JavaScript DHTML/Language Basics/Array

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Версия от 10:24, 26 мая 2010; Admin (обсуждение | вклад) (1 версия)
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Adding a prototype Property

   <source lang="html4strict">

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Array prototypes</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1"> // add prototype to all Array objects Array.prototype.sponsor = "DG" a = new Array(5) b = new Array(5) c = new Array(5) // override prototype property for one "instance" c.sponsor = "JS" // this one picks up the original prototype d = new Array(5) </SCRIPT>


<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> document.write("Array a is brought to you by: " + a.sponsor + "

") document.write("Array b is brought to you by: " + b.sponsor + "<P>") document.write("Array c is brought to you by: " + c.sponsor + "<P>") document.write("Array d is brought to you by: " + d.sponsor + "<P>") </SCRIPT> </H2> </BODY> </HTML> </source>

A Looping Array Lookup

   <source lang="html4strict">

/* JavaScript Bible, Fourth Edition by Danny Goodman John Wiley & Sons CopyRight 2001

  • /

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Parallel Array Lookup II</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> // the data var regionalOffices = new Array("New York", "Chicago", "Houston", "Portland") var regionalManagers = new Array("Shirley Smith", "Todd Gaston", "Leslie Jones", "Harold Zoot") var regOfficeQuotas = new Array(300000, 250000, 350000, 225000) // do the lookup into parallel arrays function getData(form) {

   // make a copy of the text box contents
   var inputText = form.officeInp.value 
   // loop through all entries of regionalOffices array
   for (var i = 0; i < regionalOffices.length; i++) { 
       // compare uppercase versions of entered text against one entry 
       // of regionalOffices
       if (inputText.toUpperCase() == regionalOffices[i].toUpperCase()) { 
           // if they"re the same, then break out of the for loop 
   // make sure the i counter hasn"t exceeded the max index value
   if (i < regionalOffices.length) { 
       // display corresponding entries from parallel arrays
       form.manager.value = regionalManagers[i] 
       form.quota.value = regOfficeQuotas[i] 
   } else {  // loop went all the way with no matches
       // empty any previous values
       form.manager.value = "" 
       form.quota.value = "" 
       // advise user
       alert("No match found for " + inputText + ".") 


Parallel Array Lookup II

<FORM NAME="officeData"> <P> Enter a regional office: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="officeInp" SIZE=35> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Search" onClick="getData(this.form)">

The manager is: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="manager" SIZE=35>
The office quota is: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="quota" SIZE=8>



An Array within an Array

   <source lang="html4strict">

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Arrays within Arrays</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY>

Arrays within Arrays



Array - concat and slice

   <source lang="html4strict">

<html> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> var nameArray = new Array(3) nameArray[0] = "Joe" nameArray[1] = "Dan" nameArray[2] = "Darlene" var nameArray2 = new Array(3) nameArray2[0] = "Lee" nameArray2[1] = "Zong" nameArray2[2] = "JJ" var nameArray3 = new Array("Firat","Basdr") document.write(nameArray.join() + "
") document.write(nameArray.concat(nameArray2) + "
") document.write(nameArray.concat(nameArray2,nameArray3) + "
") document.write(nameArray.slice(1) + "
") </script> </body> </html>


Array Concatenation

   <source lang="html4strict">

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Array Concatenation</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1"> var arrayOne, arrayTwo, arrayThree, textObj function initialize() {

   var form = document.forms[0]
   textObj = form.original
   arrayOne = new Array("A", "B","C")
   arrayTwo = new Array("D", "E",textObj)
   arrayThree = arrayOne.concat(arrayTwo)

} function showArrays() {

   var form = document.forms[0]
   form.array1.value = arrayOne.join("\n")
   form.array2.value = arrayTwo.join("\n")
   form.array3.value = arrayThree.join("\n")

} function update1(form) {

   arrayThree[0] = form.source1.value
   form.result1.value = arrayOne[0]
   form.result2.value = arrayThree[0]

} function update2(form) {

   arrayThree[5].value = form.source2.value
   form.result3.value = arrayTwo[2].value
   form.result4.value = arrayThree[5].value

} </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY onLoad="initialize()"> <FORM>


Enter new value for arrayThree[0]: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="source1" VALUE="X"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Change arrayThree[0]" onClick="update1(this.form)">
Current arrayOne[0] is:<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="result1">
Current arrayThree[0] is:<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="result2">

textObj assigned to arrayTwo[2]: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="original" onFocus="this.blur()"></BR> Enter new value for arrayThree[5]: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="source2" VALUE="Y"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Change arrayThree[5].value" onClick="update2(this.form)">
Current arrayTwo[2].value is:<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="result3">

Current arrayThree[5].value is:<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="result4">

<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Reset" onClick="location.reload()"> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML> </source>

Array definition and iteration

   <source lang="html4strict">

<HTML> <HEAD> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript">

</SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <H2>Computer Parts Needed:</H2> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript">



Array loop, find:Control array : Two dimension array

   <source lang="html4strict">

var myArray = ["Alice", "Fred", "Jean", "Steve"]; for (var i = 0; i < myArray.length ; i++) {

   alert("Item " + i + " is:" + myArray[i] + ".");


var nameList = ["Alice", "Fred", "Jean", "Steve"]; var ageList = [23, 32, 28, 24]; function ageLookup(name) {

   for (var i = 0; i < nameList.length ; i++) {
       if (nameList[i] == name) {
           return ageList[i];
   return "Could not find " + name + ".";


function clearTextBoxes() {

   var allInputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
   for (var i = 0; i < allInputs.length; i++) {
       if (allInputs[i].type == "text") {
           allInputs[i].value = "";


var salesArray = [[2300, 3105, 2909, 4800],

                 [1800, 1940, 2470, 4350], 
                 [900, 1200, 1923, 3810]];

var total = 0; for (var i = 0; i < salesArray.length; i++) {

   for (var j = 0; j < salesArray[i].length; j++) {
       total += salesArray[i][j];



Array - properties and methods:length, join, reverse, push,pop,shift

   <source lang="html4strict">

<html> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> var nameArray = new Array(3) nameArray[0] = "Name 1" nameArray[1] = "Name 2" nameArray[2] = "Name 3" document.write(nameArray.length + "
") document.write(nameArray.join(".") + "
") document.write(nameArray.reverse() + "
") document.write(nameArray.push("Ola","Jon") + "
") document.write(nameArray.pop() + "
") document.write(nameArray.shift() + "
") </script> </body> </html>


Array.reverse() Method

   <source lang="html4strict">

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Array.reverse()</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1"> solarSys = new Array(9) solarSys[0] = "M" solarSys[1] = "V" solarSys[2] = "E" solarSys[3] = "M" solarSys[4] = "J" solarSys[5] = "S" solarSys[6] = "U" solarSys[7] = "N" solarSys[8] = "P"

function showAsIs(form) {

   var delimiter = form.delim.value
   form.output.value = unescape(solarSys.join(delimiter))


function reverseIt(form) {

   var delimiter = form.delim.value
   form.output.value = unescape(solarSys.join(delimiter))

} </SCRIPT> <BODY> <H2>Reversing array element order</H2> <FORM> Enter a string to act as a delimiter between entries: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="delim" VALUE="," SIZE=5><P> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Array as-is" onClick="showAsIs(this.form)"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Reverse the array" onClick="reverseIt(this.form)"> <INPUT TYPE="reset"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Reload" onClick="self.location.reload()"> <TEXTAREA NAME="output" ROWS=4 COLS=60> </TEXTAREA> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML>


Array - sort()

   <source lang="html4strict">

<html> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> array1=new Array("Red","Blue","Green") array2=new Array("73","19","830") array3=new Array(510,130,23,3400) array4=new Array("72","83","850",3,1,5,40) function compareNum(a,b){

   return a-b

} document.write("Sorted: " + array1.sort()) document.write("

") document.write("Sorted without compareNum: " + array2.sort()) document.write("
") document.write("Sorted with compareNum: " + array2.sort(compareNum)) document.write("

") document.write("Sorted without compareNum: " + array3.sort()) document.write("
") document.write("Sorted with compareNum: " + array3.sort(compareNum)) document.write("

") document.write("Sorted without compareNum: " + array4.sort()) document.write("
") document.write("Sorted with compareNum: " + array4.sort(compareNum)) </script> </body> </html>


Array.sort() Possibilities

   <source lang="html4strict">

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Array.sort()</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1"> solarSys = new Array(9) solarSys[0] = "M" solarSys[1] = "V" solarSys[2] = "E" solarSys[3] = "M" solarSys[4] = "J" solarSys[5] = "S" solarSys[6] = "U" solarSys[7] = "N" solarSys[8] = "P" // comparison functions function compare1(a,b) {

   // reverse alphabetical order
   if (a > b) {return -1}
   if (b > a) {return 1}
   return 0

} function compare2(a,b) {

   // last character of planet names
   var aComp = a.charAt(a.length - 1)
   var bComp = b.charAt(b.length - 1)
   if (aComp < bComp) {return -1}
   if (aComp > bComp) {return 1}
   return 0

} function compare3(a,b) {

   return a.length - b.length


function sortIt(form, compFunc) {

   var delimiter = ";"
   if (compFunc == null) {
   } else {
   form.output.value = unescape(solarSys.join(delimiter))

} </SCRIPT> <BODY onLoad="document.forms[0].output.value = unescape(solarSys.join(";"))"> <H2>Sorting array elements</H2>

This document contains an array of planets in our solar system.

<FORM> Click on a button to sort the array:<P> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Alphabetical A-Z" onClick="sortIt(this.form)"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Alphabetical Z-A" onClick="sortIt(this.form,compare1)"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Last Character" onClick="sortIt(this.form,compare2)"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Name Length" onClick="sortIt(this.form,compare3)"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Reload Original" onClick="self.location.reload()"> <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="output" SIZE=62> </TEXTAREA> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML>


Array - splice

   <source lang="html4strict">

<html> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> myCars=["BMW","Volvo","Xiali","Jili"] document.write("myCars: " + myCars) document.write("

") removed=myCars.splice(2,0,"Volkswagen") document.write("After adding 1: " + myCars) document.write("

") removed=myCars.splice(3,1) document.write("After removing 1: " + myCars) document.write("

") removed=myCars.splice(2,1,"Seat") document.write("After replacing 1: " + myCars) document.write("

") removed=myCars.splice(0,2,"Peugeot","Honda","Toyota") document.write("After replacing 2 and adding 1: " + myCars) </script> </body> </html>


Array Utility functions

   <source lang="html4strict">

/* JavaScript Application Cookbook By Jerry Bradenbaugh Publisher: O"Reilly Series: Cookbooks ISBN: 1-56592-577-7

  • /

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>arrays.js Example</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2"> // arrays.js // Add up the values of all the elements, then // divide that sum by the number of elements function avg(arrObj) {

 var sum = 0;
 for (var i = 0; i < arrObj.length; i++) {
   sum += arrObj[i];
 return (sum / i);

// Iterate through the elements, // and return the highest function high(arrObj) {

 var highest = arrObj[0];
 for (var i = 1; i < arrObj.length; i++) {
   highest = (arrObj[i] > highest ? arrObj[i] : highest);
 return (highest);  

// Iterate through the elements, // and return the lowest function low(arrObj) {

 var lowest = arrObj[0];
 for (var i = 1; i < arrObj.length; i++) {
   lowest = (arrObj[i] < lowest ? arrObj[i] : lowest);
 return (lowest);  

// Iterate through the elements, amd perform // a string replacement on each function jsGrep(arrObj, regexp, subStr) {

 for (var i = 0; i < arrObj.length; i++) {
   arrObj[i] = arrObj[i].replace(regexp, subStr);
 return arrObj;

// This function returns a copy of an array object // with the last element removed function truncate(arrObj) {

 arrObj.length = arrObj.length - 1;
 return arrObj;

// This function returns a copy of an array // object with the first element removed function shrink(arrObj) {

 var tempArray = new Array(); 
 for(var p = 1; p < arrObj.length; p++) {
   tempArray[p - 1] = arrObj[p];
 return tempArray;

// This function returns a copy of an array // object with the elements of another array // object added beginning from a specified index. function integrate(arrObj, elemArray, startIndex) {

 startIndex = (parseInt(Math.abs(startIndex)) < arrObj.length ? parseInt(Math.abs(startIndex)) : arrObj.length);
 var tempArray = new Array(); 
 for( var p = 0; p < startIndex; p++) {
   tempArray[p] = arrObj[p];
 for( var q = startIndex; q < startIndex + elemArray.length; q++) {
   tempArray[q] = elemArray[q - startIndex];
 for( var r = startIndex + elemArray.length; r < (arrObj.length + elemArray.length); r++) {
   tempArray[r] = arrObj[r - elemArray.length];
 return tempArray;

// This function returns an array reordered according to a multiple // passed in by the user. The defualt is 1. function reorganize(formObj, stepUp) {

 stepUp = (Math.abs(parseInt(stepUp)) > 0 ? Math.abs(parseInt(stepUp)) : 1);
 var nextRound = 1;
 var idx = 0;
 var tempArray = new Array();
 for (var i = 0; i < formObj.length; i++) {
   tempArray[i] = formObj[idx];
   if (idx + stepUp >= formObj.length) {
     idx = nextRound;
   else {
     idx += stepUp;
 return tempArray;





Array with a numeric parameter and assign data to it

   <source lang="html4strict">

<html> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> var nameArray = new Array(6) nameArray[0] = "1 item" nameArray[1] = "2 item" nameArray[2] = "3 item" nameArray[3] = "4 item" nameArray[4] = "5 item" nameArray[5] = "6 item" for (i=0; i<6; i++){

   document.write(nameArray[i] + "

} </script> </body> </html>


A Simple Parallel Array Lookup

   <source lang="html4strict">

/* JavaScript Bible, Fourth Edition by Danny Goodman John Wiley & Sons CopyRight 2001

  • /

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Parallel Array Lookup</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> // the data var regionalOffices = new Array("New York", "Chicago", "Houston", "Portland") var regionalManagers = new Array("Shirley Smith", "Todd Gaston", "Leslie Jones", "Harold Zoot") var regOfficeQuotas = new Array(300000, 250000, 350000, 225000) // do the lookup into parallel arrays function getData(form) {

  var i = form.offices.selectedIndex 
  form.manager.value = regionalManagers[i] 
  form.quota.value = regOfficeQuotas[i] 

} </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY onLoad="getData(document.officeData)">

Parallel Array Lookup

<FORM NAME="officeData"> <P> Select a regional office: <SELECT NAME="offices" onChange="getData(this.form)">

  <OPTION>New York 


The manager is: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="manager" SIZE=35>
The office quota is: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="quota" SIZE=8>



Assing array value inside function

   <source lang="html4strict">

<html> <head> <script language="JavaScript">

</script> </head> </html>


A string array

   <source lang="html4strict">

<html> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> var nameArray = new Array("Name 1","Name 2","Name 3","Name 4","Name 5","Name 6") for (i=0; i<nameArray.length; i++){

   document.write(nameArray[i] + "

} </script> </body> </html>


A string array variable

   <source lang="html4strict">

<html> <head>

   <script type = "text/javascript">
   var aObject = ["A", "B", "C", "D"];
   for (var i = 0; i < aObject.length; i++) {

</head> <body> </body> </html>


Case-Insensitive Comparison for the Array.Sort Method

   <source lang="html4strict">

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Case-insensitive comparison </TITLE> <HEAD> <BODY>

<SCRIPT> var theArray = new Array("a","N","Mo","T", "Mr. Smith", "N", "n", "A",2); document.write ("Original array: " + theArray); document.write ("
"); theArray.sort(); document.write ("Default Sorted array: " + theArray); document.write ("
"); theArray.sort(function(x,y){ var a = String(x).toUpperCase(); var b = String(y).toUpperCase(); if (a > b) return 1 if (a < b) return -1 return 0; }); document.write ("Custom sorted array: " + theArray); </SCRIPT>



Custom Numeric Comparison for the Array.Sort Method

   <source lang="html4strict">

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Numeric comparisons </TITLE> <HEAD> <BODY>

<SCRIPT> function numSort(a,b){ return a - b; } var numArray = new Array (59, 4, 63, 12, 17, 3, 2 , 1) document.write ("Original array: " + numArray); document.write ("
"); document.write ("Default Sorted array: " + numArray.sort()); document.write ("
"); document.write ("Numerically sorted array: " + numArray.sort(numSort)); </SCRIPT>



Demo all methods in Array

   <source lang="html4strict">

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">


       <title>jsPro - Array</title>
       <script type="text/javascript">


* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* | jsPro - Error                                                           |
* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* | Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Stuart Wigley                                   |
* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* | This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it |
* | under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by|
* | the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at |
* | your option) any later version.                                         |
* |                                                                         |
* | This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but     |
* | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              |
* | General Public License for more details.                                |
* |                                                                         |
* | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License|
* | along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, |
* | Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA             |
* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* | Authors:   Stuart Wigley <>                     |
* |            Randolph Fielding <>                  |
* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* $Id: error.js,v 1.15 2003/09/22 04:41:10 gator4life Exp $


* Property used in Error.handleError to specify how errors are
* reported. Permissable values are:
* 0    No errors are reported.
* 1    Report the error name and error message using the status bar of the
*      active browser window.
* 2    Report the error name and error message using an alert box.
* 3    Report the error name, error message and debug message using an alert
*      box.
* 4    Report the error name, error message and debug message using a debug
*      window. An instance of the Debug() class must be available.

Error.prototype.debugLevel = 4;


* Uses Error.debugLevel to control how errors are reported. If
* Error.debugLevel is set to 4, you must substitute the name of
* your Debug() instance for oDebug in the line
* var jsProDebugWindow = oDebug.
* @summary             handles thrown exceptions
* @author              Stuart Wigley
* @author              Randolph Fielding
* @version             1.2, 09/03/03
* @interface           Error.handleError()
* @requires            Debug.print(vMixedValue, sMessageType)
* @see                 Debug()
* @see                 Debug.print()

Error.prototype.handleError = function() {

   var sDebugMessage = this.debug;
   var sErrorMessage = (sDebugMessage) ? sDebugMessage : "";
   switch (this.debugLevel) {
       case 0 :
       case 1 :
           window.status = + ": " + this.message;
       case 2 :
           window.alert( + "\n\n" + this.message);
       case 3 :
           window.alert( + "\n\n" + this.message + "\n\n" + sErrorMessage);
       case 4 :
           var jsProDebugWindow = oDebug;
           if (jsProDebugWindow) {
               var oDebugWindow = jsProDebugWindow.debugWindow;
               if (oDebugWindow && !oDebugWindow.closed) {
                   jsProDebugWindow.print( + " " + this.message + " " + sErrorMessage, 1);



* Creates an object that is a subclass of Error for handling
* ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exceptions.
* @author              Stuart Wigley
* @author              Randolph Fielding
* @version             1.1, 06/27/03
* @interface           new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(sMethodName,
*                      iIndex, iArrayLength)
* @param sMethodName   the name of the method where the exception was thrown
* @param iIndex        the index of a hypothetical array member attempting to
*                      be accessed
* @param iArrayLength  the length of the array

function ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(sMethodName, iIndex, iArrayLength) { = "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException";
   this.message = sMethodName + " has been accessed with an illegal index that is either negative or greater than the size of the array.";
   this.debug = "Attempting to access index " + iIndex.toString() + ", but array has an index range of 0 to " + (iArrayLength - 1).toString() + ".";

} ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.prototype = new Error();


* Creates an object that is a subclass of Error for handling IllegalArgument
* exceptions.
* @author              Stuart Wigley
* @author              Randolph Fielding
* @version             1.2, 07/24/03
* @interface           new IllegalArgumentException(sMethodName,
*                      vExpectedArgs, iActualArgs)
* @param sMethodName   the name of the method where the exception was thrown
* @param vExpectedArgs the number of arguments expected
* @param iActualArgs   the number of arguments received

function IllegalArgumentException(sMethodName, vExpectedArgs, iActualArgs) { = "IllegalArgumentException";
   this.message = sMethodName + " has been passed an illegal number of arguments.";
   this.debug = "Expected " + vExpectedArgs.toString() + " argument(s), but received " + iActualArgs.toString() + " argument(s).";

} IllegalArgumentException.prototype = new Error();


* Creates an object that is a subclass of Error for handling IllegalValue
* exceptions.
* @author              Randolph Fielding
* @version             1.0, 09/22/03
* @interface           new IllegalValueException(sMethodName,
*                      sVariableName, vExpectedVal, vActualVal)
* @param sMethodName   the name of the method where the exception was thrown
* @param sVariableName the name of the variable containing the illegal value
* @param vExpectedVal  the value expected in the variable containing the
*                      illegal value
* @param vActualVal    the value currently in the variable containing the
*                      illegal value

function IllegalValueException(sMethodName, sVariableName, vExpectedVal, vActualVal) { = "IllegalValueException";
   this.message = sMethodName + " has encountered an illegal value in variable " + sVariableName + "."
   this.debug = "Expected a value of " + vExpectedVal.toString() + ", but contains a value of " + vActualVal.toString() + "."

} IllegalValueException.prototype = new Error();


* Creates an object that is a subclass of Error for handling
* MethodNotAvailable exceptions.
* @author              Stuart Wigley
* @author              Randolph Fielding
* @version             1.1, 06/27/03
* @interface           new MethodNotAvailableException(sMethodName,
*                      sMethodNameNA)
* @param sMethodName   the name of the method where the exception was thrown
* @param sMethodNameNA the name of the method that was not available

function MethodNotAvailableException(sMethodName, sMethodNameNA) { = "MethodNotAvailableException";
   this.message = "A method has been called that is not available.";
   this.debug = sMethodName + " attempted to call " + sMethodNameNA + ".";

} MethodNotAvailableException.prototype = new Error();


* Creates an object that is a subclass of Error for handling
* PropertyNotAvailable exceptions.
* @author              Randolph Fielding
* @version             1.1, 08/01/03
* @interface           new PropertyNotAvailableException(sMethodName,
*                      sPropNameNA)
* @param sMethodName   the name of the method where the exception was thrown
* @param sPropNameNA   the name of the property that was not available

function PropertyNotAvailableException(sMethodName, sPropNameNA) { = "PropertyNotAvailableException";
   this.message = "A property has been accessed that is not available.";
   this.debug = sMethodName + " attempted to access " + sPropNameNA + ".";

} PropertyNotAvailableException.prototype = new Error();


* Creates an object that is a subclass of Error for handling TypeMismatch
* exceptions.
* @author              Stuart Wigley
* @author              Randolph Fielding
* @version             1.2, 07/24/03
* @interface           new TypeMismatchException(sMethodName,
*                      sExpectedType, sActualType)
* @param sMethodName   the name of the method where the exception was thrown
* @param sExpectedType the name of the expected type of an argument
* @param sActualType   the name of the actual type of an argument

function TypeMismatchException(sMethodName, sExpectedType, sActualType) { = "TypeMismatchException";
   this.message = sMethodName + " has been passed an argument with an illegal or inappropriate type.";
   this.debug = "Expected an argument with a type of " + sExpectedType + ", but received an argument with a type of " + sActualType + ".";

} TypeMismatchException.prototype = new Error();


* Creates an object that is a subclass of Error for handling Unknown
* exceptions.
* @author              Stuart Wigley
* @author              Randolph Fielding
* @version             1.1, 06/27/03
* @interface           new UnknownException(sMethodName)
* @param sMethodName   the name of the method where the exception was thrown

function UnknownException(sMethodName) { = "UnknownException";
   this.message = "An unknown error has occurred in " + sMethodName + ".";

} UnknownException.prototype = new Error();

       <script type="text/javascript">


* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* | jsPro - Debug                                                           |
* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* | Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Stuart Wigley                                   |
* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* | This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it |
* | under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by|
* | the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at |
* | your option) any later version.                                         |
* |                                                                         |
* | This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but     |
* | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              |
* | General Public License for more details.                                |
* |                                                                         |
* | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License|
* | along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, |
* | Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA             |
* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* | Authors:   Stuart Wigley <>                     |
* |            Randolph Fielding <>                  |
* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* $Id: debug.js,v 1.6 2003/09/22 05:07:41 gator4life Exp $


* Creates an object that opens a window for debugging.
* @author              Stuart Wigley
* @author              Randolph Fielding
* @version             1.1, 09/05/03
* @interface           new Debug()

function Debug() {

   this.debugWindow ="../debug/debug.html", "debug", "width=400,height=600,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes");



* Clears the contents of the debug window.
* @author              Stuart Wigley
* @author              Randolph Fielding
* @version             1.1, 09/05/03
* @interface           Debug.clear()
* @return              true if no exceptions are encountered
* @return              null if an exception is encountered
* @throws              IllegalArgumentException
* @throws              UnknownException

Debug.prototype.clear = function() {

   try {
       var vError = null;
       var iNumArguments = arguments.length;
       if (iNumArguments != 0) {
           throw vError = new IllegalArgumentException("Debug.clear", 0, iNumArguments);
       var oMessageContainer = document.getElementById("messageContainer");
       if (!oMessageContainer) {
           throw vError = new UnknownException("Debug.clear");
       while (oMessageContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
   catch (vError) {
       if (vError instanceof Error) {
   finally {
       return vError ? null : true;



* Displays content within the debug window.
* @author              Stuart Wigley
* @author              Randolph Fielding
* @version             1.2, 09/05/03
* @interface           Debug.print(vMixedValue)
* @interface           Debug.print(vMixedValue, iMessageType)
* @param vMixedValue   content to be displayed within the debug window
* @param iMessageType  an integer representing the type of content to display
*                      within the debug window (information: 0; error: 1)
*                      (optional)
* @return              true if no exceptions are encountered
* @return              null if an exception is encountered
* @throws              IllegalArgumentException
* @throws              IllegalValueException
* @throws              TypeMismatchException
* @throws              UnknownException

Debug.prototype.print = function(vMixedValue) {

   try {
       var vError = null;
       var iNumArguments = arguments.length;
       var iMessageType = 0;
       if ((iNumArguments < 1) || (iNumArguments > 2)) {
           throw vError = new IllegalArgumentException("Debug.print", "1 or 2", iNumArguments);
       } else if (iNumArguments == 2) {
           iMessageType = arguments[1];
       if ((typeof iMessageType != "number") || (iMessageType.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Debug.print", "integer", typeof iMessageType);
       if ((iMessageType != 0) && (iMessageType != 1)) {
           throw vError = new IllegalValueException("Debug.print", "iMessageType", "0 or 1", iMessageType);
       var oDebugWindow = this.debugWindow;
       if (!oDebugWindow || oDebugWindow.closed) {
           throw vError = new UnknownException("Debug.print");
       var oDocument = oDebugWindow.document;
       if (!oDocument) {
           throw vError = new UnknownException("Debug.print");
       var oMessageContainer = oDocument.getElementById("messageContainer");
       if (!oMessageContainer) {
           throw vError = new UnknownException("Debug.print");
       var oTitleRow = oDocument.createElement("tr");
       var oTitleCell = oDocument.createElement("td");
       var oBodyRow = oDocument.createElement("tr");
       var oBodyCell = oDocument.createElement("td");
       if (!oTitleRow || !oTitleCell || !oBodyRow || !oBodyCell) {
           throw vError = new UnknownException("Debug.print");
       var oTitleRowStyle =;
       if (oTitleRowStyle) {
           oTitleRowStyle.backgroundColor = "#EEE";
           oTitleRowStyle.fontWeight = 700;
       var sOutputString = vMixedValue.toString();
       var sTitle = "info";
       var sBody = sOutputString;
       if (iMessageType == 1) {
           sTitle = sOutputString.match(/\w+/);
           sBody = sOutputString.replace(/\w+/, "");
           var oBodyCellStyle =;
           if (oBodyCellStyle) {
      = "#FCC";
   catch (vError) {
       if (vError instanceof Error) {
   finally {
       return vError ? null : true;


       <script type="text/javascript">


* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* | jsPro - Test                                                            |
* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* | Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Stuart Wigley                                   |
* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* | This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it |
* | under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by|
* | the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at |
* | your option) any later version.                                         |
* |                                                                         |
* | This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but     |
* | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              |
* | General Public License for more details.                                |
* |                                                                         |
* | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License|
* | along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, |
* | Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA             |
* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* | Authors:   Stuart Wigley <>                     |
* |            Randolph Fielding <>                  |
* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* $Id: test.js,v 1.6 2003/09/15 05:07:09 gator4life Exp $


* Creates an object that provides methods for testing all jsPro libraries.
* @author              Stuart Wigley
* @version             1.0, 07/24/03
* @interface           new Test()

function Test() { }


* Evaluates and returns the result of a jsPro method using assumptions about
* the structure and ids of HTML elements in the jsPro HTML test files.
* @author              Stuart Wigley
* @author              Randolph Fielding
* @version             1.1, 08/20/03
* @interface           Test.evaluateMethod(oButton, sClass)
* @param oButton       the HTML input-button element that is clicked
* @param sClass        the name of the jsPro class instance being tested
* @return              the result of attempting to evaluate a jsPro method
* @return              null if an exception is encountered
* @throws              IllegalArgumentException
* @throws              TypeMismatchException

Test.prototype.evaluateMethod = function(oButton, sClass) {

   try {
       var vError = null;
       var iNumArguments = arguments.length;
       if (iNumArguments != 2) {
           throw vError = new IllegalArgumentException("Error.evaluateMethod", 2, iNumArguments);
       if (typeof oButton != "object") {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Error.evaluateMethod", "object", typeof oButton);
       if (typeof sClass != "string") {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Error.evaluateMethod", "string", typeof sClass);
       var sMethodName =;
       var oInput1 = document.getElementById(sMethodName + "1");
       var oInput2 = document.getElementById(sMethodName + "2");
       var oInput3 = document.getElementById(sMethodName + "3");
       var oOutput = document.getElementById(sMethodName + "Result");
       var sArguments = "";
       if (oInput1) {
           var sInput1Value = oInput1.value;
           if (sInput1Value != "") {
               var fInput1Value = parseFloat(sInput1Value);
               sArguments += (isNaN(fInput1Value)) ? "\"" + sInput1Value + "\"" : fInput1Value;
       if (oInput2) {
           var sInput2Value = oInput2.value;
           if (sInput2Value != "") {
               var fInput2Value = parseFloat(sInput2Value);
               sArguments += (isNaN(fInput2Value)) ? ", \"" + sInput2Value + "\"" : ", " + fInput2Value;
       if (oInput3) {
           var sInput3Value = oInput3.value;
           if (sInput3Value != "") {
               var fInput3Value = parseFloat(sInput3Value);
               sArguments += (isNaN(fInput3Value)) ? ", \"" + sInput3Value + "\"" : ", " + fInput3Value;
       var vResult = eval(sClass + "." + sMethodName + "(" + sArguments + ")");
   catch (vError) {
       if (vError instanceof Error) {
   finally {
       if (oOutput) {
           oOutput.value = vResult;


       <script type="text/javascript">


* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* | jsPro - Array                                                           |
* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* | Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Stuart Wigley                                   |
* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* | This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it |
* | under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by|
* | the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at |
* | your option) any later version.                                         |
* |                                                                         |
* | This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but     |
* | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              |
* | General Public License for more details.                                |
* |                                                                         |
* | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License|
* | along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, |
* | Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA             |
* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* | Authors:   Stuart Wigley <>                     |
* |            Randolph Fielding <>                  |
* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* $Id: array.js,v 1.28 2003/09/22 06:02:21 gator4life Exp $


* Calculates and returns the average deviation of all array members or of a
* subset of array members (if the optional start and length arguments are
* specified).
* @summary             average deviation
* @author              Stuart Wigley
* @version             1.0, 09/19/03
* @interface           Array.averageDev()
* @interface           Array.averageDev(iStart)
* @interface           Array.averageDev(iStart, iLength)
* @requires            Array.mean(iStart, iLength)
* @param iStart        the index of the array member to start at (optional)
* @param iLength       the number of array members to evaluate beginning at
*                      iStart (optional)
* @return              the average deviation of all array members or of a
*                      subset of array members
* @return              null if an exception is encountered
* @throws              ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
* @throws              IllegalArgumentException
* @throws              MethodNotAvailableException
* @throws              TypeMismatchException
* @throws              UnknownException
* @see                 Array.mean()

Array.prototype.averageDev = function() {

   try {
       var vError = null;
       var iArrayLength = this.length;
       var iNumArguments = arguments.length;
       var iStart = 0;
       var iLength = iArrayLength;
       if (!("mean" in this)) {
           throw vError = new MethodNotAvailableException("Array.averageDev", "Array.mean");
       if (iNumArguments > 2) {
           throw vError = new IllegalArgumentException("Array.averageDev", "0, 1 or 2", iNumArguments);
       } else if (iNumArguments == 2) {
           iStart = arguments[0];
           iLength = arguments[1];
       } else if (iNumArguments == 1) {
           iStart = arguments[0];
           iLength -= iStart;
       if ((typeof iStart != "number") || (iStart.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.averageDev", "integer", typeof iStart);
       if ((typeof iLength != "number") || (iLength.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.averageDev", "integer", typeof iLength);
       var iEnd = iStart + iLength;
       if (iStart < 0) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.averageDev", iStart, iArrayLength);
       if (iLength <= 0) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.averageDev", iLength, iArrayLength);
       if (iEnd > iArrayLength) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.averageDev", iEnd, iArrayLength);
       var fMean = this.mean(iStart, iEnd);
       if (!fMean) {
           throw vError = new UnknownException("Array.averageDev");
       var aAbsoluteDevs = new Array();
       var iCount = 0;
       for (var i = iStart; i < iEnd; i++) {
           if (typeof this[i] == "number") {
               aAbsoluteDevs[iCount] = Math.abs(this[i] - fMean);
       var fAverageDev = aAbsoluteDevs.mean();
       if (!fAverageDev) {
           throw vError = new UnknownException("Array.averageDev");
   catch (vError) {
       if (vError instanceof Error) {
   finally {
       return vError ? null : fAverageDev;



* Changes the case of all array keys to lowercase or uppercase.
* @summary             change key case
* @author              Stuart Wigley
* @author              Randolph Fielding
* @version             1.1, 09/14/03
* @interface           Array.changeKeyCase(iCase)
* @param iCase         an integer representing the case to change array keys
*                      to (lowercase: 0; uppercase: 1)
* @return              an array with keys changed to lowercase or uppercase
* @return              null if an exception is encountered
* @throws              IllegalArgumentException
* @throws              IllegalValueException
* @throws              TypeMismatchException

Array.prototype.changeKeyCase = function(iCase) {

   try {
       var vError = null;
       var iNumArguments = arguments.length;
       if (iNumArguments != 1) {
           throw vError = new IllegalArgumentException("Array.changeKeyCase", 1, iNumArguments);
       if ((typeof iCase != "number") || (iCase.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.changeKeyCase", "integer", typeof iCase);
       if ((iCase != 0) && (iCase != 1)) {
           throw vError = new IllegalValueException("Array.changeKeyCase", "iCase", "0 or 1", iCase);
       for (var sKey in this) {
           if (this.hasOwnProperty(sKey)) {
               var sKeyCase = (iCase == 1) ? sKey.toUpperCase() : sKey.toLowerCase();
               if (sKeyCase != sKey) {
                   this[sKeyCase] = this[sKey];
                   delete this[sKey];
   catch (vError) {
       if (vError instanceof Error) {
   finally {
       return vError ? null : this;



* Returns an array of "chunks" where each "chunk" is an array of
* iChunkSize formed from this array.
* @summary             split into chunks
* @author              Stuart Wigley
* @author              Randolph Fielding
* @version             1.2, 06/27/03
* @interface           Array.chunk(iChunkSize)
* @param iChunkSize    the size of a "chunk" formed from this array
* @return              an array of "chunks" formed from this array
* @return              null if an exception is encountered
* @throws              ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
* @throws              IllegalArgumentException
* @throws              TypeMismatchException

Array.prototype.chunk = function(iChunkSize) {

   try {
       var vError = null;
       var iArrayLength = this.length;
       var iNumArguments = arguments.length;
       if (iNumArguments != 1) {
           throw vError = new IllegalArgumentException("Array.chunk", 1, iNumArguments);
       if ((typeof iChunkSize != "number") || (iChunkSize.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.chunk", "integer", typeof iChunkSize);
       if ((iChunkSize <= 0) || (iChunkSize > iArrayLength)) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.chunk", iChunkSize, iArrayLength);
       var iChunkedArrayLength = Math.ceil(iArrayLength / iChunkSize);
       var aChunkedArray = new Array(iChunkedArrayLength);
       var iSourceArrayIndex = 0;
       for (var i = 0; i < iChunkedArrayLength; i++) {
           aChunkedArray[i] = new Array(iChunkSize);
           for (var j = 0; j < iChunkSize; j++) {
               aChunkedArray[i][j] = this[iSourceArrayIndex++];
   catch (vError) {
       if (vError instanceof Error) {
   finally {
       return vError ? null : aChunkedArray;



* Returns an associative array keyed on the values of this array. Each member
* of the associative array contains an integer value representing the number
* of occurrences of that member"s key in this array.
* @summary             count occurrence of values
* @author              Stuart Wigley
* @author              Randolph Fielding
* @version             1.2, 06/29/03
* @interface           Array.count()
* @return              an associative array of counted values
* @return              null if an exception is encountered
* @throws              IllegalArgumentException

Array.prototype.count = function() {

   try {
       var vError = null;
       var iNumArguments = arguments.length;
       if (iNumArguments > 0) {
           throw vError = new IllegalArgumentException("Array.count", 0, iNumArguments);
       var iArrayLength = this.length;
       var aCountedArray = new Array();
       for (var i = 0; i < iArrayLength; i++) {
           var sValue = this[i].toString();
           aCountedArray[sValue] = (aCountedArray[sValue] == undefined) ? 1 : ++aCountedArray[sValue];
   catch (vError) {
       if (vError instanceof Error) {
   finally {
       return vError ? null : aCountedArray;



* Calculates and returns the coefficient of variation of all array members or
* of a subset of array members (if the optional start and length arguments are
* specified).
* @summary             coefficient of variation
* @author              Stuart Wigley
* @author              Randolph Fielding
* @version             1.4, 08/08/03
* @interface           Array.covar()
* @interface           Array.covar(iStart)
* @interface           Array.covar(iStart, iLength)
* @requires            Array.mean(iStart, iLength)
* @requires            Array.standardDev(iStart, iLength)
* @param iStart        the index of the array member to start at (optional)
* @param iLength       the number of array members to evaluate beginning at
*                      iStart (optional)
* @return              the coefficient of variation of all array members or of
*                      a subset of array members
* @return              null if an exception is encountered
* @throws              ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
* @throws              IllegalArgumentException
* @throws              MethodNotAvailableException
* @throws              TypeMismatchException
* @throws              UnknownException
* @see                 Array.mean()
* @see                 Array.standardDev()

Array.prototype.covar = function() {

   try {
       var vError = null;
       var iArrayLength = this.length;
       var iNumArguments = arguments.length;
       var iStart = 0;
       var iLength = iArrayLength;
       if (!("mean" in this)) {
           throw vError = new MethodNotAvailableException("Array.covar", "Array.mean");
       if (!("standardDev" in this)) {
           throw vError = new MethodNotAvailableException("Array.covar", "Array.standardDev");
       if (iNumArguments > 2) {
           throw vError = new IllegalArgumentException("Array.covar", "0, 1 or 2", iNumArguments);
       } else if (iNumArguments == 2) {
           iStart = arguments[0];
           iLength = arguments[1];
       } else if (iNumArguments == 1) {
           iStart = arguments[0];
           iLength -= iStart;
       if ((typeof iStart != "number") || (iStart.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.covar", "integer", typeof iStart);
       if ((typeof iLength != "number") || (iLength.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.covar", "integer", typeof iLength);
       var iEnd = iStart + iLength;
       if (iStart < 0) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.covar", iStart, iArrayLength);
       if (iLength <= 0) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.covar", iLength, iArrayLength);
       if (iEnd > iArrayLength) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.covar", iEnd, iArrayLength);
       var fMean = this.mean(iStart, iLength);
       var fStandardDev = this.standardDev(iStart, iLength);
       if (!fMean || !fStandardDev) {
           throw vError = new UnknownException("Array.covar");
       var fCovar = fStandardDev / fMean;
   catch (vError) {
       if (vError instanceof Error) {
   finally {
       return vError ? null : fCovar;



* Fills this array or a subset of array members (if the optional start and
* length arguments are specified) with a value of any data type.
* @summary             fill
* @author              Stuart Wigley
* @author              Randolph Fielding
* @version             1.1, 06/28/03
* @interface           Array.fill(vFill)
* @interface           Array.fill(vFill, iStart)
* @interface           Array.fill(vFill, iStart, iLength)
* @param vFill         a value of any data type to fill this array or a
*                      subset of array members with
* @param iStart        the index of the array member to start at (optional)
* @param iLength       the number of array members to fill beginning at
*                      iStart (optional)
* @return              a modified array
* @return              null if an exception is encountered
* @throws              ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
* @throws              IllegalArgumentException
* @throws              TypeMismatchException

Array.prototype.fill = function(vFill) {

   try {
       var vError = null;
       var iArrayLength = this.length;
       var iNumArguments = arguments.length;
       var iStart = 0;
       var iLength = iArrayLength;
       if ((iNumArguments < 1) || (iNumArguments > 3)) {
           throw vError = new IllegalArgumentException("Array.fill", "1, 2 or 3", iNumArguments);
       } else if (iNumArguments == 3) {
           iStart = arguments[1];
           iLength = arguments[2];
       } else if (iNumArguments == 2) {
           iStart = arguments[1];
           iLength -= iStart;
       if ((typeof iStart != "number") || (iStart.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.fill", "integer", typeof iStart);
       if ((typeof iLength != "number") || (iLength.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.fill", "integer", typeof iLength);
       var iEnd = iStart + iLength;
       if (iStart < 0) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.fill", iStart, iArrayLength);
       if (iLength <= 0) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.fill", iLength, iArrayLength);
       if (iEnd > iArrayLength) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.fill", iEnd, iArrayLength);
       for (var i = iStart; i < iEnd; i++) {
           this[i] = vFill;
   catch (vError) {
       if (vError instanceof Error) {
   finally {
       return vError ? null : this;



* Returns the maximum numerical value contained in this array or in a subset
* of array members (if the optional start and length arguments are specified).
* @summary             maximum value
* @author              Stuart Wigley
* @author              Randolph Fielding
* @version             1.1, 06/27/03
* @interface           Array.max()
* @interface           Array.max(iStart)
* @interface           Array.max(iStart, iLength)
* @param iStart        the index of the array member to start at (optional)
* @param iLength       the number of array members to evaluate beginning at
*                      iStart (optional)
* @return              the maximum numerical value contained in this array or
*                      in a subset of array members
* @return              null if no array members are numbers
* @return              null if an exception is encountered
* @throws              ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
* @throws              IllegalArgumentException
* @throws              TypeMismatchException

Array.prototype.max = function() {

   try {
       var vError = null;
       var iArrayLength = this.length;
       var iNumArguments = arguments.length;
       var iStart = 0;
       var iLength = iArrayLength;
       if (iNumArguments > 2) {
           throw vError = new IllegalArgumentException("Array.max", "0, 1 or 2", iNumArguments);
       } else if (iNumArguments == 2) {
           iStart = arguments[0];
           iLength = arguments[1];
       } else if (iNumArguments == 1) {
           iStart = arguments[0];
           iLength -= iStart;
       if ((typeof iStart != "number") || (iStart.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.max", "integer", typeof iStart);
       if ((typeof iLength != "number") || (iLength.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.max", "integer", typeof iLength);
       var iEnd = iStart + iLength;
       if (iStart < 0) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.max", iStart, iArrayLength);
       if (iLength <= 0) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.max", iLength, iArrayLength);
       if (iEnd > iArrayLength) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.max", iEnd, iArrayLength);
       var fMax = null;
       for (var i = iStart; i < iEnd; i++) {
           if ((typeof this[i] == "number") && ((fMax == null) || (this[i] > fMax))) {
               fMax = this[i];
   catch (vError) {
       if (vError instanceof Error) {
   finally {
       return vError ? null : fMax;



* Calculates and returns the mean of all array members or of a subset of array
* members (if the optional start and length arguments are specified).
* @summary             mean
* @author              Stuart Wigley
* @author              Randolph Fielding
* @version             1.5, 08/08/03
* @interface           Array.mean()
* @interface           Array.mean(iStart)
* @interface           Array.mean(iStart, iLength)
* @param iStart        the index of the array member to start at (optional)
* @param iLength       the number of array members to evaluate beginning at
*                      iStart (optional)
* @return              the mean of all array members or of a subset of array
*                      members
* @return              null if no array members are numbers
* @return              null if an exception is encountered
* @throws              ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
* @throws              IllegalArgumentException
* @throws              TypeMismatchException

Array.prototype.mean = function() {

   try {
       var vError = null;
       var iArrayLength = this.length;
       var iNumArguments = arguments.length;
       var iStart = 0;
       var iLength = iArrayLength;
       if (iNumArguments > 2) {
           throw vError = new IllegalArgumentException("Array.mean", "0, 1 or 2", iNumArguments);
       } else if (iNumArguments == 2) {
           iStart = arguments[0];
           iLength = arguments[1];
       } else if (iNumArguments == 1) {
           iStart = arguments[0];
           iLength -= iStart;
       if ((typeof iStart != "number") || (iStart.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.mean", "integer", typeof iStart);
       if ((typeof iLength != "number") || (iLength.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.mean", "integer", typeof iLength);
       var iEnd = iStart + iLength;
       if (iStart < 0) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.mean", iStart, iArrayLength);
       if (iLength <= 0) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.mean", iLength, iArrayLength);
       if (iEnd > iArrayLength) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.mean", iEnd, iArrayLength);
       var fSum = 0;
       var iCount = 0;
       for (var i = iStart; i < iEnd; i++) {
           if (typeof this[i] == "number") {
               fSum += this[i];
       var fMean = (iCount == 0) ? null : fSum / iCount;
   catch (vError) {
       if (vError instanceof Error) {
   finally {
       return vError ? null : fMean;



* Calculates and returns the median of all array members or of a subset of
* array members (if the optional start and length arguments are specified).
* @summary             median
* @author              Stuart Wigley
* @author              Randolph Fielding
* @version             1.2, 08/08/03
* @interface           Array.median()
* @interface           Array.median(iStart)
* @interface           Array.median(iStart, iLength)
* @param iStart        the index of the array member to start at (optional)
* @param iLength       the number of array members to evaluate beginning at
*                      iStart (optional)
* @return              the median of all array members or of a subset of array
*                      members
* @return              null if no array members are numbers
* @return              null if an exception is encountered
* @throws              ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
* @throws              IllegalArgumentException
* @throws              TypeMismatchException

Array.prototype.median = function() {

   try {
       var vError = null;
       var iArrayLength = this.length;
       var iNumArguments = arguments.length;
       var iStart = 0;
       var iLength = iArrayLength;
       if (iNumArguments > 2) {
           throw vError = new IllegalArgumentException("Array.median", "0, 1 or 2", iNumArguments);
       } else if (iNumArguments == 2) {
           iStart = arguments[0];
           iLength = arguments[1];
       } else if (iNumArguments == 1) {
           iStart = arguments[0];
           iLength -= iStart;
       if ((typeof iStart != "number") || (iStart.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.median", "integer", typeof iStart);
       if ((typeof iLength != "number") || (iLength.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.median", "integer", typeof iLength);
       var iEnd = iStart + iLength;
       if (iStart < 0) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.median", iStart, iArrayLength);
       if (iLength <= 0) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.median", iLength, iArrayLength);
       if (iEnd > iArrayLength) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.median", iEnd, iArrayLength);
       var aTempArray = new Array();
       var iTempArrayIndex = 0;
       for (var i = iStart; i < iEnd; i++) {
           if (typeof this[i] == "number") {
               aTempArray[iTempArrayIndex++] = this[i];
       var iTempArrayLength = aTempArray.length;
       var iModTempArrayLength = iTempArrayLength - 1;
       for (var j = 0; j < iModTempArrayLength; j++) {
           for (var k = j + 1; k < iTempArrayLength; k++) {
               if (aTempArray[k] < aTempArray[j]) {
                   var fValue = aTempArray[j];
                   aTempArray[j] = aTempArray[k];
                   aTempArray[k] = fValue;
       var fMedian = (iTempArrayLength == 0) ? null : (iTempArrayLength % 2 == 1) ? aTempArray[Math.floor(iTempArrayLength / 2)] : (aTempArray[iTempArrayLength / 2] + aTempArray[(iTempArrayLength / 2) - 1]) / 2;
   catch (vError) {
       if (vError instanceof Error) {
   finally {
       return vError ? null : fMedian;



* Returns the minimum numerical value contained in this array or in a subset
* of array members (if the optional start and length arguments are specified).
* @summary             minimum value
* @author              Stuart Wigley
* @author              Randolph Fielding
* @version             1.2, 06/27/03
* @interface           Array.min()
* @interface           Array.min(iStart)
* @interface           Array.min(iStart, iLength)
* @param iStart        the index of the array member to start at (optional)
* @param iLength       the number of array members to evaluate beginning at
*                      iStart (optional)
* @return              the minimum numerical value contained in this array or
*                      in a subset of array members
* @return              null if no array members are numbers
* @return              null if an exception is encountered
* @throws              ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
* @throws              IllegalArgumentException
* @throws              TypeMismatchException

Array.prototype.min = function() {

   try {
       var vError = null;
       var iArrayLength = this.length;
       var iNumArguments = arguments.length;
       var iStart = 0;
       var iLength = iArrayLength;
       if (iNumArguments > 2) {
           throw vError = new IllegalArgumentException("Array.min", "0, 1 or 2", iNumArguments);
       } else if (iNumArguments == 2) {
           iStart = arguments[0];
           iLength = arguments[1];
       } else if (iNumArguments == 1) {
           iStart = arguments[0];
           iLength -= iStart;
       if ((typeof iStart != "number") || (iStart.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.min", "integer", typeof iStart);
       if ((typeof iLength != "number") || (iLength.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.min", "integer", typeof iLength);
       var iEnd = iStart + iLength;
       if (iStart < 0) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.min", iStart, iArrayLength);
       if (iLength <= 0) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.min", iLength, iArrayLength);
       if (iEnd > iArrayLength) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.min", iEnd, iArrayLength);
       var fMin = null;
       for (var i = iStart; i < iEnd; i++) {
           if ((typeof this[i] == "number") && ((fMin == null) || (this[i] < fMin))) {
               fMin = this[i];
   catch (vError) {
       if (vError instanceof Error) {
   finally {
       return vError ? null : fMin;



* Calculates and returns the product of all array members or of a subset of
* array members (if the optional start and length arguments are specified).
* @summary             product
* @author              Stuart Wigley
* @author              Randolph Fielding
* @version             1.2, 08/08/03
* @interface           Array.product()
* @interface           Array.product(iStart)
* @interface           Array.product(iStart, iLength)
* @param iStart        the index of the array member to start at (optional)
* @param iLength       the number of array members to evaluate beginning at
*                      iStart (optional)
* @return              the product of all array members or of a subset of
*                      array members
* @return              null if no array members are numbers
* @return              null if an exception is encountered
* @throws              ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
* @throws              IllegalArgumentException
* @throws              TypeMismatchException

Array.prototype.product = function() {

   try {
       var vError = null;
       var iArrayLength = this.length;
       var iNumArguments = arguments.length;
       var iStart = 0;
       var iLength = iArrayLength;
       if (iNumArguments > 2) {
           throw vError = new IllegalArgumentException("Array.product", "0, 1 or 2", iNumArguments);
       } else if (iNumArguments == 2) {
           iStart = arguments[0];
           iLength = arguments[1];
       } else if (iNumArguments == 1) {
           iStart = arguments[0];
           iLength -= iStart;
       if ((typeof iStart != "number") || (iStart.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.product", "integer", typeof iStart);
       if ((typeof iLength != "number") || (iLength.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.product", "integer", typeof iLength);
       var iEnd = iStart + iLength;
       if (iStart < 0) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.product", iStart, iArrayLength);
       if (iLength <= 0) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.product", iLength, iArrayLength);
       if (iEnd > iArrayLength) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.product", iEnd, iArrayLength);
       var fProduct = 1;
       var iCount = 0;
       for (var i = iStart; i < iEnd; i++) {
           if (typeof this[i] == "number") {
               fProduct *= this[i];
       fProduct = (iCount == 0) ? null : fProduct;
   catch (vError) {
       if (vError instanceof Error) {
   finally {
       return vError ? null : fProduct;



* Calculates and returns the range of all array members or of a subset of
* array members (if the optional start and length arguments are specified).
* @summary             range
* @author              Stuart Wigley
* @author              Randolph Fielding
* @version             1.2, 08/08/03
* @interface           Array.range()
* @interface           Array.range(iStart)
* @interface           Array.range(iStart, iLength)
* @requires            Array.max(iStart, iLength)
* @requires            Array.min(iStart, iLength)
* @param iStart        the index of the array member to start at (optional)
* @param iLength       the number of array members to evaluate beginning at
*                      iStart (optional)
* @return              the range of all array members or of a subset of array
*                      members
* @return              null if an exception is encountered
* @throws              ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
* @throws              IllegalArgumentException
* @throws              MethodNotAvailableException
* @throws              TypeMismatchException
* @throws              UnknownException
* @see                 Array.max()
* @see                 Array.min()

Array.prototype.range = function() {

   try {
       var vError = null;
       var iArrayLength = this.length;
       var iNumArguments = arguments.length;
       var iStart = 0;
       var iLength = iArrayLength;
       if (!("max" in this)) {
           throw vError = new MethodNotAvailableException("Array.range", "Array.max");
       if (!("min" in this)) {
           throw vError = new MethodNotAvailableException("Array.range", "Array.min");
       if (iNumArguments > 2) {
           throw vError = new IllegalArgumentException("Array.range", "0, 1 or 2", iNumArguments);
       } else if (iNumArguments == 2) {
           iStart = arguments[0];
           iLength = arguments[1];
       } else if (iNumArguments == 1) {
           iStart = arguments[0];
           iLength -= iStart;
       if ((typeof iStart != "number") || (iStart.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.range", "integer", typeof iStart);
       if ((typeof iLength != "number") || (iLength.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.range", "integer", typeof iLength);
       var iEnd = iStart + iLength;
       if (iStart < 0) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.range", iStart, iArrayLength);
       if (iLength <= 0) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.range", iLength, iArrayLength);
       if (iEnd > iArrayLength) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.range", iEnd, iArrayLength);
       var fMax = this.max(iStart, iLength);
       var fMin = this.min(iStart, iLength);
       if (!fMax || !fMin) {
           throw vError = new UnknownException("Array.range");
       var fRange = fMax - fMin;
   catch (vError) {
       if (vError instanceof Error) {
   finally {
       return vError ? null : fRange;



* Calculates and returns the standard deviation of all array members or of a
* subset of array members (if the optional start and length arguments are
* specified).
* @summary             standard deviation
* @author              Stuart Wigley
* @author              Randolph Fielding
* @version             1.4, 08/08/03
* @interface           Array.standardDev()
* @interface           Array.standardDev(iStart)
* @interface           Array.standardDev(iStart, iLength)
* @requires            Array.variance(iStart, iLength)
* @param iStart        the index of the array member to start at (optional)
* @param iLength       the number of array members to evaluate beginning at
*                      iStart (optional)
* @return              the standard deviation of all array members or of a
*                      subset of array members
* @return              null if an exception is encountered
* @throws              ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
* @throws              IllegalArgumentException
* @throws              MethodNotAvailableException
* @throws              TypeMismatchException
* @throws              UnknownException
* @see                 Array.variance()

Array.prototype.standardDev = function() {

   try {
       var vError = null;
       var iArrayLength = this.length;
       var iNumArguments = arguments.length;
       var iStart = 0;
       var iLength = iArrayLength;
       if (!("variance" in this)) {
           throw vError = new MethodNotAvailableException("Array.standardDev", "Array.variance");
       if (iNumArguments > 2) {
           throw vError = new IllegalArgumentException("Array.standardDev", "0, 1 or 2", iNumArguments);
       } else if (iNumArguments == 2) {
           iStart = arguments[0];
           iLength = arguments[1];
       } else if (iNumArguments == 1) {
           iStart = arguments[0];
           iLength -= iStart;
       if ((typeof iStart != "number") || (iStart.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.standardDev", "integer", typeof iStart);
       if ((typeof iLength != "number") || (iLength.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.standardDev", "integer", typeof iLength);
       var iEnd = iStart + iLength;
       if (iStart < 0) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.standardDev", iStart, iArrayLength);
       if (iLength <= 0) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.standardDev", iLength, iArrayLength);
       if (iEnd > iArrayLength) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.standardDev", iEnd, iArrayLength);
       var fVariance = this.variance(iStart, iLength);
       if (!fVariance) {
           throw vError = new UnknownException("Array.standardDev");
       var fStandardDev = Math.sqrt(fVariance);
   catch (vError) {
       if (vError instanceof Error) {
   finally {
       return vError ? null : fStandardDev;



* Calculates and returns the sum of all array members or of a subset of array
* members (if the optional start and length arguments are specified).
* @summary             sum
* @author              Stuart Wigley
* @author              Randolph Fielding
* @version             1.2, 08/08/03
* @interface           Array.sum()
* @interface           Array.sum(iStart)
* @interface           Array.sum(iStart, iLength)
* @param iStart        the index of the array member to start at (optional)
* @param iLength       the number of array members to evaluate beginning at
*                      iStart (optional)
* @return              the sum of all array members or of a subset of array
*                      members
* @return              null if no array members are numbers
* @return              null if an exception is encountered
* @throws              ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
* @throws              IllegalArgumentException
* @throws              TypeMismatchException

Array.prototype.sum = function() {

   try {
       var vError = null;
       var iArrayLength = this.length;
       var iNumArguments = arguments.length;
       var iStart = 0;
       var iLength = iArrayLength;
       if (iNumArguments > 2) {
           throw vError = new IllegalArgumentException("Array.sum", "0, 1 or 2", iNumArguments);
       } else if (iNumArguments == 2) {
           iStart = arguments[0];
           iLength = arguments[1];
       } else if (iNumArguments == 1) {
           iStart = arguments[0];
           iLength -= iStart;
       if ((typeof iStart != "number") || (iStart.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.sum", "integer", typeof iStart);
       if ((typeof iLength != "number") || (iLength.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.sum", "integer", typeof iLength);
       var iEnd = iStart + iLength;
       if (iStart < 0) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.sum", iStart, iArrayLength);
       if (iLength <= 0) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.sum", iLength, iArrayLength);
       if (iEnd > iArrayLength) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.sum", iEnd, iArrayLength);
       var fSum = 0;
       var iCount = 0;
       for (var i = iStart; i < iEnd; i++) {
           if (typeof this[i] == "number") {
               fSum += this[i];
       fSum = (iCount == 0) ? null : fSum;
   catch (vError) {
       if (vError instanceof Error) {
   finally {
       return vError ? null : fSum;



* Swaps the values of two array members at the specified indices.
* @summary             swap two members
* @author              Stuart Wigley
* @author              Randolph Fielding
* @version             1.1, 06/27/03
* @interface           Array.swap(iIndex1, iIndex2)
* @param iIndex1       the index of an array member
* @param iIndex2       the index of an array member
* @return              a modified array
* @return              null if an exception is encountered
* @throws              ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
* @throws              IllegalArgumentException
* @throws              TypeMismatchException

Array.prototype.swap = function(iIndex1, iIndex2) {

   try {
       var vError = null;
       var iArrayLength = this.length;
       var iNumArguments = arguments.length;
       if (iNumArguments != 2) {
           throw vError = new IllegalArgumentException("Array.swap", 2, iNumArguments);
       if ((typeof iIndex1 != "number") || (iIndex1.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.swap", "integer", typeof iIndex1);
       if ((typeof iIndex2 != "number") || (iIndex2.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.swap", "integer", typeof iIndex2);
       if ((iIndex1 < 0) || (iIndex1 >= iArrayLength)) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.swap", iIndex1, iArrayLength);
       if ((iIndex2 < 0) || (iIndex2 >= iArrayLength)) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.swap", iIndex2, iArrayLength);
       var vTempValue = this[iIndex1];
       this[iIndex1] = this[iIndex2];
       this[iIndex2] = vTempValue;
   catch (vError) {
       if (vError instanceof Error) {
   finally {
       return vError ? null : this;



* Calculates and returns the unbiased variance of all array members or of a
* subset of array members (if the optional start and length arguments are
* specified).
* @summary             unbiased variance
* @author              Stuart Wigley
* @author              Randolph Fielding
* @version             1.4, 08/08/03
* @interface           Array.variance()
* @interface           Array.variance(iStart)
* @interface           Array.variance(iStart, iLength)
* @requires            Array.mean(iStart, iLength)
* @param iStart        the index of the array member to start at (optional)
* @param iLength       the number of array members to evaluate beginning at
*                      iStart (optional)
* @return              the unbiased variance of all array members or of a
*                      subset of array members
* @return              null if no array members are numbers
* @return              null if an exception is encountered
* @throws              ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
* @throws              IllegalArgumentException
* @throws              MethodNotAvailableException
* @throws              TypeMismatchException
* @throws              UnknownException
* @see                 Array.mean()

Array.prototype.variance = function() {

   try {
       var vError = null;
       var iArrayLength = this.length;
       var iNumArguments = arguments.length;
       var iStart = 0;
       var iLength = iArrayLength;
       if (!("mean" in this)) {
           throw vError = new MethodNotAvailableException("Array.variance", "Array.mean");
       if (iNumArguments > 2) {
           throw vError = new IllegalArgumentException("Array.variance", "0, 1 or 2", iNumArguments);
       } else if (iNumArguments == 2) {
           iStart = arguments[0];
           iLength = arguments[1];
       } else if (iNumArguments == 1) {
           iStart = arguments[0];
           iLength -= iStart;
       if ((typeof iStart != "number") || (iStart.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.variance", "integer", typeof iStart);
       if ((typeof iLength != "number") || (iLength.toString().indexOf(".") != -1)) {
           throw vError = new TypeMismatchException("Array.variance", "integer", typeof iLength);
       var iEnd = iStart + iLength;
       if (iStart < 0) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.variance", iStart, iArrayLength);
       if (iLength <= 0) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.variance", iLength, iArrayLength);
       if (iEnd > iArrayLength) {
           throw vError = new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Array.variance", iEnd, iArrayLength);
       var fMean = this.mean(iStart, iLength);
       if (!fMean) {
           throw vError = new UnknownException("Array.variance");
       var fSum = 0;
       var iCount = 0;
       for (var i = iStart; i < iEnd; i++) {
           if (typeof this[i] == "number") {
               fSum += Math.pow((this[i] - fMean), 2);
       if (iCount == 1) {
           throw vError = new UnknownException("Array.variance");
       var fVariance = (iCount == 0) ? null : fSum / (iCount - 1);
   catch (vError) {
       if (vError instanceof Error) {
   finally {
       return vError ? null : fVariance;


       <script type="text/javascript">
           var oTest = new Test();
           var oDebug = new Debug();
           var aSample = new Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "a", "b", "c", "d", "e");
           aSample["hello"] = "hesdllo";
<tbody> </tbody>
Starting Array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]
                       <input id="averageDev1" name="input" type="text" size="5" />
                       <input id="averageDev2" name="input" type="text" size="5" />
<input id="averageDev" type="button" value="Calculate >" onclick="oTest.evaluateMethod(this, "aSample")" /> <input id="averageDevResult" name="output" type="text" size="30" readonly="readonly" />
Array.changeKeyCase() <input id="changeKeyCase1" name="input" type="text" size="5" /> <input id="changeKeyCase" type="button" value="Calculate >" onclick="oTest.evaluateMethod(this, "aSample")" /> <input id="changeKeyCaseResult" name="output" type="text" size="30" readonly="readonly" />
Array.chunk() <input id="chunk1" name="input" type="text" size="5" /> <input id="chunk" type="button" value="Calculate >" onclick="oTest.evaluateMethod(this, "aSample")" /> <input id="chunkResult" name="output" type="text" size="30" readonly="readonly" />
Array.count()   <input id="count" type="button" value="Calculate >" onclick="oTest.evaluateMethod(this, "aSample")" /> <input id="countResult" name="output" type="text" size="30" readonly="readonly" />
                       <input id="covar1" name="input" type="text" size="5" />
                       <input id="covar2" name="input" type="text" size="5" />
<input id="covar" type="button" value="Calculate >" onclick="oTest.evaluateMethod(this, "aSample")" /> <input id="covarResult" name="output" type="text" size="30" readonly="readonly" />
                       <input id="fill1" name="input" type="text" size="5" />
                       <input id="fill2" name="input" type="text" size="5" />
                       <input id="fill3" name="input" type="text" size="5" />
<input id="fill" type="button" value="Calculate >" onclick="oTest.evaluateMethod(this, "aSample")" /> <input id="fillResult" name="output" type="text" size="30" readonly="readonly" />
                       <input id="max1" name="input" type="text" size="5" />
                       <input id="max2" name="input" type="text" size="5" />
<input id="max" type="button" value="Calculate >" onclick="oTest.evaluateMethod(this, "aSample")" /> <input id="maxResult" name="output" type="text" size="30" readonly="readonly" />
                       <input id="mean1" name="input" type="text" size="5" />
                       <input id="mean2" name="input" type="text" size="5" />
<input id="mean" type="button" value="Calculate >" onclick="oTest.evaluateMethod(this, "aSample")" /> <input id="meanResult" name="output" type="text" size="30" readonly="readonly" />
                       <input id="median1" name="input" type="text" size="5" />
                       <input id="median2" name="input" type="text" size="5" />
<input id="median" type="button" value="Calculate >" onclick="oTest.evaluateMethod(this, "aSample")" /> <input id="medianResult" name="output" type="text" size="30" readonly="readonly" />
                       <input id="min1" name="input" type="text" size="5" />
                       <input id="min2" name="input" type="text" size="5" />
<input id="min" type="button" value="Calculate >" onclick="oTest.evaluateMethod(this, "aSample")" /> <input id="minResult" name="output" type="text" size="30" readonly="readonly" />
                       <input id="product1" name="input" type="text" size="5" />
                       <input id="product2" name="input" type="text" size="5" />
<input id="product" type="button" value="Calculate >" onclick="oTest.evaluateMethod(this, "aSample")" /> <input id="productResult" name="output" type="text" size="30" readonly="readonly" />
                       <input id="range1" name="input" type="text" size="5" />
                       <input id="range2" name="input" type="text" size="5" />
<input id="range" type="button" value="Calculate >" onclick="oTest.evaluateMethod(this, "aSample")" /> <input id="rangeResult" name="output" type="text" size="30" readonly="readonly" />
                       <input id="standardDev1" name="input" type="text" size="5" />
                       <input id="standardDev2" name="input" type="text" size="5" />
<input id="standardDev" type="button" value="Calculate >" onclick="oTest.evaluateMethod(this, "aSample")" /> <input id="standardDevResult" name="output" type="text" size="30" readonly="readonly" />
                       <input id="sum1" name="input" type="text" size="5" />
                       <input id="sum2" name="input" type="text" size="5" />
<input id="sum" type="button" value="Calculate >" onclick="oTest.evaluateMethod(this, "aSample")" /> <input id="sumResult" name="output" type="text" size="30" readonly="readonly" />
                       <input id="swap1" name="input" type="text" size="5" />
                       <input id="swap2" name="input" type="text" size="5" />
<input id="swap" type="button" value="Calculate >" onclick="oTest.evaluateMethod(this, "aSample")" /> <input id="swapResult" name="output" type="text" size="30" readonly="readonly" />
                       <input id="variance1" name="input" type="text" size="5" />
                       <input id="variance2" name="input" type="text" size="5" />
<input id="variance" type="button" value="Calculate >" onclick="oTest.evaluateMethod(this, "aSample")" /> <input id="varianceResult" name="output" type="text" size="30" readonly="readonly" />



Displaying the Contents of an Array

   <source lang="html4strict">

<script language="JavaScript1.1" type="text/javascript">



Dynamic array

   <source lang="html4strict">

<HTML> <HEAD> <META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0"> <TITLE></TITLE> <Script language="JavaScript"> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File: vector.js // // Author: Jason Geissler // // Date: Sept 3, 2003 // // Purpose: To have a dynamic collection instead // of using arrays when the total quantity // is unknown ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Vector Constructor -- constructs the object function Vector(inc) {

 if (inc == 0) {
   inc = 100;
 /* Properties */ = new Array(inc);
 this.increment = inc;
 this.size = 0;
 /* Methods */
 this.getCapacity = getCapacity;
 this.getSize = getSize;
 this.isEmpty = isEmpty;
 this.getLastElement = getLastElement;
 this.getFirstElement = getFirstElement;
 this.getElementAt = getElementAt;
 this.addElement = addElement;
 this.insertElementAt = insertElementAt;
 this.removeElementAt = removeElementAt;
 this.removeAllElements = removeAllElements;
 this.indexOf = indexOf;
 this.contains = contains
 this.resize = resize;
 this.toString = toString;
 this.sort = sort;
 this.trimToSize = trimToSize;
 this.clone = clone;

} // getCapacity() -- returns the number of elements the vector can hold function getCapacity() {


} // getSize() -- returns the current size of the vector function getSize() {

 return this.size;

} // isEmpty() -- checks to see if the Vector has any elements function isEmpty() {

 return this.getSize() == 0;

} // getLastElement() -- returns the last element function getLastElement() {

 if ([this.getSize() - 1] != null) {
   return[this.getSize() - 1];

} // getFirstElement() -- returns the first element function getFirstElement() {

 if ([0] != null) {

} // getElementAt() -- returns an element at a specified index function getElementAt(i) {

 try {
 catch (e) {
   return "Exception " + e + " occured when accessing " + i;  

} // addElement() -- adds a element at the end of the Vector function addElement(obj) {

 if(this.getSize() == {
 }[this.size++] = obj;

} // insertElementAt() -- inserts an element at a given position function insertElementAt(obj, index) {

 try {
   if (this.size == this.capacity) {
   for (var i=this.getSize(); i > index; i--) {[i] =[i-1];
   }[index] = obj;
 catch (e) {
   return "Invalid index " + i;

} // removeElementAt() -- removes an element at a specific index function removeElementAt(index) {

 try {
   var element =[index];
   for(var i=index; i<(this.getSize()-1); i++) {[i] =[i+1];
   }[getSize()-1] = null;
   return element;
 catch(e) {
   return "Invalid index " + index;

} // removeAllElements() -- removes all elements in the Vector function removeAllElements() {

 this.size = 0;
 for (var i=0; i<; i++) {[i] = null;

} // indexOf() -- returns the index of a searched element function indexOf(obj) {

 for (var i=0; i<this.getSize(); i++) {
   if ([i] == obj) {
     return i;
 return -1;

} // contains() -- returns true if the element is in the Vector, otherwise false function contains(obj) {

 for (var i=0; i<this.getSize(); i++) {
   if ([i] == obj) {
     return true;
 return false;

} // resize() -- increases the size of the Vector function resize() {

 newData = new Array( + this.increment);
 for  (var i=0; i<; i++) {
   newData[i] =[i];
 } = newData;


// trimToSize() -- trims the vector down to it"s size function trimToSize() {

 var temp = new Array(this.getSize());
 for (var i = 0; i < this.getSize(); i++) {
   temp[i] =[i];
 this.size = temp.length - 1; = temp;

} // sort() - sorts the collection based on a field name - f function sort(f) {

 var i, j;
 var currentValue;
 var currentObj;
 var compareObj;
 var compareValue;
 for(i=1; i<this.getSize();i++) {
   currentObj =[i];
   currentValue = currentObj[f];
   j= i-1;
   compareObj =[j];
   compareValue = compareObj[f];
   while(j >=0 && compareValue > currentValue) {[j+1] =[j];
     if (j >=0) {
       compareObj =[j];
       compareValue = compareObj[f];
   }[j+1] = currentObj;

} // clone() -- copies the contents of a Vector to another Vector returning the new Vector. function clone() {

 var newVector = new Vector(this.size);
 for (var i=0; i<this.size; i++) {
 return newVector;

} // toString() -- returns a string rep. of the Vector function toString() {

 var str = "Vector Object properties:\n" +
           "Increment: " + this.increment + "\n" +
           "Size: " + this.size + "\n" +
 for (var i=0; i<getSize(); i++) {
   for (var prop in[i]) {
     var obj =[i];
     str += "\tObject." + prop + " = " + obj[prop] + "\n";
 return str;  

} // overwriteElementAt() - overwrites the element with an object at the specific index. function overwriteElementAt(obj, index) {[index] = obj;


////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File: Matrix.js // // Author: Jason Geissler // // Date: March 9, 2004 // // Purpose: To have a multidimensional dynamic collection instead // of using arrays when the total quantity // is unknown ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Matrix() - object constructor function Matrix(h, w) {

 /*Properties */
 this.height = h;
 this.width = w;
 this.rows = new Vector(w);
 // set up this.rows. 
 for (var r = 0; r < this.height; r++) {
   var theRow = new Vector(w);
   for (var c = 0; c < this.width; c++) {
 this.elementAt = elementAt;
 this.setElementAt = setElementAt;
 this.insertRow = insertRow;
 this.insertColumn = insertColumn;
 this.removeRowAt = removeRowAt;
 this.removeColumnAt = removeColumnAt;
 this.getWidth = getWidth;
 this.getHeight = getHeight;
 this.toString = toString;

} // getElementAt() - returns a value from the given row/column. function elementAt(row, col) {

 try {
   var theRow = this.rows.getElementAt(row);
   return theRow.getElementAt(col);
 catch(e) {
   return "Invalid index";

} // setElementAt() - sets a value at a given row/column function setElementAt(value, row, col) {

 if (row < 0 || row >= this.height || col < 0 || col >= this.width) {
   return "Matrix object out of Bounds";
 var theRow = this.rows.getElementAt(row);
 theRow.insertElementAt(value, col);

} // insertRowAt() - Inserts a blank row at the end. function insertRow() {

 try {
   var theRow = new Vector(this.width);
   for (var r = 0; r < this.width; r++) {
   this.rows.insertElementAt(theRow, this.height-1);
 catch (e) {
   return "Excecption occured " + e;

} // insertColumnAt() -- Inserts a column at the end. function insertColumn() {

 try {
   for (var c=0; c < this.height; c++) {
     this.rows.getElementAt(c).insertElementAt(null, this.width-1);
 catch (e) {
   return "Invalid column number";

} // removeRowAt() - removes a row at a given index. function removeRowAt(row) {

 try {
   var result = this.rows.getElementAt(row);
   for (var r=row + 1; r <= this.height; r++) {
     var theRow = this.rows.getElementAt(r);
     this.rows.insertElementAt(theRow, r-1);
   return result;
 catch (e) {
   return "Invalid row number";

} // removeColumnAt() - removes a given column function removeColumnAt(col) {

 try {
   var result = new Vector(this.height);
   for(var r = 0; r < this.height; r++) {
     var element = this.rows.getElementAt(r).removeElementAt(col);
   return result;
 catch (e) {
   return "Invalid column number";

} // getWidth() - returns the Matrix width function getWidth() {

 return this.width;

} // getHeight() - returns the Matrix height function getHeight() {

 return this.height;

} // toString() - returns String data about the Matrix object function toString() {

 var s = "Height: " + this.height + " Width: " + this.width + " Rows: " + this.rows;
 return s;


</Script> <Script language="JavaScript"> /*

  • /
 var theMatrix = new Matrix(8,8);
 var counter = 1;
 for (var i = 0; i < theMatrix.getHeight(); i++) {
   for (var j = 0; j < theMatrix.getWidth(); j++) {
     if (counter % 2 == 0) {
       theMatrix.setElementAt("red", i, j);
     else {
       theMatrix.setElementAt("black", i, j);

</Script> </HEAD> <BODY>

"); for (var y = 0; y < theMatrix.getWidth(); y++) { var color = theMatrix.elementAt(x, y); document.write("
Element At</TD></TR>
 <Script language="JavaScript">
   for (var x = 0; x < theMatrix.getHeight(); x++) {
   document.writeln("<B>Width: " + theMatrix.getWidth());
   document.writeln("Height: " + theMatrix.getHeight());
   document.writeln("ToString: " + theMatrix.toString());
"); for (var y = 0; y < theMatrix.getWidth(); y++) { var color = theMatrix.elementAt(x, y) document.write("
Remove Row At</TD></TR>
 <Script language="JavaScript">
   var removedRow = theMatrix.removeRowAt(2);
   for (var x = 0; x < theMatrix.getHeight(); x++) {
"); for (var y = 0; y < theMatrix.getWidth(); y++) { var color = theMatrix.elementAt(x, y) document.write("
Remove Column At</TD></TR>
 <Script language="JavaScript">
   var removedRow = theMatrix.removeColumnAt(2);
   for (var x = 0; x < theMatrix.getHeight(); x++) {



Extending the Length of an Array

   <source lang="html4strict">

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Extending Arrays</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY>

Extending Arrays



Iterating Through a Sparse Array

   <source lang="html4strict">

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Iterating Through a Sparse Array</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <SCRIPT>

     var myArray = new Array(4); 
     myArray[0] = "d"; 
     myArray[1] = "c"; 
     myArray[2] = "s"; 
     myArray[3] = "d"; 
     myArray[6] = "c"; 
     myArray[1] = undefined; 
    for (var i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++){ 
      if (myArray[i] != undefined) 
       document.write("myArray[" + i + "] = " + myArray[i] + "
"); }



Methods and Properties of the Array Object

   <source lang="html4strict">


 Type      Item            Description




          concat()         Concatenates the elements passed into an existing array. 


          join()           Concatenates all elements of an array into one string.


          pop()            Deletes the last element of an array.


          push()           Adds elements to the end of an array.


          reverse()        Reverses the order of the elements in the array. 


          shift()          Deletes elements from the front of an array. This 


          slice()          Returns a subsection of the array.


          sort()           Sorts elements in array.


          splice()         Inserts and removes elements from an array.


          toSource()       Converts elements to a string with square brackets. 


          toString()       Converts the elements in an array to a string.


          unshift()        Adds elements to the front of an array.


          valueOf()        Returns an array of elements separated by commas.




          index            For an array created by a regular expression match, 
                           this property returns the indexed location of the match. 


          input            For an array created by a regular expression match, 
                           this property returns the original string.


          length           The number of elements in the array.


          prototype        Provides the capability for a programmer to add 
                           properties to instances of the Array object. 



Queue based on array

   <source lang="html4strict">

<html> <head> <title>FIFO</title> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> var myQueue = new Array(); myQueue.push("A"); myQueue.push("B"); var ln = myQueue.push("C"); document.writeln("length is " + ln + " and array is " + myQueue + "
"); for (var i = 0; i < ln; i++) {

  document.writeln(myQueue.shift() + "

} document.writeln("length now is " + myQueue.length + "

"); myQueue.unshift("L"); myQueue.unshift("J"); ln = newQueue.unshift("S"); document.writeln("length is " + ln + " and array is " + newQueue + "
"); for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {

 document.writeln(newQueue.pop() + "

} document.writeln("new length is " + newQueue.length );i </script> </body> </html>


Reading and Writing Array Elements

   <source lang="html4strict">

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Reading and Writing Array Elements



<SCRIPT> var myArray = new Array(4); myArray[0] = "A"; myArray[1] = "c"; myArray[2] = "s"; myArray[3] = "d"; var i = 3; var theYear = myArray[i]; document.write("It is the year of the " + theYear + "."); </SCRIPT>



Reference an Array by index

   <source lang="html4strict">

<HTML> <HEAD> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript">


List of Cars:

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">



Reversing, Sorting, and Concatenating an Array

   <source lang="html4strict">

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Array methods </TITLE> <HEAD> <BODY>

<SCRIPT> var theArray = new Array("N","M","T","M"); document.write ("Original array: " + theArray); document.write ("
"); theArray.reverse(); document.write ("Reversed array: " + theArray); document.write ("
"); theArray.sort(); document.write ("Sorted array: " + theArray); document.write ("
"); document.write("Concatenated: " + theArray.concat("Cypher", "Mouse")); </SCRIPT>



Simple Array Demo

   <source lang="html4strict">

<html> <head> <title>Simple Array Demo</title> <script> var description = new Array(3) var counter = 0;

function initialize(){

 description[0] = "blank";
 description[1] = "triangle";
 description[2] = "circle";
 description[3] = "square";

} function upDate(){

 if (counter > 3){
   counter = 0;
 document.myForm.txtDescription.value = description[counter];

} </script> </head> <body onLoad = "initialize()">

Simple Array Demo

<form name = "myForm"> <input type = "text" value = "blank" name = "txtDescription">
<input type = "button" value = "next" onClick = "upDate()"> </form>

</body> </html>


Two-Dimensional Array Work Around

   <source lang="html4strict">

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Two-dimensional array work around </TITLE> <HEAD> <BODY> <SCRIPT>

   var matrix = new Array(4); 
   matrix[0] = new Array(4); 
   matrix[1] = new Array(4); 
   matrix[2] = new Array(4); 
   matrix[3] = new Array(4); 
   matrix[0][0] = "Neo"; 
   matrix[0][1] = "6"; 
   matrix[0][2] = "142"; 
   matrix[0][3] = "Doesn"t"; 
   matrix[1][0] = "Morpheus"; 
   matrix[1][1] = "6:3"; 
   matrix[1][3] = "Morpheus?"; 
   matrix[2][0] = "Trinity"; 
   matrix[2][1] = "5:8"; 
   matrix[2][3] = "She"; 
   matrix[3][0] = "Mr. Smith"; 
   matrix[3][1] = "6:2                                       "; 
   matrix[3][3] = "This is a test"; 
   for (var i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++){ 
   for (var j = 0; j < matrix.length; j++){ 
       document.write ("Element (" + i + ", " + j + ") is " + 
          matrix[i][j] + " -- "); 
"); } </SCRIPT>



URL Array

   <source lang="html4strict">

<HTML> <HEAD> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript">


List of Cars:

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">



Use for loop to display elements in an array

   <source lang="html4strict">

<html> <head>

   <title>For Loop Example</title>

</head> <body> <script type = "text/javascript" > var myArray = ["A","B","C"]; for (var count = 0; count < myArray.length; count++ ) {


} </script> </body> </html>


Using Functions to Iterate Through an Array

   <source lang="html4strict">


  function makeArray() { 
      var myArray = new Array(4); 
      myArray[0] = "L"; 
      myArray[1] = "l"; 
      myArray[2] = "a"; 
      myArray[3] = "p"; 
      return myArray; 
   function showArray(theArray){ 
     var quote = ""; 
     for (var i = 0; i < theArray.length; i++){ 
        quote += theArray[i] + " "; 
     return quote; 


<SCRIPT> var x = makeArray(); document.write(showArray(x)); </SCRIPT>



Using JavaScript Arrays

   <source lang="html4strict">

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Using Arrays</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY>

Using Arrays



Using the Array.join() Method

   <source lang="html4strict">

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Array.join()</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1"> solarSys = new Array(9) solarSys[0] = "Mercury" solarSys[1] = "Venus" solarSys[2] = "Earth" solarSys[3] = "Mars" solarSys[4] = "Jupiter" solarSys[5] = "Saturn" solarSys[6] = "Uranus" solarSys[7] = "Neptune" solarSys[8] = "Pluto" // join array elements into a string function convert(form) {

   var delimiter = form.delim.value
   form.output.value = unescape(solarSys.join(delimiter))


Converting arrays to strings

This document contains an array of planets in our solar system.

<FORM> Enter a string to act as a delimiter between entries:

<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="delim" VALUE="," SIZE=5>

<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Display as String" onClick="convert(this.form)"> <INPUT TYPE="reset"> <TEXTAREA NAME="output" ROWS=4 COLS=40 WRAP="virtual"> </TEXTAREA> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML> </source>

Using the Methods of the Array object

   <source lang="html4strict">


Using Arrays

