JavaScript Reference/Javascript Objects/document
Версия от 18:30, 25 мая 2010; (обсуждение)
"document" Event Handlers
| Event |onActivate onBeforeActivate |
| Handlers |onBeforeCut onBeforeDeactivate |
| |onBeforeEditFocus onBeforePaste |
| |onClick onContextMenu |
| |onControlSelect onCut |
| |onDblClick onDeactivate |
| |onDrag onDragEnd |
| |onDragEnter onDragLeave |
| |onDragOver onDragStart |
| |onDrop onFocusIn |
| |onFocusOut onHelp |
| |onKeyDown onKeyPress |
| |onKeyUp onMouseDown |
| |onMouseMove onMouseOut |
| |onMouseOver onMouseUp |
| |onMouseWheel onMove |
| |onMoveEnd onMoveStart |
| |onPaste onPropertyChange |
| |onReadyStateChange onResizeEnd |
| |onResizeStart onSelectionChange |
| |onStop |
"document" Example
<title>document object example</title>
<button onclick="alert(document.title);">Document title</button>
"document" is applied to
| Applied_To |<custom> popup |
| |window |
"document" JavaScript Collections
| JavaScript |all anchors |
| Collections |applets childNodes |
| |embeds forms |
| |frames images |
| |links namespaces |
| |plugins scripts |
| |styleSheets |
"document" JavaScript Methods
| JavaScript |attachEvent close |
| Methods |createAttribute createComment |
| |createDocumentFragment createElement |
| |createEventObject createStyleSheet |
| |createTextNode detachEvent |
| |elementFromPoint execCommand |
| |focus getElementById |
| |getElementsByName getElementsByTagName |
| |hasFocus open |
| |queryCommandEnabled queryCommandIndeterm |
| |queryCommandState queryCommandSupported |
| |queryCommandValue recalc |
| |releaseCapture setActive |
| |write writeln |
"document" JavaScript Objects
| JavaScript |<body> implementation |
| Objects |location selection |
| |<title> |
"document" JavaScript Properties
| JavaScript |activeElement alinkColor |
| Properties |bgColor charset |
| |compatMode cookie |
| |defaultCharset designMode |
| |dir doctype |
| |documentElement domain |
| |encoding expando |
| |fgColor fileCreatedDate |
| |fileModifiedDate fileSize |
| |height lastModified |
| |linkColor parentWindow |
| |protocol readyState |
| |referrer title |
| |uniqueID URL |
| |URLUnencoded vlinkColor |
| |width XMLDocument |
"document" Syntax and Note
Access to all the objects in a page.