HTML/CSS/Box Model/border left

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Border left Properties

   <source lang="html4strict">

<html> <head> <title>Border Properties</title> <style> body {font-size: 1.3em;} p {background-color: white;} </style> </head> <body>

The Border Properties

A solid, thick, red border with border-top

A double, medium, blue border with border-right

A dotted, thin, green border with border-bottom

A dashed, thin, navy border with border-left

An inset, 3 pixel, yellow border with border

</body> </html>


Set border left, right and bottom to an anchor with LI under UL in a DIV

   <source lang="html4strict">

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"


<html xmlns=""> <head> <title></title> <style type="text/css">

  1. navsite ul li a:hover {
border-left: 10px solid #036;
border-right: 1px solid #69c;
border-bottom: 1px solid #369; 
background-color: #69f; 
color: #fff; 

} </style> </head> <body id="pagespk">

</body> </html>
