JavaScript Reference/Javascript Properties/method

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Версия от 08:21, 26 мая 2010; Admin (обсуждение | вклад) (1 версия)
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"method" Example

<script language=javascript>
    function function1() {
        document.getElementById("myForm").method = "post";
<form name="myForm" method="get" action="">
<textarea rows="3" cols="200">
<input type="button" 
       value="Change the mode of transferring the data to "post"" 

"method" is applied to

| Applied_To     |<form>                                                        |

"method" Possible Values

Possible Values
get            appends the data to the URL; 
               the maximum amount of data is 2,084 bytes, 
post           sends the data through an HTTP post transaction; 
               no limit on the amount of data.

"method" Syntax and Note

Read and write property. 
Sets the mode of transferring <form> data to the server. 
document.getElementById("formID").method = value
document.all.formID.method = value // IE only