HTML CSS Reference/HTML Tag Reference/head

Материал из Web эксперт
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"head" CSS Attributes and JavaScript Style Properties

Names noted with an asterisk (*) are JavaScript properties only.
| CSS            |background-position-x           background-position-y         |
| Attributes     |behavior                        layout-grid                   |
| and            |layout-grid-mode                pixelBottom(*)                |
| JavaScript     |pixelHeight(*)                  pixelLeft(*)                  |
| Style          |pixelRight(*)                   pixelTop(*)                   |
| Properties     |pixelWidth(*)                   posBottom(*)                  |
|                |posHeight(*)                    posLeft(*)                    |
|                |posRight(*)                     posTop(*)                     |
|                |posWidth(*)                     text-autospace                |
|                |text-underline-position         zoom                          |

"head" Event Handlers

| Event          |onLayoutComplete                onReadyStateChange            |

"head" Example

    <title>head element example</title>
     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
     <script language="javascript">
         <!-- alert("Hi"); -->
    <meta name="description" CONTENT=" Java examples (example source code) Organized by topic " />
    <meta name="keywords" CONTENT=" Java examples (example source code) Organized by topic "/>
    <meta http-equiv="content-style-type" content="text/css"/>     
<body>This is the content of the page</body>

"head" HTML Attributes

| HTML           |class                           dir                           |
| Attributes     |id                              lang                          |
|                |profile                                                       |

"head" JavaScript Collections

| JavaScript     |all                             attributes                    |
| Collections    |behaviorUrns                    childNodes                    |
|                |children                                                      |

"head" JavaScript Methods

| JavaScript     |addBehavior                     appendChild                   |
| Methods        |applyElement                    attachEvent                   |
|                |clearAttributes                 cloneNode                     |
|                |componentFromPoint              contains                      |
|                |detachEvent                     dragDrop                      |
|                |fireEvent                       getAdjacentText               |
|                |getAttribute                    getAttributeNode              |
|                |getElementsByTagName            hasChildNodes                 |
|                |insertAdjacentElement           insertBefore                  |
|                |mergeAttributes                 normalize                     |
|                |removeAttribute                 removeAttributeNode           |
|                |removeBehavior                  removeChild                   |
|                |removeNode                      replaceAdjacentText           |
|                |replaceChild                    replaceNode                   |
|                |setAttribute                    setAttributeNode              |
|                |swapNode                                                      |

"head" JavaScript Properties

| JavaScript     |align                           canHaveChildren               |
| Properties     |canHaveHTML                     className                     |
|                |clientHeight                    clientWidth                   |
|                |dir                             disabled                      |
|                |firstChild                      id                            |
|                |innerHTML                       isContentEditable             |
|                |isDisabled                      isMultiLine                   |
|                |isTextEdit                      lang                          |
|                |lastChild                       nextSibling                   |
|                |nodeName                        nodeType                      |
|                |nodeValue                       offsetHeight                  |
|                |offsetLeft                      offsetParent                  |
|                |offsetTop                       offsetWidth                   |
|                |ownerDocument                   parentElement                 |
|                |parentNode                      parentTextEdit                |
|                |previousSibling                 profile                       |
|                |readyState                      scopeName                     |
|                |scrollHeight                    scrollLeft                    |
|                |scrollTop                       scrollWidth                   |
|                |sourceIndex                     tagName                       |
|                |tagUrn                          title                         |
|                |uniqueID                                                      |

"head" Microsoft Behaviors

| Microsoft      |clientCaps                      download                      |
| Behaviors      |homePage                                                      |

"head" Syntax and Note

This element creates the header section of an HTML document. 
In header, you can 1)define the title of the document, 
                   2)establish links to CSS style sheets, 
                   3)reference JavaScript code, and so on.
<head attributes events> . . . </head>