HTML CSS Reference/HTML Tag Reference/bgsound

Материал из Web эксперт
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"bgsound" CSS Attributes and JavaScript Style Properties

| CSS            |behavior                        text-autospace                |
| Attributes     |text-underline-position                                       |

"bgsound" Event Handlers

| Event          |onLayoutComplete                onMouseEnter                  |
| Handlers       |onMouseLeave                    onReadyStateChange            |

"bgsound" Example

      <title>bgsound element example</title>
      <bgsound src="yoursoundfile.wav" loop="3">
      <script language="javascript">
          function stopSound() {
               document.all.tags("bgsound")[0].volume = -10000; 
          function restartStop() {
               document.all.tags("bgsound")[0].volume = 0;
   <button type="button" onClick="stopSound()">Stop the music</button>
   <button type="button" onClick="restartStop()">Restart the music</button> 

"bgsound" HTML Attributes

| HTML           |balance                         id                            |
| Attributes     |loop                            src                           |
|                |volume                                                        |

"bgsound" JavaScript Collections

| JavaScript     |all                             attributes                    |
| Collections    |behaviorUrns                                                  |

"bgsound" JavaScript Methods

| JavaScript     |addBehavior                     applyElement                  |
| Methods        |attachEvent                     clearAttributes               |
|                |cloneNode                       componentFromPoint            |
|                |detachEvent                     dragDrop                      |
|                |fireEvent                       getAttribute                  |
|                |getAttributeNode                getElementsByTagName          |
|                |insertAdjacentElement           mergeAttributes               |
|                |normalize                       removeAttribute               |
|                |removeAttributeNode             removeBehavior                |
|                |setAttribute                    setAttributeNode              |
|                |swapNode                                                      |

"bgsound" JavaScript Properties

| JavaScript     |balance                         canHaveHTML                   |
| Properties     |disabled                        id                            |
|                |isContentEditable               isDisabled                    |
|                |isMultiLine                     loop                          |
|                |nextSibling                     nodeName                      |
|                |nodeType                        nodeValue                     |
|                |outerHTML                       outerText                     |
|                |parentElement                   parentNode                    |
|                |parentTextEdit                  previousSibling               |
|                |readyState                      scopeName                     |
|                |sourceIndex                     src                           |
|                |tagName                         tagUrn                        |
|                |uniqueID                        volume                        |

"bgsound" Microsoft Behaviors

| Microsoft      |clientCaps                      download                      |
| Behaviors      |homePage                                                      |

"bgsound" Syntax and Note

Play a sound while the user visits the page. 
<bgsound> is only allowed inside the <head> element. 
The sound file specified in its src attribute.
The file format can be in the .wav, .au, or .mid formats.
<bgsound attributes events>