JavaScript Tutorial/Function/Function Call

Материал из Web эксперт
Версия от 18:52, 25 мая 2010; (обсуждение)
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Call a function in hyperlink

<title>Calling a Function</title>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function greetVisitor()
     var myName = prompt("Name?", "");
     alert("Welcome " + myName + "!")
<h1>Please click below and enter your name when prompted.</h1>
<P><a href="javascript:greetVisitor()">Click for a greeting</a></p>

Call function inside a function

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function get_added_text(textpart1,textpart2)
 var added_text=textpart1+" "+textpart2;
 return added_text;
function write_text()
 var thetext=get_added_text("Hi","there!");
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">

Call your function

<title>A Simple Page</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
function yourMessage()
    alert("Your first function!");
//  -->

Call your function in body onLoad event

<title>A Simple Page</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
function yourMessage()
    alert("Your first function!");
//  -->
<body onLoad="yourMessage()">

Function call sequence

<title>A Simple Page</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
function firstMessage()
    alert("Here is the first message!");
    alert("And here is the third!");
function secondMessage()
    alert("And here is the second!");
//  -->
<body onLoad="firstMessage()">

Nested function call

<title>A Simple Page</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
function firstMessage()
    alert("Here is the first message!");
function secondMessage()
    alert("And here is the second!");
//  -->
<body onLoad="firstMessage()">