Flash / Flex / ActionScript/XML/StyleSheet

Материал из Web эксперт
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Formatting XML content with a style sheet

   <source lang="java">


 import flash.display.Sprite;
 import flash.text.*;  
 public class Main extends Sprite{
   public function Main(){
       var specialnoteDeclarationBlock:Object = new Object(  );
       specialnoteDeclarationBlock.fontFamily = "Arial"
       specialnoteDeclarationBlock.fontSize   = "20";
       specialnoteDeclarationBlock.fontWeight = "bold";
       specialnoteDeclarationBlock.display    = "block";
       var styleSheet:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet(  );
       styleSheet.setStyle("specialnote", specialnoteDeclarationBlock);
       var t:TextField = new TextField(  );
       t.width     = 300;
       t.wordWrap  = true;
       t.multiline = true;
       t.styleSheet = styleSheet;
t.htmlText = "

Always remember...

         + "<specialnote>Set styleSheet before htmlText!</specialnote>"
+ "

Otherwise, the stylesheet will not be applied.


