JavaScript Reference/Javascript Properties/trueSpeed

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"trueSpeed" Example

   <source lang="javascript">

<html> <body> <script language="JavaScript">

   function function1(){
       document.all.myMarquee.trueSpeed = false;

</script> <marquee id="myMarquee" bgcolor="red"></marquee> <input type="button" value="truespeed" onClick="function1();"> </body> </html>


"trueSpeed" is applied to

   <source lang="javascript">

+----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | Applied_To |<marquee> | +----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+


"trueSpeed" Possible Values

   <source lang="javascript">

Possible Values true sets the speed to the scrollDelay value false the default; sets the speed to 60


"trueSpeed" Syntax and Note

   <source lang="javascript">

Note: Read and write property. Is the speed of <marquee> faster than a scrollDelay value of 60.


document.all.marqueeID.trueSpeed = value
