JavaScript Reference/Javascript Methods/insertAdjacentElement

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Версия от 08:22, 26 мая 2010; Admin (обсуждение | вклад) (1 версия)
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"insertAdjacentElement()" Example

<script language="JavaScript">
function function1() {
   var myElement = document.createElement("<div style="width:300; height:200;"></div>");
   document.all.myButton.insertAdjacentElement("afterEnd", myElement); 
<button id="myButton" onclick="function1();">Insert element</button>

"insertAdjacentElement()" is applied to

| Applied_To     |<a>                             <acronym>                     |
|                |<address>                       <applet>                      |
|                |<area>                          <b>                           |
|                |<base>                          <basefont>                    |
|                |<bdo>                           <bgsound>                     |
|                |<big>                           <blockquote>                  |
|                |<body>                          <br>                          |
|                |<button>                        <caption>                     |
|                |<center>                        <cite>                        |
|                |<code>                          <col>                         |
|                |<colgroup>                      <comment>                     |
|                |<dd>                            <del>                         |
|                |<dfn>                           <dir>                         |
|                |<div>                           <dl>                          |
|                |<dt>                            <em>                          |
|                |<embed>                         <fieldset>                    |
|                |<font>                          <form>                        |
|                |<frame>                         <frameset>                    |
|                |<head>                          <hn>                          |
|                |<hr>                            <html>                        |
|                |<i>                             <iframe>                      |
|                |<img>                           <input type="button">         |
|                |<input type="checkbox">         <input type="file">           |
|                |<input type="hidden">           <input type="image">          |
|                |<input type="password">         <input type="radio">          |
|                |<input type="reset">            <input type="submit">         |
|                |<input type="text">             <ins>                         |
|                |<kbd>                           <label>                       |
|                |<legend>                        <li>                          |
|                |<link>                          <listing>                     |
|                |<map>                           <marquee>                     |
|                |<menu>                          <object>                      |
|                |<ol>                            <option>                      |
|                |<p>                             <plaintext>                   |
|                |<pre>                           <q>                           |
|                |<s>                             <samp>                        |
|                |<script>                        <select>                      |
|                |<small>                         <span>                        |
|                |<strike>                        <strong>                      |
|                |<sub>                           <sup>                         |
|                |<table>                         <tbody>                       |
|                |<td>                            <textarea>                    |
|                |<tfoot>                         <th>                          |
|                |<thead>                         <title>                       |
|                |<tr>                            <tt>                          |
|                |<u>                             <ul>                          |
|                |<var>                           <xmp>                         |

"insertAdjacentElement()" Syntax, Parameters and Note

Inserts an element in the specified position.
document.all.elementID.insertAdjacentElement(param1, param2)
    param1   Required; 
             beforeBegin             just before the beginning of the element
             afterBegin              just after the beginning of the element
             beforeEnd               just before the end of the element
             afterEnd                just after the end of the element
    param2   Required; the element to be inserted.