JavaScript Reference/Javascript Properties/dir
Версия от 18:30, 25 мая 2010; (обсуждение)
"dir" Example
<script language="JavaScript">
function function1() {
document.all.myP.dir = "rtl";
<p id="myP" onload="function1();">ARABIC OR HEBREW IN TEXT THIS</p>
"dir" is applied to
| Applied_To |<a> <acronym> |
| |<address> <applet> |
| |<area> <b> |
| |<base> <basefont> |
| |<bdo> <big> |
| |<blockquote> <body> |
| |<br> <button> |
| |<caption> <center> |
| |<cite> <code> |
| |<col> <colgroup> |
| |<custom> <dd> |
| |<del> <dfn> |
| |<dir> <div> |
| |<dl> document |
| |<dt> <em> |
| |<embed> <fieldset> |
| |<font> <form> |
| |<frame> <frameset> |
| |<head> <hn> |
| |<hr> <html> |
| |<i> <iframe> |
| |<img> <input type="button"> |
| |<input type="checkbox"> <input type="file"> |
| |<input type="image"> <input type="password"> |
| |<input type="radio"> <input type="reset"> |
| |<input type="submit"> <input type="text"> |
| |<ins> <isindex> |
| |<kbd> <label> |
| |<legend> <li> |
| |<link> <listing> |
| |<map> <marquee> |
| |<menu> <meta> |
| |<nobr> <noframes> |
| |<noscript> <object> |
| |<ol> <optgroup> |
| |<option> <p> |
| |<param> <plaintext> |
| |<pre> <q> |
| |<rt> <ruby> |
| |<s> <samp> |
| |<script> <select> |
| |<small> <span> |
| |<strike> <strong> |
| |<style> <sub> |
| |<sup> <table> |
| |<tbody> <td> |
| |<textarea> <tfoot> |
| |<th> <thead> |
| |<title> <tr> |
| |<tt> <u> |
| |<ul> <var> |
| |<xmp> |
"dir" Possible Values
Possible Values
ltr left to right
rtl right to left
"dir" Syntax and Note
Read and write property.
Sets the text reading order.
The property does not affect alphanumeric characters in Latin documents.
document.getElementById("elementID").dir = value
document.all.elementID.dir = value // IE only