PHP/Data Structure/Array sort
- 1 arsort: Sort an array in reverse order and maintain index association
- 2 asort () function retains the array"s keys in the original state
- 3 Bubble Sort Variation
- 4 date sort
- 5 Functions for Sorting Arrays
- 6 Insertion Sort
- 7 krsort( ) function reverse sorts it by its keys while preserving the values
- 8 krsort() function: the key values are sorted in reverse order.
- 9 ksort() function sorts an array according to its key values, maintaining the original index association.
- 10 ksort( ) function sorts array by its keys while preserving the values
- 11 Pass a second parameter to the sort functions to specify how you want the values sorted
- 12 Shell Sort
- 13 Sort an array in reverse order and maintain index association
- 14 sort an associative array on the basis of keys
- 15 sort() function sorts array elements from lowest to highest value.
- 16 Sorting an Array by Its Keys
- 17 Sorting an Array by Its Values
- 18 Sorting Multiple Arrays
- 19 Sorting with sort()
- 20 sort.php
- 21 To reverse sort an enumerated array, use the rsort () function
- 22 Use asort() to sort by population.
- 23 Use ksort() to sort by city name.
- 24 Using sort to alphabetize
- 25 Using the sort () Function
- 26 Using uasort() to Sort a Multdimensional Associative Array by One of Its Fields
- 27 Using uksort() to Sort an Associative Array by the Length of Its Keys
- 28 Using usort() to Sort a Multidimensional Array by One of Its Fields
arsort: Sort an array in reverse order and maintain index association
$states = array("Delaware","Pennsylvania","New Jersey");
// Array ( [1] => Pennsylvania [2] => New Jersey [0] => Delaware )
asort () function retains the array"s keys in the original state
$associatedarray = array (
FirstName => "D",
LastName => "C",
Designation => "Editor",
Hobby => "No",
Sign => "A");
asort ($associatedarray);
foreach ($associatedarray as $key => $val) {
echo "$key = $val", "\n";
Bubble Sort Variation
function toggle_sort(&$a) {
$i = 0;
$lastindex = count($a) - 1;
while ($i < $lastindex) {
if ($a[$i] <= $a[$i+1]) {
} else {
$tmp = $a[$i];
$a[$i] = $a[$i+1];
$a[$i+1] = $tmp;
if ($i) { $i--; }
$values = array(7, 3, 4, 6, 1);
foreach ($values as $v) { echo "{$v} "; }
date sort
function date_sort($a, $b) {
list($a_month, $a_day, $a_year) = explode("/", $a);
list($b_month, $b_day, $b_year) = explode("/", $b);
if ($a_year > $b_year ) return 1;
if ($a_year < $b_year ) return -1;
if ($a_month > $b_month) return 1;
if ($a_month < $b_month) return -1;
if ($a_day > $b_day ) return 1;
if ($a_day < $b_day ) return -1;
return 0;
$dates = array("12/14/2000", "08/10/2001", "08/07/1999");
usort($dates, "date_sort");
Functions for Sorting Arrays
sort Value No No
rsort Value Yes No
asort Value No Yes
arsort Value Yes Yes
ksort Key No Yes
krsort Key Yes Yes
usort Value User-defined No
uasort Value User-defined Yes
uksort Key User-defined Yes
$nums = array(15, 2.2, -4, 2.3, 10);
printf("<pre>%s</pre>\n", var_export($nums, TRUE));
$words = array("bird", "fish", "George", "Aden");
printf("<pre>%s</pre>\n", var_export($words, TRUE));
$dogs = array("A" => "C", "B" => "D", "X" => "Z", "Q" => "T");
printf("<pre>%s</pre>\n", var_export($dogs, TRUE));
Insertion Sort
function insertion_sort(&$a) {
$count = count($a);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$value = $a[$i];
for ($x = $i - 1; ( ($x >= 0) && ($a[$x] > $value) ); $x--) {
$a[$x + 1] = $a[$x];
$a[$x + 1] = $value;
$values = array(7, 3, 4, 6, 1);
foreach ($values as $v) { echo "{$v} "; }
krsort( ) function reverse sorts it by its keys while preserving the values
//bool krsort ( array &arr [, int options] )
$capitalcities["England"] = "London";
$capitalcities["Wales"] = "Cardiff";
$capitalcities["Scotland"] = "Edinburgh";
krsort() function: the key values are sorted in reverse order.
Its syntax is: void krsort (array $array)
$w = array ("A" => "a",
"I" => "i",
"A" => "z",
"F" => "f",
"C" => "c");
ksort() function sorts an array according to its key values, maintaining the original index association.
Its syntax is: void ksort (array array)
$w = array ("A" => "a",
"I" => "i",
"A" => "z",
"F" => "f",
"C" => "c");
print_r( $w);
ksort( ) function sorts array by its keys while preserving the values
//bool ksort ( array &arr [, int options] )
$capitalcities["England"] = "London";
$capitalcities["Wales"] = "Cardiff";
$capitalcities["Scotland"] = "Edinburgh";
Pass a second parameter to the sort functions to specify how you want the values sorted
$array["1"] = "someval1";
$array["2"] = "someval2";
$array["3"] = "someval3";
$array["10"] = "someval4";
$array["100"] = "someval5";
$array["20"] = "someval6";
$array["200"] = "someval7";
$array["30"] = "someval8";
$array["300"] = "someval9";
ksort($array, SORT_STRING);
Shell Sort
function shell_sort(&$a) {
$count = count($a);
$columns = 1;
while ($columns < $count) {
$columns = $columns * 2 + 1;
$columns = ($columns - 1) / 2;
while ($columns > 0) {
for ($c = 0; $c < $columns; $c++) {
for ($i = $columns; $i < $count; $i += $columns) {
$value = $a[$i];
for ($x = $i - $columns;( ($x >= 0) && ($a[$x] > $value) );
$x -= $columns) {
$a[$x + $columns] = $a[$x];
$a[$x + $columns] = $value;
$columns = ($columns - 1) / 2;
$values = array(7, 3, 4, 6, 1);
foreach ($values as $v) { echo "{$v} "; }
Sort an array in reverse order and maintain index association
$fruits = array ("d"=>"lemon", "a"=>"orange", "b"=>"banana", "c"=>"apple");
arsort ($fruits);
for (reset ($fruits); $key = key ($fruits); next ($fruits)) {
echo "fruits[$key] = ".$fruits[$key]."\n";
sort an associative array on the basis of keys
$nameandage = array (
D => 24,
A => 44,
C => 34,
E => 55,
B => 21,
F => 48);
ksort ($nameandage);
foreach ($nameandage as $keys => $val) {
echo "$keys = $val", "\n";
sort() function sorts array elements from lowest to highest value.
Its syntax is: void sort (array array)
Nonnumerical elements will be sorted in alphabetical order, according to their ASCII values.
$cities = array ("A", "N", "R", "V", "A");
Sorting an Array by Its Keys
$dogs = array("A" => "AA", "Bud" => "BB",
"C" => "D");
printf("<pre>%s</pre>\n", var_export($dogs, TRUE));
printf("<pre>%s</pre>\n", var_export($dogs, TRUE));
$nums = array(15, 2.2, -4, 2.3, 0);
printf("<pre>%s</pre>\n", var_export($nums, TRUE));
printf("<pre>%s</pre>\n", var_export($nums, TRUE));
Sorting an Array by Its Values
$nums = array(15, 2.2, -4, 2.3, 0);
printf("<pre>%s</pre>\n", var_export($nums, TRUE));
$words = array("bird", "fish", "George", "Aden");
printf("<pre>%s</pre>\n", var_export($words, TRUE));
$chars = implode("", array_map("chr", range(32, 255)));
print $chars;
$dogs = array("A" => "AA", "Bud" => "BB","C" => "D");
printf("<pre>%s</pre>\n", var_export($dogs, TRUE));;
Sorting Multiple Arrays
$eng = array("one", "two", "three", "four");
$esp = array("uno", "dos", "tres", "cuatro");
$deu = array("eins", "zwei", "drei", "vier");
$rus = array("odin", "dva", "tri", "chetire");
$digits = range(1,4);
array_multisort($rus, $esp, $deu, $eng, $digits);
foreach(range(0, 3) as $j)
printf("<p>Russian: %s (%d); Spanish: %s; German: %s; English: %s.</p>",
$rus[$j], $digits[$j], $esp[$j], $deu[$j], $eng[$j]);
Sorting with sort()
$dinner = array("A",
$meal = array("breakfast" => "A",
"lunch" => "B",
"snack" => "C",
"dinner" => "D");
print "Before Sorting:\n";
foreach ($dinner as $key => $value) {
print " \$dinner: $key $value\n";
foreach ($meal as $key => $value) {
print " \$meal: $key $value\n";
print "After Sorting:\n";
foreach ($dinner as $key => $value) {
print " \$dinner: $key $value\n";
foreach ($meal as $key => $value) {
print " \$meal: $key $value\n";
$grades = array(42,57,98,100,100,43,78,12);
To reverse sort an enumerated array, use the rsort () function
$emp_names []= "D";
$emp_names []= "B";
$emp_names []= "A";
$emp_names []= "C";
$emp_names []= "E";
rsort ($emp_names);
foreach ($emp_names as $val) {
echo "$val", "\n";
Use asort() to sort by population.
$population = array("New York, NY" => 8008278,
"Los Angeles, CA" => 3694820,
"Chicago, IL" => 2896016);
$total_population = 0;
print "<table><tr><th>City</th><th>Population</th></tr>\n";
foreach ($population as $city => $people) {
$total_population += $people;
print "<tr><td>$city</td><td>$people</td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td>Total</td><td>$total_population</td></tr>\n";
print "</table>\n";
Use ksort() to sort by city name.
$population = array("New York, NY" => 8008278,
"Los Angeles, CA" => 3694820,
"Chicago, IL" => 2896016,);
$total_population = 0;
print "<table><tr><th>City</th><th>Population</th></tr>\n";
foreach ($population as $city => $people) {
$total_population += $people;
print "<tr><td>$city</td><td>$people</td></tr>\n";
print "<tr><td>Total</td><td>$total_population</td></tr>\n";
print "</table>\n";
Using sort to alphabetize
$shapes = array("rectangle", "cylinder", "sphere");
foreach ($shapes as $key => $val) {
echo "shapes[" . $key . "] = " . $val . "<br />";
Using the sort () Function
$emp_names []= "D";
$emp_names []= "B";
$emp_names []= "A";
$emp_names []= "C";
$emp_names []= "E";
sort ($emp_names);
foreach ($emp_names as $val) {
echo "$val", "\n";
Using uasort() to Sort a Multdimensional Associative Array by One of Its Fields
$products = array( array( name=>"A", price=>4.5 ),
array( name=>"C", price=>5.5 ),
array( name=>"D", price=>2.5 ),
array( name=>"B", price=>2.5 )
function priceCmp( $a, $b ){
if ( $a[price] == $b[price] )
return 0;
if ( $a[price] < $b[price] )
return -1;
return 1;
uasort( $products, priceCmp );
foreach ( $products as $key => $val )
print "$key: $val[price]<BR>\n";
Using uksort() to Sort an Associative Array by the Length of Its Keys
$exes = array( x => 1,
xxx => 3,
xx => 2,
xxxxx => 4,
xxxxxx => 5
function priceCmp( $a, $b ){
if ( strlen( $a ) == strlen( $b ) )
return 0;
if ( strlen( $a ) < strlen( $b ) )
return -1;
return 1;
uksort( $exes, priceCmp );
foreach ( $exes as $key => $val )
print "$key: $val<BR>\n";
Using usort() to Sort a Multidimensional Array by One of Its Fields
$products = array( array( name=>"A", price=>4.5 ),
array( name=>"C", price=>5.5 ),
array( name=>"D", price=>2.5 ),
array( name=>"B", price=>2.5 )
function priceCmp( $a, $b ){
if ( $a[price] == $b[price] )
return 0;
if ( $a[price] < $b[price] )
return -1;
return 1;
usort( $products, priceCmp );
foreach ( $products as $val )
print "$val[name]: $val[price]<BR>\n";