Flash / Flex / ActionScript/Data Type/int

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An example of a for statement that outputs the numbers from 0 to 999

   <source lang="java">


 import flash.display.Sprite;
 public class Main extends Sprite{
   public function Main(){
       for (var i:int = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
       trace ("That"s the end.");



Combining operators with assignment will use the left-hand side of the expression as the first operand

   <source lang="java">


 import flash.display.Sprite;
 public class Main extends Sprite{
   public function Main(){
       var a=10;
       a = a + 10;
       //can be more concisely written as
       a += 10;



Contains reusable methods for operations pertaining to int values

   <source lang="java">

package com.adobe.utils {

 import flash.utils.Endian;
  * Contains reusable methods for operations pertaining 
  * to int values.
 public class IntUtil {
    * Rotates x left n bits
    * @langversion ActionScript 3.0
    * @playerversion Flash 9.0
    * @tiptext
   public static function rol ( x:int, n:int ):int {
     return ( x << n ) | ( x >>> ( 32 - n ) );
    * Rotates x right n bits
    * @langversion ActionScript 3.0
    * @playerversion Flash 9.0
    * @tiptext
   public static function ror ( x:int, n:int ):uint {
     var nn:int = 32 - n;
     return ( x << nn ) | ( x >>> ( 32 - nn ) );
   /** String for quick lookup of a hex character based on index */
   private static var hexChars:String = "0123456789abcdef";
    * Outputs the hex value of a int, allowing the developer to specify
    * the endinaness in the process.  Hex output is lowercase.
    * @param n The int value to output as hex
    * @param bigEndian Flag to output the int as big or little endian
    * @return A string of length 8 corresponding to the 
    *    hex representation of n ( minus the leading "0x" )
    * @langversion ActionScript 3.0
    * @playerversion Flash 9.0
    * @tiptext
   public static function toHex( n:int, bigEndian:Boolean = false ):String {
     var s:String = "";
     if ( bigEndian ) {
       for ( var i:int = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
         s += hexChars.charAt( ( n >> ( ( 3 - i ) * 8 + 4 ) ) & 0xF ) 
           + hexChars.charAt( ( n >> ( ( 3 - i ) * 8 ) ) & 0xF );
     } else {
       for ( var x:int = 0; x < 4; x++ ) {
         s += hexChars.charAt( ( n >> ( x * 8 + 4 ) ) & 0xF )
           + hexChars.charAt( ( n >> ( x * 8 ) ) & 0xF );
     return s;



Creates a variable named width, of type int, and assigns it the value 25

   <source lang="java">


 import flash.display.Sprite;
 public class Main extends Sprite{
   public function Main(){
       var width:int = 25;



Display a sequence of square roots

   <source lang="java">


 import flash.display.Sprite;
 public class Main extends Sprite{
   public function Main(){
       for (var i:Number = 50; i > 2; i = Math.sqrt(i)) {



Include the number variable in a string expression. This will implicitly convert the number to a String.

   <source lang="java">


 import flash.display.Sprite;
 public class Main extends Sprite{
   public function Main(){
       for (var i:int = 99; i > 0; i--) {
           trace(i + "bottles of beer on the wall");



parseInt(): interpret the text as a number in an arbitrary base.

   <source lang="java">


 import flash.display.Sprite;
 public class Main extends Sprite{
   public function Main(){
    trace(parseInt("3.14")); // 3




The int type is perfect for counters, and is frequently found in for loops:

   <source lang="java">


 import flash.display.Sprite;
 public class Main extends Sprite{
   public function Main(){
        for (var i:int = 0; i < 1000; i++){




   <source lang="java">


 import flash.display.Sprite;
 public class Main extends Sprite{
   public function Main(){
         var x = 2 / 3;




   <source lang="java">


 import flash.display.Sprite;
 public class Main extends Sprite{
   public function Main(){
         var x = 2 / 3;




   <source lang="java">


 import flash.display.Sprite;
 public class Main extends Sprite{
   public function Main(){
     var x = 2 / 3;



Use int() to convert string to integer

   <source lang="java">


 import flash.display.Sprite;
 public class Main extends Sprite{
   public function Main(){
        trace(int("3.14")); // 3




You can also use exponential notation to declare numbers.

   <source lang="java">


 import flash.display.Sprite;
 public class Main extends Sprite{
   public function Main(){
        2.007e3; // 2007
        1414e-3; // 1.414
        1.9e+17; // 190,000,000,000,000,000

