HTML CSS Reference/CSS Attributes and Javascript Style Properties/ime mode

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"ime-mode" Example

   <source lang="html4strict">

<html> <body> <input id="myInput"

      value="This input control has ime-mode property set to "inactive"">

<button onclick=""active"">Set imeMode property to active</button> <button onclick=""inactive"">Set imeMode property to inactive</button> </body> </html>


"ime-mode" is applied to

   <source lang="html4strict">

+----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | Applied_To |currentStyle <input type="text"> | | |runtimeStyle style | | |<textarea> | +----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+


"ime-mode" Possible Values

   <source lang="html4strict">

Possible Values auto, active, inactive, disabled.


"ime-mode" Syntax and Note

   <source lang="html4strict">

Note: the mode of an Input Method Editor (IME), IME is a special device for writing Chinese, Japanese, and Korean scripts. Syntax:

element { ime-mode: value } = "value" = "value"
