HTML CSS Reference/HTML Attributes Reference/bgcolor

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"bgcolor" Example

<Title>Example For bgcolor</Title>
<table bgcolor="white">
   <col span="2" bgcolor="blue">
   <col bgcolor="green">
   <tr><td>table cell</td></tr>

bgcolor is applied to

| Applied_To     |<body>                          <col>                         |
|                |<colgroup>                      <marquee>                     |
|                |<table>                         <tbody>                       |
|                |<td>                            <tfoot>                       |
|                |<th>                            <thead>                       |
|                |<tr>                                                          |

"bgcolor" Syntax and Note

This attribute defines the background color. 
Its value is either a color name or a hexadecimal color value using the 
"#RRGGBB" method.
<element bgcolor="value"> . . . </element>