PHP/Operator/Conditional Operator

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Conditional Operator

   <source lang="html4strict">


 function is_odd()
   global $num;
echo("$num is an odd number
 function is_even()
   global $num;
echo("$num is an even number

?> <html>

 <title>Conditional Operator</title>
 $num = 57;
 ( $num % 2 != 0 ) ? is_odd() : is_even();
 $num = 44;
 ( $num % 2 != 0 ) ? is_odd() : is_even();



Conditional Statements

   <source lang="html4strict">


           $Age = 20;
           if ($Age < 18) {
                   print "You"re young - enjoy it!\n";
           } else {
                   print "You"re not under 18\n";
           if ($Age >= 18 && $Age < 50) {
                   print "You"re in the prime of your life\n";
           } else {
                   print "You"re not in the prime of your life\n";
           if ($Age >= 50) {
                   print "You can retire soon - hurrah!\n";
           } else {
                   print "You cannot retire soon :( ";

Less-than and greater-than

   <source lang="html4strict">

<? $age = 8; if ($age > 17) {

   print "> 17";

} if ($age >= 65) {

   print ">= 65";

} $kelvin_temp = 0; if ($kelvin_temp < 20.3) {

   print "< 20.3";

} ?>


The trinary operator

   <source lang="html4strict">

<? $first_num =2; $second_num = 1; $max_num = $first_num > $second_num ? $first_num : $second_num; echo($max_num); ?>
