PHP/XML/var dump

Материал из Web эксперт
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Displaying Type Information with var_dump()

$testing = 5;
var_dump( $testing );

Dump a multidimensional array

$objects=array("A" =>    array("Shape"    => "Cylinder",
                                      "Color"    => "Red",
                                      "Material" => "Metal"),
               "B" =>    array("Shape"    => "Rectangle",
                                      "Color"    => "White",
                                      "Material" => "Paper"),
               "C" =>       array("Shape"    => "Sphere",
                                      "Color"    => "Red",
                                      "Material" => "Fruit"),
               "D" =>      array("Shape"    => "Sphere",
                                      "Color"    => "Orange",
                                      "Material" => "Fruit"),
               "E" =>  array("Shape"    => "Rectangle",
                                      "Color"    => "Yellow",
                                      "Material" => "Paper"));

Functions Used for Debugging

Name                   Description
echo()                 Prints a simple variable or value
print()                Prints a simple variable or value
printf()               Prints a formatted string
var_dump()             Prints the type and content of a variable
print_r()              Recursively prints the content of an array or object
debug_backtrace()      Returns an array with the call stack and other values

include "";
$a = array("orange", "apple");
include "";
$a = array("orange", "apple");
debug_print($a, __FILE__, __LINE__);