HTML CSS Reference/CSS Attributes and Javascript Style Properties/word break
Версия от 09:21, 26 мая 2010; (обсуждение)
"word-break" Example
<div id="myD"
style="width:300px; background-color:beige;">
This is a sample paragraph.
This is a sample paragraph.
This is a sample paragraph.
This is a sample paragraph.
This is a sample paragraph.This is a sample paragraph.
This is a sample paragraph.
This is a sample paragraph.This is a sample paragraph.
This is a sample paragraph.
<input type="button"
value="Set wordBreak property to break-all"
"word-break" is applied to
| Applied_To |<address> <blockquote> |
| |<body> <center> |
| |currentStyle <dd> |
| |<dir> <div> |
| |<dl> <dt> |
| |<fieldset> <form> |
| |<hn> <hr> |
| |<legend> <li> |
| |<listing> <marquee> |
| |<menu> <ol> |
| |<p> <pre> |
| |runtimeStyle style |
| |<table> <td> |
| |<th> <tr> |
| |<ul> <xmp> |
"word-break" Possible Values
Possible Values
normal default; normal line breaks
break-all normal for Asian text
keep-all Allows line breaking for non-Asian text and
does not allow line breaking for Asian text
"word-break" Syntax and Note
How to break lines.
When working with a table, you must set the table-layout property to fixed.
element { word-break: value } = "value" = "value"