JavaScript Reference/Javascript Objects/attribute

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Версия от 18:30, 25 мая 2010; (обсуждение)
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"attribute" Example

<input type="button" 
       value="Get the value of this button" 

"attribute" is applied to

Names noted with an asterisk (*) are JavaScript properties only.
| Applied_To     |attributes*                                                   |

"attribute" JavaScript collections

| JavaScript     |childNodes                                                    |
| collections    |                                                              |

"attribute" JavaScript Methods

| JavaScript     |appendChild                     cloneNode                     |
| Methods        |hasChildNodes                   insertBefore                  |
|                |removeChild                     replaceChild                  |

"attribute" JavaScript Properties

| JavaScript     |expando                         firstChild                    |
| Properties     |lastChild                       name                          |
|                |nextSibling                     nodeName                      |
|                |nodeType                        nodeValue                     |
|                |ownerDocument                   parentNode                    |
|                |previousSibling                 specified                     |
|                |value                                                         |

"attribute" Syntax and Note

An attribute of an element. 
You can only access the attribute object by referencing the desired index 
in the attributes collection.