HTML CSS Reference/HTML Tag Reference/tbody

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Версия от 11:19, 26 мая 2010; Admin (обсуждение | вклад) (1 версия)
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"tbody" CSS Attributes and JavaScript Style Properties

   <source lang="html4strict">

Names noted with an asterisk (*) are JavaScript properties only. +----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | CSS |!important background | | Attributes |background-attachment background-color | | and |background-image background-position | | JavaScript |background-position-x background-position-y | | Style |background-repeat behavior | | Properties |clear color | | |cursor direction | | |display font | | |font-family font-size | | |font-style font-variant | | |font-weight layout-grid | | |layout-grid-mode letter-spacing | | |line-height page-break-after | | |page-break-before pixelBottom(*) | | |pixelHeight(*) pixelLeft(*) | | |pixelRight(*) pixelTop(*) | | |pixelWidth(*) posBottom(*) | | |posHeight(*) posLeft(*) | | |posRight(*) posTop(*) | | |posWidth(*) text-autospace | | |text-decoration text-transform | | |text-underline-position textDecorationBlink(*) | | |textDecorationLineThrough(*) textDecorationNone(*) | | |textDecorationOverline(*) textDecorationUnderline(*) | | |unicode-bidi vertical-align | | |visibility word-spacing | | |z-index zoom | +----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+


"tbody" Event Handlers

   <source lang="html4strict">

+----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | Event |onActivate onBeforeActivate | | Handlers |onBeforeCut onBeforeDeactivate | | |onBeforePaste onBlur | | |onClick onContextMenu | | |onControlSelect onCut | | |onDblClick onDeactivate | | |onDrag onDragEnd | | |onDragEnter onDragLeave | | |onDragOver onDragStart | | |onDrop onFocus | | |onFocusIn onFocusOut | | |onHelp onKeyDown | | |onKeyPress onKeyUp | | |onLoseCapture onMouseDown | | |onMouseEnter onMouseLeave | | |onMouseMove onMouseOut | | |onMouseOver onMouseUp | | |onMouseWheel onMove | | |onMoveEnd onMoveStart | | |onPaste onPropertyChange | | |onReadyStateChange onResizeEnd | | |onResizeStart onSelectStart | | |onTimeError | +----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+


"tbody" Example

   <source lang="html4strict">

<html> <head> <title>tbody element example</title> </head> <body>

<thead style="color:blue" align="center">


</tbody> <tfoot style="color:red" align="right">
This cell is in the thead rows group. This cell is in the thead rows group. This cell is in the thead rows group.
This cell is in the tbody rows group. This cell is in the tbody rows group. This cell is in the tbody rows group.
This cell is in the tfoot rows group. This cell is in the tfoot rows group. This cell is in the tfoot rows group.

</body> </html>


"tbody" HTML Attributes

   <source lang="html4strict">

+----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | HTML |accesskey align | | Attributes |begin bgcolor | | |ch choff | | |class dir | | |end hidefocus | | |id lang | | |language style | | |syncmaster systemBitrate | | |systemCaptions systemLanguage | | |systemOverdubOrSubtitle tabindex | | |timecontainer title | | |unselectable valign | +----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+


"tbody" JavaScript Collections

   <source lang="html4strict">

+----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | JavaScript |all attributes | | Collections |behaviorUrns childNodes | | |children rows | +----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+


"tbody" JavaScript Methods

   <source lang="html4strict">

+----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | JavaScript |addBehavior appendChild | | Methods |applyElement attachEvent | | |blur clearAttributes | | |click cloneNode | | |componentFromPoint contains | | |deleteRow deleteTFoot | | |deleteTHead detachEvent | | |fireEvent focus | | |getAdjacentText getAttribute | | |getAttributeNode getBoundingClientRect | | |getClientRects getElementsByTagName | | |getExpression hasChildNodes | | |insertAdjacentElement insertBefore | | |insertRow mergeAttributes | | |moveRow normalize | | |releaseCapture removeAttribute | | |removeAttributeNode removeBehavior | | |removeChild removeExpression | | |removeNode replaceAdjacentText | | |replaceChild replaceNode | | |scrollIntoView setActive | | |setAttribute setAttributeNode | | |setCapture setExpression | | |swapNode | +----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+


"tbody" JavaScript Objects

   <source lang="html4strict">

+----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | JavaScript |currentStyle runtimeStyle | | Objects |style | +----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+


"tbody" JavaScript Properties

   <source lang="html4strict">

+----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | JavaScript |accessKey align | | Properties |bgColor canHaveChildren | | |canHaveHTML ch | | |chOff className | | |clientHeight clientLeft | | |clientTop clientWidth | | |cursor dir | | |end firstChild | | |hideFocus id | | |innerHTML innerText | | |isContentEditable isDisabled | | |isMultiLine isTextEdit | | |lang language | | |lastChild nextSibling | | |nodeName nodeType | | |nodeValue offsetHeight | | |offsetLeft offsetParent | | |offsetTop offsetWidth | | |outerHTML outerText | | |ownerDocument parentElement | | |parentNode parentTextEdit | | |previousSibling readyState | | |scopeName scrollHeight | | |scrollLeft scrollTop | | |scrollWidth sourceIndex | | |tabIndex tagName | | |tagUrn title | | |uniqueID vAlign | +----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+


"tbody" Microsoft Behaviors

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+----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | Microsoft |clientCaps download | | Behaviors |homePage time | | |time2 | +----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+


"tbody" Syntax and Note

   <source lang="html4strict">


The element can be sectioned into three horizontal parts: <thead>, <tbody>, and <tfoot>. <thead> contains the rows at the head of the
. <tbody> contains the rows in the body of the
. <tfoot> contains the rows at the foot of the table. <thead>, <tbody>, and <tfoot> elements indicates to the browser the break down of the sections <thead>, <tbody>, and <tfoot> elements allows you to apply different styles to them. Syntax: <tbody attributes events> . . . </tbody> </source>