PHP/Form/Query String
parse_str() function parses string into various variables, setting the variables in the current scope.
The syntax is: void parse_str (string string)
$url = "fname=wj&lname=gore&zip=43210";
Passing Complex Values in a Querystring
string serialize ( mixed value )
mixed unserialize ( string str )
class someclass {
protected $someval;
public function setsomeval($newval) {
$this->someval = $newval;
public function getsomeval() {
return $this->someval;
$myclass = new someclass ( );
$myclass->setsomeval ( "Hello World!" );
$myarray = array ();
$myarray [0] = "Hello";
$myarray = serialize ( $myarray );
$myarray = urlencode ( $myarray );
$myclass = serialize ( $myclass );
$myclass = urlencode ( $myclass );
echo $myarray;
?>. &passedclass=<?php
echo $myclass;
?>">Output Current Value</a>
if (isset ( $_GET ["passedclass"] ) && isset ( $_GET ["passedarray"] )) {
$newclass = new someclass ( );
$newclass = $_GET ["passedclass"];
$newclass = stripslashes ( $newclass );
$newclass = unserialize ( $newclass );
echo "Object: " . $newclass->getsomeval () . "<br />";
$newarray = array ();
$newarray = $_GET ["passedarray"];
$newarray = stripslashes ( $newarray );
$newarray = unserialize ( $newarray );
print_r ( $newarray );
Passing Numeric Values in a Querystring
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<div align="center">
<p>Click a link to change the text color of the verbiage below:</p>
<a href="index.php?color=1">Green</a><br />
<a href="index.php?color=2">Red</a><br />
<a href="index.php?color=3">Blue</a><br />
<a href="index.php">Reset</a>
if (isset ($_GET["color"])){
$color = intval ($_GET["color"]);
} else {
$color = "";
if ($color == 1){
$fontcolor = "00FF00";
} elseif ($color == 2){
$fontcolor = "FF0000";
} elseif ($color == 3){
$fontcolor = "0000FF";
} else {
$fontcolor = "000000";
?><p style="color: #<?php echo $fontcolor; ?>; font-weight: bold;">Hello World!</p><?php
Passing String Values in a Querystring
<div align="center">
<p>Click a link to move to a new page:</p>
<a href="index.php?page=content1.html">Content 1</a><br />
<a href="index.php?page=content2.html">Content 2</a><br />
<a href="index.php?page=content3.html">Content 3</a><br />
$page = trim (urldecode (stripslashes ($_GET["page"])));
if (isset ($page) && $page != ""){
if (is_file ($page)){
require_once ($page);
} else {
echo "<p>Sorry, the page you have requested does not exist.</p>";