PHP/Functions/Return Value

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Версия от 10:04, 26 мая 2010; Admin (обсуждение | вклад) (1 версия)
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A Function That Returns a Value

   <source lang="html4strict">

<html> <head> <title>A Function That Returns a Value</title> </head> <body>


   function addNums( $firstnum, $secondnum ) {
     $result = $firstnum + $secondnum;
     return $result;
   print addNums(3,5);


</body> </html>


Function Requiring Two Arguments

   <source lang="html4strict">

<html> <head> <title>Function Requiring Two Arguments</title> </head> <body> <?php function fontWrap( $txt, $size ) {

   print "$txt";  

} fontWrap("call 1
",5); fontWrap("call 2
",3); fontWrap("call 3
",3); fontWrap("call 4
",3); ?> </body> </html>


Function return more than one value

   <source lang="html4strict">


  function retrieve_user_profile() {
     $user[] = "A";
     $user[] = "";
     $user[] = "English";
     return $user;
  list($name,$email,$language) = retrieve_user_profile();
  echo "Name: $name, email: $email, preferred language: $language";



Functions that return true or false

   <source lang="html4strict">

<? function can_pay_cash($cash_on_hand, $amount) {

   if ($amount > $cash_on_hand) {
       return false;
   } else {
       return true;

} function myFunction($meal, $tax, $tip) {

   $tax_amount  = $meal * ($tax / 100);
   $tip_amount  = $meal * ($tip / 100);
   $total_notip = $meal + $tax_amount;
   $total_tip   = $meal + $tax_amount + $tip_amount;
   return array($total_notip, $total_tip);

} $total = myFunction(15.22,8.25,15); if (can_pay_cash(20, $total)) {

   print "I can pay in cash.";

} else {

   print "Time for the credit card.";

} ?>


Math Function Library

   <source lang="html4strict">


    function subtract($n1, $n2) {
         return $n1 - $n2;
    function add($n1, $n2) {
         return $n1 + $n2;
    function divide($n1, $n2) {
         if($n2 == 0)
              return -1;
              return $n1 / $n2;
    function multiply($n1, $n2)
         return $n1 * $n2;
    function to_pow($n1, $pow)
              return $n1 * to_pow($n1, $pow - 1);
         return 1;
    print(to_pow(6, 1) . "
"); print(multiply(5, 10) . "
"); print(divide(5, 10) . "
"); print(subtract(10, 50) . "
"); print(add(10, 5) . "

?> </body> </html>


Multiple return statements in a function

   <source lang="html4strict">

<? function payment_method($cash_on_hand, $amount) {

   if ($amount > $cash_on_hand) {
       return "credit card";
   } else {
       return "cash";

} ?>


Passing Arguments and Returning Values by Reference

   <source lang="html4strict">

<?php function add2(&$number) {

   $number += 2;
   return $number;

} $mynum = 5; $output = add2($mynum); $output++;

echo "

output = {$output}, mynum = {$mynum}


function &initialize() {

   $new = array_fill(0, 10, array_fill(0, 10, 0));
   return $new;

} $newarray =& initialize(); echo print_r($newarray, true); ?>


Returning a list an array from function

   <source lang="html4strict">

<? function small_numbers() {

   return array (0, 1, 2);

} list ($zero, $one, $two) = small_numbers(); ?>


Returning an array from a function

   <source lang="html4strict">

<? function myFunction2($meal, $tax, $tip) {

   $tax_amount  = $meal * ($tax / 100);
   $tip_amount  = $meal * ($tip / 100);
   $total_notip = $meal + $tax_amount;
   $total_tip   = $meal + $tax_amount + $tip_amount;
   return array($total_notip, $total_tip);

} ?>


Returning a Value by Reference

   <source lang="html4strict">


   function &find_var($one, $two, $three) {
       if(($one > 0) && ($one <= 10)) return $one;
       if(($two > 0) && ($two <= 10)) return $two;
       if(($three > 0) && ($three <= 10)) return $three;
   $c_one = "foo";
   $c_two = 42;
   $c_three = 4;
   $right_var = &find_var($c_one, $c_two, $c_three);
   echo "The value of \$c_three and \$right_var are: ";
   echo "$c_three and $right_var



Returning a value from a function

   <source lang="html4strict">

<? $number_to_display = number_format(285266237); print "The population of the US is about: $number_to_display"; function myFunction($meal, $tax, $tip) {

   $tax_amount = $meal * ($tax / 100);
   $tip_amount = $meal * ($tip / 100);
   $total_amount = $meal + $tax_amount + $tip_amount;
   return $total_amount;

} ?>


Returning by Reference

   <source lang="html4strict">

function &return_fish( ) {

           $fish = "Wanda";
           return $fish;
   $fish_ref =& return_fish( );

Returning More Than One Value

   <source lang="html4strict">

<?php function addandsubtract ($firstvalue, $secondvalue){

   $firstreturnvalue = ($firstvalue + $secondvalue); 
   $secondreturnvalue = ($firstvalue - $secondvalue); 
   $myarray = array (); 
   $myarray[0] = $firstreturnvalue; 
   $myarray[1] = $secondreturnvalue; 
   return $myarray; 

} $myarray = array (); $myarray = addandsubtract (10, 3); echo $myarray[0] . "
"; echo $myarray[1]; ?>


Returning Values by Reference

   <source lang="html4strict">

<?php class myclass {

   private $thevalue; 
   private $theword; 
   public function __construct (){ 
       $num_args = func_num_args(); 
       if($num_args > 0){ 
           $args = func_get_args(); 
           $this->theword = $args[0]; 
   public function setvalue ($newvalue){ 
       $this->thevalue = $newvalue; 
   public function getvalue () { 
       return $this->thevalue; 
   public function getword () { 
       return $this->theword; 

} $myclass1 = new myclass ("A"); $myclass1->setvalue (1);

$myclass2 = new myclass ("B"); $myclass2->setvalue (2);

$myclass3 = new myclass ("C"); $myclass3->setvalue (3);

$myclass4 = new myclass ("D"); $myclass4->setvalue (4);

$classarr = array ($myclass1,$myclass2,$myclass3,$myclass4); function &findclass ($whichclass,$classarr){

   for ($i = 0; $i < count ($classarr); $i++){ 
       if ($classarr[$i]->getvalue() == $whichclass){ 
           return $classarr[$i]; 

} $myobject = new myclass (""); $myobject =& findclass (3,$classarr); echo $myobject->getword(); ?>


return multiple values from a function

   <source lang="html4strict">


  function retrieve_user_profile() {
     $user[] = "Jason";
     $user[] = "";
     $user[] = "English";
     return $user;
  list($name,$email,$language) = retrieve_user_profile();
  echo "Name: $name, email: $email, preferred language: $language";



User-Defined Function to Determine a Leap Year

   <source lang="html4strict">


   function is_leapyear($year = 2004) {
       $is_leap = (!($year % 4) && (($year % 100) || !($year % 400)));
       return $is_leap;
   $answer = is_leapyear(2000);
   if($answer) {
       echo "2000 is a leap year
"; } else { echo "2000 is not a leap year.
"; } $answer = is_leapyear(); if($answer) { echo "2003 is a leap year.
"; } else { echo "2003 is not a leap year.
"; }



Using an array returned from a function

   <source lang="html4strict">

<? function myFunction2($meal, $tax, $tip) {

   $tax_amount  = $meal * ($tax / 100);
   $tip_amount  = $meal * ($tip / 100);
   $total_notip = $meal + $tax_amount;
   $total_tip   = $meal + $tax_amount + $tip_amount;
   return array($total_notip, $total_tip);

} $totals = myFunction2(15.22, 8.25, 15); if ($totals[0] < 20) {

   print "The total without tip is less than $20.";

} if ($totals[1] < 20) {

   print "The total with tip is less than $20.";

} ?>
