HTML CSS Reference/HTML Tag Reference/dir

Материал из Web эксперт
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"dir" CSS Attributes and JavaScript Style Properties

Names noted with an asterisk (*) are JavaScript properties only.
| CSS            |!important                      accelerator                   |
| Attributes     |background                      background-attachment         |
| and            |background-color                background-image              |
| JavaScript     |background-position             background-position-x         |
| Style          |background-position-y           background-repeat             |
| Properties     |behavior                        border                        |
|                |border-bottom                   border-bottom-color           |
|                |border-bottom-style             border-bottom-width           |
|                |border-color                    border-left                   |
|                |border-left-color               border-left-style             |
|                |border-left-width               border-right                  |
|                |border-right-color              border-right-style            |
|                |border-right-width              border-style                  |
|                |border-top                      border-top-color              |
|                |border- top-style               border-top-width              |
|                |border-width                    bottom                        |
|                |clear                           clip                          |
|                |color                           cursor                        |
|                |direction                       display                       |
|                |filter                          float                         |
|                |font                            font-family                   |
|                |font-size                       font-style                    |
|                |font-variant                    font-weight                   |
|                |hasLayout(*)                    height                        |
|                |layout-flow                     layout-grid                   |
|                |layout-grid- char               layout-grid-line              |
|                |layout-grid-mode                layout-grid-type              |
|                |left                            letter-spacing                |
|                |line-break                      line-height                   |
|                |margin                          margin-bottom                 |
|                |margin-left                     margin-right                  |
|                |margin- top                     overflow                      |
|                |overflow-x                      overflow-y                    |
|                |padding                         padding-bottom                |
|                |padding-left                    padding-right                 |
|                |padding-top                     page-break-after              |
|                |pixelBottom(*)                  pixelHeight(*)                |
|                |pixelLeft(*)                    pixelRight(*)                 |
|                |pixelTop(*)                     pixelWidth(*)                 |
|                |posBottom(*)                    posHeight(*)                  |
|                |position                        posLeft(*)                    |
|                |posRight(*)                     posTop(*)                     |
|                |posWidth(*)                     right                         |
|                |styleFloat(*)                   text-align                    |
|                |text-autospace                  text-decoration               |
|                |text-indent                     text-justify                  |
|                |text- overflow                  text-transform                |
|                |text-underline-position         textDecorationBlink(*)        |
|                |textDecorationLineThrough(*)    textDecorationNone(*)         |
|                |textDecorationOverline(*)       textDecorationUnderline(*)    |
|                |top                             unicode-bidi                  |
|                |visibility                      white-space                   |
|                |width                           word- break                   |
|                |word-spacing                    word-wrap                     |
|                |writing-mode                    z-index                       |
|                |zoom                                                          |

"dir" Event Handlers

| Event          |onActivate                      onBeforeActivate              |
| Handlers       |onBeforeCopy                    onBeforeCut                   |
|                |onBeforeDeactivate              onBeforeEditFocus             |
|                |onBeforePaste                   onBlur                        |
|                |onClick                         onContextMenu                 |
|                |onControlSelect                 onCopy                        |
|                |onCut                           onDblClick                    |
|                |onDeactivate                    onDrag                        |
|                |onDragEnd                       onDragEnter                   |
|                |onDragLeave                     onDragOver                    |
|                |onDragStart                     onDrop                        |
|                |onFocus                         onFocusIn                     |
|                |onFocusOut                      onHelp                        |
|                |onKeyDown                       onKeyPress                    |
|                |onKeyUp                         onLoseCapture                 |
|                |onMouseDown                     onMouseEnter                  |
|                |onMouseLeave                    onMouseMove                   |
|                |onMouseOut                      onMouseOver                   |
|                |onMouseUp                       onMouseWheel                  |
|                |onMove                          onMoveEnd                     |
|                |onMoveStart                     onPaste                       |
|                |onPropertyChange                onReadyStateChange            |
|                |onResize                        onResizeEnd                   |
|                |onResizeStart                   onSelectStart                 |
|                |onTimeError                                                   |

"dir" Example

<title>dir element example</title>

"dir" HTML Attributes

| HTML           |accesskey                       begin                         |
| Attributes     |class                           compact                       |
|                |contenteditable                 dir                           |
|                |disabled                        end                           |
|                |hidefocus                       id                            |
|                |lang                            language                      |
|                |style                           syncmaster                    |
|                |systemBitrate                   systemCaptions                |
|                |systemLanguage                  systemOverdubOrSubtitle       |
|                |tabindex                        timecontainer                 |
|                |title                           unselectable                  |

"dir" JavaScript Collections

| JavaScript     |all                             attributes                    |
| Collections    |behaviorUrns                    childNodes                    |
|                |children                                                      |

"dir" JavaScript Methods

| JavaScript     |addBehavior                     appendChild                   |
| Methods        |applyElement                    attachEvent                   |
|                |blur                            clearAttributes               |
|                |click                           cloneNode                     |
|                |componentFromPoint              contains                      |
|                |detachEvent                     fireEvent                     |
|                |focus                           getAdjacentText               |
|                |getAttribute                    getAttributeNode              |
|                |getBoundingClientRect           getClientRects                |
|                |getElementsByTagName            getExpression                 |
|                |hasChildNodes                   insertAdjacentElement         |
|                |insertAdjacentHTML              insertAdjacentText            |
|                |insertBefore                    mergeAttributes               |
|                |normalize                       releaseCapture                |
|                |removeAttribute                 removeAttributeNode           |
|                |removeBehavior                  removeChild                   |
|                |removeExpression                removeNode                    |
|                |replaceAdjacentText             replaceChild                  |
|                |replaceNode                     scrollIntoView                |
|                |setActive                       setAttribute                  |
|                |setAttributeNode                setCapture                    |
|                |setExpression                   swapNode                      |

"dir" JavaScript Objects

| JavaScript     |currentStyle                    runtimeStyle                  |
| Objects        |style                                                         |

"dir" JavaScript Properties

| JavaScript     |accessKey                       canHaveChildren               |
| Properties     |canHaveHTML                     className                     |
|                |clientHeight                    clientLeft                    |
|                |clientTop                       clientWidth                   |
|                |compact                         contentEditable               |
|                |cursor                          dir                           |
|                |disabled                        end                           |
|                |firstChild                      hasLayout                     |
|                |hideFocus                       id                            |
|                |innerHTML                       innerText                     |
|                |isContentEditable               isDisabled                    |
|                |isMultiLine                     isTextEdit                    |
|                |lang                            language                      |
|                |lastChild                       nextSibling                   |
|                |nodeName                        nodeType                      |
|                |nodeValue                       offsetHeight                  |
|                |offsetLeft                      offsetParent                  |
|                |offsetTop                       offsetWidth                   |
|                |outerHTML                       outerText                     |
|                |ownerDocument                   parentElement                 |
|                |parentNode                      parentTextEdit                |
|                |previousSibling                 readyState                    |
|                |scopeName                       scrollHeight                  |
|                |scrollLeft                      scrollTop                     |
|                |scrollWidth                     sourceIndex                   |
|                |tabIndex                        tagName                       |
|                |tagUrn                          title                         |
|                |uniqueID                                                      |

"dir" Microsoft Behaviors

| Microsoft      |clientCaps                      download                      |
| Behaviors      |homePage                        httpFolder                    |
|                |saveFavorite                    saveHistory                   |
|                |saveSnapshot                    time                          |
|                |time2                           userData                      |

"dir" Microsoft Filters

| Microsoft      |Alpha                           Barn                          |
| Filters        |BasicImage                      BlendTrans                    |
|                |Blinds                          Blur                          |
|                |CheckerBoard                    Chroma                        |
|                |Compositor                      DropShadow                    |
|                |Emboss                          Engrave                       |
|                |Fade                            FlipH                         |
|                |FlipV                           Glow                          |
|                |GradientWipe                    Gray                          |
|                |ICMFilter                       Inset                         |
|                |Invert                          Iris                          |
|                |Light                           MaskFilter                    |
|                |Matrix                          MotionBlur                    |
|                |Pixelate                        RadialWipe                    |
|                |RandomBars                      RandomDissolve                |
|                |RevealTrans                     Shadow                        |
|                |Slide                           Spiral                        |
|                |Stretch                         Strips                        |
|                |Wave                            Wheel                         |
|                |Xray                            Zigzag                        |

"dir" Syntax and Note

Display a bulleted list (Use <ul> element instead). 
<dir attributes events> . . . </dir>