HTML CSS Reference/HTML Tag Reference/base

Материал из Web эксперт
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"base" CSS Attributes and JavaScript Style Properties

Names noted with an asterisk (*) are JavaScript properties only.
| CSS            |background-position-x           background-position-y         |
| Attributes     |behavior                        layout-grid                   |
| and            |layout-grid-mode                pixelBottom(*)                |
| JavaScript     |pixelHeight(*)                  pixelLeft(*)                  |
| Style          |pixelRight(*)                   pixelTop(*)                   |
| Properties     |pixelWidth(*)                   posBottom(*)                  |
|                |posHeight(*)                    posLeft(*)                    |
|                |posRight(*)                     posTop(*)                     |
|                |posWidth(*)                     text-autospace                |
|                |text-underline-position                                       |

"base" Event Handlers

| Event          |onLayoutComplete                onMouseEnter                  |
| Handlers       |onMouseLeave                    onReadyStateChange            |

"base" Example

   <title>base element example</title>
      <base href="" target="_blank">
         <a href="index.htm">Click here</a> to go to the page.

"base" HTML Attributes

| HTML           |href                            id                            |
| Attributes     |target                                                        |

"base" JavaScript Collections

| JavaScript     |all                             attributes                    |
| Collections    |behaviorUrns                    childNodes                    |
|                |children                                                      |

"base" JavaScript Methods

| JavaScript     |addBehavior                     appendChild                   |
| Methods        |applyElement                    attachEvent                   |
|                |clearAttributes                 cloneNode                     |
|                |componentFromPoint              contains                      |
|                |detachEvent                     fireEvent                     |
|                |getAdjacentText                 getAttribute                  |
|                |getAttributeNode                getBoundingClientRect         |
|                |getClientRects                  getElementsByTagName          |
|                |hasChildNodes                   insertAdjacentElement         |
|                |insertBefore                    mergeAttributes               |
|                |normalize                       removeAttribute               |
|                |removeAttributeNode             removeBehavior                |
|                |removeChild                     replaceAdjacentText           |
|                |replaceChild                    setAttribute                  |
|                |setAttributeNode                swapNode                      |

"base" JavaScript Properties

| JavaScript     |canHaveHTML                     className                     |
| Properties     |clientHeight                    clientWidth                   |
|                |dir                             firstChild                    |
|                |href                            id                            |
|                |innerHTML                       isContentEditable             |
|                |isDisabled                      isMultiLine                   |
|                |isTextEdit                      lang                          |
|                |lastChild                       nextSibling                   |
|                |nodeName                        nodeType                      |
|                |nodeValue                       offsetHeight                  |
|                |offsetLeft                      offsetParent                  |
|                |offsetTop                       offsetWidth                   |
|                |ownerDocument                   parentElement                 |
|                |parentNode                      parentTextEdit                |
|                |previousSibling                 readyState                    |
|                |scopeName                       scrollHeight                  |
|                |scrollLeft                      scrollTop                     |
|                |scrollWidth                     sourceIndex                   |
|                |tagName                         tagUrn                        |
|                |target                          title                         |
|                |uniqueID                                                      |

"base" Microsoft Behaviors

| Microsoft      |clientCaps                      download                      |
| Behaviors      |homePage                                                      |

"base" Syntax and Note

Set a base URL for the website. 
<base attributes events>