PHP/String/strip tags

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string strip_tags ( string html_text [, string allowed_tags] ) strips HTML and PHP tags from a string

    $input = "<blink><strong>Hello!</strong></blink>";
    $a = strip_tags($input);
    $b = strip_tags($input, "<strong><em>");

Strip all except a few tags

$input = "I <b>love</b> to <a href = \"\">wbex<a>!";
$strip_input = strip_tags($user_input, "<a>");

Stripping HTML tags from a string

// Remove HTML from comments
$comments = strip_tags($_POST["comments"]);
print $comments.


   $input = "This <a href="">example</a>!";
   echo strip_tags($input, "<a>");

strip_tags() function, first argument is the text to transform.

The second argument is optional and should be a list of HTML tags that strip_tags() can leave in place. 
$string = "<p>I <i> will not have </i>it,";
$string .= "<br/>.</p><b>The end</b>";
print strip_tags( $string, "<br/>" );

strip_tags() function removes all HTML and PHP tags from string, leaving only the text entities.

Its syntax is: string strip_tags (string string [, string allowable_tags])
    $user_input = "i just <b>love</b> PHP!";
    $stripped_input = strip_tags($user_input);
    print $stripped_input;


   $input = "I <td>really</td> love <i>PHP</i>!";
   $input = strip_tags($input,"<i></i>");
   echo $input;