JavaScript Reference/Javascript Properties/tabStop

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"tabStop" Example

Example revised from 
The Web Programmer"s Desk Reference
by Lazaro Issi Cohen and Joseph Issi Cohen 
ISBN: 1593270119
Publisher: No Starch Press 2004
<html xmlns:yourNs>
<head><?import namespace="yourNs" implementation=""></head>

Contents of
<public:component tagName="yourTagName">
<attach event="oncontentready" onevent=contentReady() />
<script language="JavaScript"> 
function contentReady(){
    defaults.viewLink = document;
    defaults.viewInheritStyle = false;
    defaults.viewMasterTab = false;
<button onclick="alert(defaults.tabStop);">tab stop</button>
<button onclick="alert(defaults.viewLink);">tab viewLink</button>
<button onclick="alert(defaults.viewInheritStyle);">tab viewInheritStyle</button>
<button onclick="alert(defaults.viewMasterTab);">tab viewMasterTab</button>

"tabStop" is applied to

| Applied_To     |defaults                                                      |

"tabStop" Syntax and Note

Read and write property. 
Does this element join the tab order functionality.
defaults.tabStop = value