PHP/Reflection/get object vars

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get_object_vars() function returns an array containing the properties of the attributes.

   <source lang="html4strict">

Its syntax is: array get_object_vars (object obj_name) //Obtaining object variables

<? class car {

    var $doors;
    var $wheels;
    function car($doors, $wheels) {
         $this->doors = $doors;
         $this->wheels = $wheels;
    function get_wheels() {
         return $this->wheels;

} $toyota = new car(2,400); $vars = get_object_vars($toyota); while (list($key, $value) = each($vars)) :

  print "$key ==> $value 

endwhile; ?>


Obtaining Variable Names

   <source lang="html4strict">

<? class Shape { function __construct($numberOfSides = 3, $sideLength = 10) { } $square = new Shape(Shape::NUM_SIDES_SQUARE);

Shape class variables: %s

print_r(get_class_vars("Shape"), TRUE));

\$square object variables: %s

print_r(get_object_vars($square), TRUE)); ?>
