PHP/Data Structure/count

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Counting Array Elements

   <source lang="html4strict">


 $dogs = array("A" => "AA", "Bud" => "BB", "C" => "D");
 $birds = array("parrot", "magpie", "lorakeet", "cuckoo");

There are %d dogs and %d birds.

", count($dogs), count($birds));
 $birds[] = "ibis";

There are %d birds:

", count($birds)); printf("
\n", var_export($birds, TRUE));
 $birds[10] = "heron";

There are %d birds:

", count($birds)); printf("
\n", var_export($birds, TRUE));



Get the size of an array in PHP using the count() function

   <source lang="html4strict">


   $dogs = array("A" => "C", "B" => "D", "X" => "Z"); 
   $birds = array("a", "b", "c", "d"); 
   printf("%d dogs and %d birds", count($dogs), count($birds)); 
   $birds[] = "i"; 
   printf("%d birds:", count($birds)); 
   printf("%s", var_export($birds, TRUE)); 
   $birds[10] = "h"; 
   printf("%d birds:", count($birds)); 
   printf("%s", var_export($birds, TRUE)); 



Getting the Number of Lines in a File

   <source lang="html4strict">


 $afile = "data.txt";
 if (file_exists ($afile)){
   $rows = file ($afile);
   echo count ($rows) . " lines in this file"; //Outputs 4 in this case
 } else {
   echo "Sorry, file does not exist.";



Using count() to Iterate Through an Array

   <source lang="html4strict">


   $myarray = array("php", "is", "cool");
   for($i = 0; $i < count($myarray); $i++) {
     echo "The value of index $i is: {$myarray[$i]}
\n"; }

