PHP/Class/Abstract Class
abstract class demo
class Employee {
private $title;
private $lastName;
private $firstName;
protected $salary;
private $ratio = 0;
public function __construct($title, $firstName, $mainName, $salary ) {
$this->title = $title;
$this->firstName = $firstName;
$this->lastName = $mainName;
$this->salary = $salary;
public function firstName() {
return $this->firstName;
public function getlastName() {
return $this->lastName;
public function setRatio( $num ) {
public function getRatio() {
return $this->ratio;
public function getTitle() {
return $this->title;
public function getSalary() {
return ($this->salary - $this->ratio);
public function getFullName() {
return "{$this->firstName}" . " {$this->lastName}";
function getSummaryLine() {
$base = "$this->title ( $this->lastName, ";
$base .= "$this->firstName )";
return $base;
abstract class EmployeeWriter {
abstract static function write( Employee $shopProduct );
class TextEmployeeWriter extends EmployeeWriter {
static function write( Employee $shopEmployee ) {
$str = "{$shopEmployee->getTitle()}: ";
$str .= $shopEmployee->getFullName();
$str .= " ({$shopEmployee->getSalary()})\n";
print $str;
$developer1 = new Employee("A", "A1", "A2", 5.99 );
TextEmployeeWriter::write( $developer1 );
abstract keyword is used to say that a method or class cannot be created in your program as it stands
abstract class Dog {
abstract function bark( ) {
print "Woof!";
Define abstract class
abstract class Staff
abstract function hire();
abstract function fire();
abstract function promote();
abstract function demote();
Using Abstract Classes and Methods
Any class that contains one or more abstract methods must itself be declared as abstract.
An abstract class cannot be instantiated
A class that extends the abstract class must implement the abstract methods of the parent class or itself be declared as abstract.
abstract class Animal{
function __construct($name="No-name", $breed="unknown", $price = 15) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->breed = $breed;
$this->price = $price;
function setName($name) {
$this->name = $name;
function setBreed($breed){
$this->breed = $breed;
function setPrice($price) {
$this->price = $price < 0 ? 0 : $price;
function getName() {
return $this->name;
function display() {
printf("<p>%s is a %s and costs \$%.2f.</p>\n", $this->name, $this->breed, $this->price);
public static $type = "animal";
public static function fly($direction = "around") {
printf("<p>Flying %s.</p>\n", $direction);
abstract public function birdCall();
class Parrot extends Animal {
public function birdCall($singing=FALSE) {
$sound = $singing ? "twitter" : "chirp";
printf("<p>%s says: *%s*</p>\n", $this->getName(), $sound);
Using Abstract Classes in PHP 5
abstract class Number {
private $value;
abstract public function value();
public function reset() {
$this->value = NULL;
class Integer extends Number {
private $value;
public function value() {
return (int)$this->value;
$num = new Integer; /* Okay */
$num2 = new Number; /* This will fail */