HTML CSS Reference/CSS Attributes and Javascript Style Properties/ruby align

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"ruby-align" Example

   <source lang="html4strict">

<html> <body>

Click to change the ruby alignment to right.

   base text
   ruby text

</ruby> </div> </body> </HTML>


"ruby-align" is applied to

   <source lang="html4strict">

+----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | Applied_To |currentStyle | | |runtimeStyle style | +----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+


"ruby-align" Possible Values

   <source lang="html4strict">

Possible Values auto (the default), left, center, right, distribute-letter (justifies), distribute-space (justifies, adding one blank space at the begin and end), line-edge (if ruby text is next to a line edge, the ruby text side is aligned

                  with the base text side; otherwise, it is centered).    

"ruby-align" Syntax and Note

   <source lang="html4strict">

Note: Sets the ruby text horizontal alignment. Syntax:

element { ruby-align: value } = "value" = "value"
