($readfile = fopen ($newfile, "w")){
for ($i = 0; $i < count ($idarray); $i++){
$writestring = $idarray[$i] . "," . $namearray[$i] . "," . $authorarray[$i] . "\n";
fwrite ($readfile, $writestring);
fclose ($readfile);
} else {
throw new exception ("Sorry, the file could not be opened.");
} catch (exception $e) {
echo $e->getmessage();
Using explode() with date()
$ar = explode("|",date("h a|F d, Y"));
print "It"s after $ar[0] on $ar[1]";
Using the explode() Function
$input_string = "this is a test.";
$pieces = explode(",", $input_string);
echo "Names in List: <BR/>\n";
foreach($pieces as $name) {
echo trim($name) . "<BR/>\n";