JavaScript Reference/Javascript Methods/moveEnd

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"moveEnd()" Example

   <source lang="javascript">

<html> <body> <script language="JavaScript"> var range; function function1() {

   range = myText.createTextRange();
   var m = range.moveEnd("textedit");; 

} </script> <input id="myText" type="text" value="Some sample text. This text is editable" size="50"> <input type="button" value="Select the text inside the textbox" onclick="function1();"> </body> </html>


"moveEnd()" is applied to

   <source lang="javascript">

+----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | Applied_To |TextRange | +----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+


"moveEnd()" Syntax, Parameters and Note

   <source lang="javascript">

Note: Moves the end position of a text to a new location and returns the number of units moved.


textRangeName.moveEnd(param1, param2) Parameters:

   param1   Required; the type of units to move. 
                      textedit             start or end of the text range
   param2   Optional; the number of units to move.