PHP/Language Basics/Include

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Test of PHP Includes

<!-- include-me.php
  echo( "<p>"from included file!"</p>" );
<title> Test of PHP Includes </title>

Using include()

<title>Using include()</title>
<!-- myIncludeFile.php
print "included!!<BR>";
print "4 + 4 = ".(4 + 4);

Using include() to Execute PHP and Assign the Return Value

<title>Using include() to execute PHP and assign the return value</title>
    $addResult = include("myIncludeFileWithReturnValue.php");
    print "The include file returned $addResult";
<!-- myIncludeFileWithReturnValue.php
$retval = ( 4 + 4 );
return $retval;

Using include() Within a Loop

<title>Using include() within a loop</title>
for ( $x = 1; $x<=3; $x++ ) {
   $incfile = "incfile$x".".txt";
   print "Attempting include $incfile<br>";
   include( "$incfile" );
   print "<p>";