HTML/CSS/Table Tags/tbody

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"tbody" Example

<title>tbody element example</title>
<table width="500" align="center">
    <thead style="color:blue" align="center">
        <td>This cell is in the thead rows group.</td>
        <td>This cell is in the thead rows group.</td>
        <td>This cell is in the thead rows group.</td>
           <td>This cell is in the tbody rows group.</td>
           <td>This cell is in the tbody rows group.</td>
           <td>This cell is in the tbody rows group.</td>
           <td>This cell is in the tbody rows group.</td>
           <td>This cell is in the tbody rows group.</td>
           <td>This cell is in the tbody rows group.</td>
    <tfoot style="color:red" align="right">
        <td>This cell is in the tfoot rows group.</td>
        <td>This cell is in the tfoot rows group.</td>
        <td>This cell is in the tfoot rows group.</td>