JavaScript Reference/Event Handlers Reference/onDataAvailable

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Версия от 08:22, 26 мая 2010; Admin (обсуждение | вклад) (1 версия)
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"onDataAvailable" is applied to

| Applied_To     |<applet>                        <object>                      |
|                |<xml>                                                         |

"onDataAvailable" Properties

| Properties     |altKey                          altLeft                       |
|                |cancelBubble                    clientX                       |
|                |clientY                         ctrlLeft                      |
|                |shiftLeft                       srcElement                    |
|                |type                                                          |

"onDataAvailable" Syntax and Note

This event fires when a databound object receives the data from the data source 
specified by the datasrc. 
The datasrc and datafld attributes must be set for the element to which the 
onDataAvailable event handler applies.
The value of the datasrc attribute must reference an object in the page.