PHP/Language Basics/Variable Type
Версия от 10:37, 26 мая 2010; (обсуждение)
Changing the Type of a Variable with settype()
<title>Changing the type of a variable with settype()</title>
$undecided = 3.14;
print gettype( $undecided );
print " -- $undecided<br>";
settype( $undecided, string );
print gettype( $undecided );
print " -- $undecided<br>";
settype( $undecided, integer );
print gettype( $undecided );
print " -- $undecided<br>";
settype( $undecided, double );
print gettype( $undecided );
print " -- $undecided<br>";
settype( $undecided, boolean );
print gettype( $undecided );
print " -- $undecided<br>";
gettype() and settype()
<title>Gettype() and Settype() Usage</title>
$my_double = 100;
$my_string = 1;
print("\$my_double"s data type is... (" . gettype($my_double) .") <br />");
print("\$my_string"s data type is... (" . gettype($my_string) .") <br />");
settype($my_string, "string");
settype($my_double, "double");
print("\$my_double"s data type is... (" . gettype($my_double) .") <br />");
print("\$my_string"s data type is... (" . gettype($my_string) .") <br />");
Testing the Type of a Variable
<title>Testing the type of a variable</title>
$testing = 5;
print gettype( $testing ); // integer
print "<br>";
$testing = "five";
print gettype( $testing ); // string
$testing = 5.0;
print gettype( $testing ); // double
$testing = true;
print gettype( $testing ); // boolean
print "<br>";