JavaScript Reference/Event Handlers Reference/onBeforeCut

Материал из Web эксперт
Версия от 11:22, 26 мая 2010; Admin (обсуждение | вклад) (1 версия)
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"onBeforeCut" Example

   <source lang="javascript">

<html> <body>

Cut this text and copy it to the system clipboard by pressing Ctrl+X.

</body> </html>


"onBeforeCut" is applied to

   <source lang="javascript">

+----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | Applied_To |<a> <address> | | |<applet> <area> | | | |

| |

| |<body> <button> |

| |

| | | | |<custom>

| | | <dir> |

| |

| |document

| | | <embed> | | |<fieldset> | | |<form> <hn> |

| |

| |<img> <input type="button"> | | |<input type="checkbox"> <input type="file"> | | |<inputtype="image"> <input type="password"> | | |<input type="radio"> <input type="reset"> | | |<input type="submit"> <input type="text"> | | | <label> |

| |<legend>
  • | | |<listing> <map> | | |<marquee> <menu> | | |<nobr>
      | | |

      |                |                                                    |
      |                |                                                     |
      |                |<select>                                               |
      |                |                                                |
      |                |                                                 |
      |                |                                                  |
      |                |<tbody>                                                   |
      |                |                             
        | | | <xmp> | +----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ </source>

        "onBeforeCut" Properties

        <source lang="javascript"> +----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | Properties |altKey altLeft | | |cancelBubble clientX | | |clientY ctrlKey | | |ctrlLeft dataTransfer | | |offsetX offsetY | | |returnValue screenX | | |screenY shiftKey | | |shiftLeft srcElement | | |type x | | |y | +----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+


        "onBeforeCut" Syntax and Note

        <source lang="javascript"> Note:

        This event fires before the selection in the document is cut and copied to the clipboard.



      | |<textarea> <tfoot> |

      | |
      <thead> | | |